Ren: Hi, ya'll! I wish I'd get some reviews...I feel like my buddy now who almost NEVER gets reviews...

Kitsune: HEY!

Ren: Oh, were there?

Kitsune: Yea...

Ren: Oops...

Sonic: Can we get to the story before I fall asleep!? ...Why am I here anyway?

Ren: I dunno...

Kitsune: Because I chained you to the wall over there. -drools over Sonic-

Sonic: Ugh! -backs up- Whatever...GET ME OUT!! I'm trapped here by a rabid fangirl!! AAH!

Ren: ...

Shadow: ...Idiot...

Ren: Totally...if he'd just take off his shoes...

Shadow: He won't figure it out...

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue me or shoot me please, like the last guy!

Chapter 3 Knuckles' Closet

So, it's late at night, and everyone but Tails and Cream are asleep. The two of them just finished watching The Omen and a TV show called when Echindas Go Bad! (I do, uh, hopefully, own that...Really random)

Tails was lost in thought, thinking about what could be in Knuckles' room after watching the recent episode, which happened to be one where a nice echinda was actually going to kill everyone and everything cause he so pissed off at everything/everyone bothering him or for some reason pissing near the damn house!

"What is Knuckles is going to do that? Or worse!? OR...OR!!! ...OMIGOSH!!!" Tails thought, while Cream looked like she was going to have a freaking heart attack from being scared like hell.

"Hey, Cream..." Tails began, when Cream screamed. "OW MY EARS!! CREAM SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" "Sorry, Tails...I'm still scared shitless..." "No shit! Anyway, have you ever wondered what's in Knuckles' room?" Tails asked, when Cheese suddenly came into the room, dragging a sleeping Shadow, snuggling his pillow, to the kitchen.

"Uh...Cheese? What are you...Oh don't tell me you drank Shadow's beer again!" Cream said, trying to grab her net to get Cheese.

"Forget about that! Besides, Shadow wakes up if something is poured hot on him anyway. Lets go check out..." Tails said, only to find Cream chugging down some beer too and helping Cheese to try and grill Shadow, where someone will be saved by Rouge later with cheese, some milk, a blanket, and a pillow.

"Uh...nevermind then..." Tails said, creeping down to Knuckles room, where incredibly loud snores could be heard.

"What the hell? Knuckles sure is loud..." Tails said quietly as he opened the door. Knuckles was cuddling his pillow, drooling like an idiot, his dreads all over the place, and had one shoe on. The other foot...Lets just say it needed a power sander to even look barely good. Tails held back a laugh and stopped a light from Knuckles' closet. "Oooh. Lets try in there!" thought Tails.

He opened the closet and dug through all the gloves and shoes and...A fuzzy, pink tube top with matching miniskirt? ...Apparently pink dye too in the back...till Tails fell through all the crap and landed on his face.

"Ow!" Tails, rubbing his head, looked up to find a shrine of Rouge..."I KNEW IT! He DOES like Rouge!" Tails said, then added, "In a creepy, obsessive and probably stalkish way..." Atleast one piece of every type of clothes Rouge ever touched or owned, (like her bras, underwear, so forth,) was lined around it with jewels on this little shrine that looked like a mini version of the shrine for the Master Emerald. There were tons of pictures of her...and if you looked inside, well you don't Very disturbing...

Down the hall, Tails could hear the sound of a "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, CREAM AND CHEESE!?" and tons of girlish screaming, which unfortunately woke up Knuckles who, on instinct, jumped through all the crap in his closet and landed right in front of Tails. Tails was trying to creep out of there, and Knuckles was making a little prayer at the shrine which a little like this...

"Dear God which I hope looks like Rouge. Please let Rouge like me and never let her have to see this shrine...She'd probably kick my ass into next century if she knew I was taking her bras and crap...mostly her bras and the pictures...I'd probably get a whip beating with a bomb end THEN get my ass killed...Thank you..."

Tails couldn't help it, and he laughed his ass off. Knuckles though, sleeps with ear plugs because of his snoring, so he didn't hear Tails. (The ear plugs look like, guess? Rouge! Ding ding ding!) Tails quickly went through the crap though and rushed to the kitchen to find Cream, only to find an evilly smiling pleased Shadow drinking some beer while Cream and Cheese were slowly being put into a giant cauldron of boiling cooking oil, carrots, and other edibles. Tails just looked at Shadow and shook his head. "Why do I live with alchoholics?" Tails muttered and turned to leave when Shadow said, "Yo, Tails. You want some Rabbit-and-Chao stew in a little bit?" "Uh, no..." Tails replied, to find a Rouge with some cheese, some milk, a blanket and a pillow.

So, in the end of this retarded story, Rouge saved Cream and Cheese from being Shadow's next meal and made Shadow go back to sleep, Knuckles never found out that Tails discovered his little shrine, Tails told Rouge about the shrine who swore not to tell Knuckles who told her, and Rouge ended up murdering Knuckles with some cheese, bees, and honey. I have no idea how she did it either...

End Chapter 2 Knuckles' Closet

Ren: Okay, 8 am and I did it! Woohoo!

Kitsune: Freak...

Ren: HEY! -grabs Shadow Rifle from Shadow the Hedgehog the game-

Kitsune: OH SH--- -BLAST!-


Shadow: -grabs back rifle- That's...MY...gun...-looks at Kitsune- ...Niiiiice...

Ren: Thanks!

Sonic: O.O -runs-


Shadow: -shoots Amy- Always wanted to do that...

Ren: Me too! Anyway, R&R please!