A/N: Hi waves Urm! Here's my contribution to some H/Hr love, just because really i think there was always ultimately something between them. Right so quick pointer just wanted to thank Steve/Jim For the inspiration for writing this fic (it's definetly not up to his standards but then again he has a natural talent!)

Disclaimer: All this stuff (Except the plot) belongs to JK Rowling but she let me borrow them (honestly!!!!) I'll give them back sighs


"Falling Asleep"

Harry lay awake in the boy's dormitory counting the seconds going by, for some reason Harry couldn't sleep; his eyes stared at the ceiling following the patterns it made, he didn't feel tired at all.

Harry sighed and glanced at his watch it read 1:04 AM Harry sighed again and sat up; there was no way he was ever going to get sleep tonight, he may as well make a start on the horrible potions essay he had been given earlier that day.

Harry stood from his bed grabbed his potions book stuffed some parchment, his quill and ink inside the book, took his dressing gown and descended the stairs leading to the common room, Harry sat on an overstuffed sofa near the still burning and crackling fire, he pulled the parchment from inside the book and started reading, as if on cue Harry's eyelids started to droop.

"Harry?" Hermione stumbled down the stairs rubbing her eyes blearily "I can't sleep" She admitted tightening her royal red dressing gown she continued to walk towards Harry pausing at the arm of the sofa

"Me neither, I decided to make a start on my potions essay, but now I've started I'm tired" Harry chuckled and placed his potions book on the floor, he brought his knees down and beckoned for Hermione to join him

"That is so typical of you" Hermione laughed sitting opposite to Harry so their legs were overlapping

"What is?" Harry asked desperately trying to keep awake

"As soon as you start a piece of homework, you want sleep but when you're lying in a comfy bed at" She checked her watch "1:21 you don't"

"Hey! I don't pick who I am!" Harry smiled sleepily and Hermione laughed

"Go to sleep if you want, I'm not fussed" Hermione replied twisting a piece of hair around her fingers "I could always read your potions book Harry" Hermione sounded excited at the prospect of staying up in to the early hours of the morning to read a book on potions where as typically, Harry was not.

"As exciting as that sounds Hermione, I think i'll pass" Harry told her

"Here, let me read your potions book to you" Hermione giggled moving to pick up Harry's copy of Advanced Potion Making from the floor

"Oh no you don't!" Harry laughed grabbing Hermione and pulling her back on the sofa

She laughed and landed wedged between the back of the sofa and Harry, he turned on his side facing her and immediately felt himself falling into the world of sleep

"Night Hermione" Harry yawned and Hermione smiled brushing hair from his forehead she traced her thumb over his scar, lost in her own world of thought she replied;

"Night Harry"

She began to move from him

"Don't think you're getting away that easy" Harry mumbled pulling her back down so she was lying; her face inches from Harry's

"You were awake?" Hermione whispered wide eyed

"Of course I don't fall asleep just like that you know" Harry replied his eyes still closed

"Sorry, I thought..."

"Just sleep next to me Hermione and for once do it quietly" Harry grinned wickedly

Hermione hit his arm her mouth gaping open

"How do you know how I sleep?!" She exclaimed

"I'm very clever" Harry smiled slightly and wrapped an arm round Hermione's waist bringing her closer "Goodnight, and if I forget to tell you in the morning"

Harry paused opening his eyes to watch Hermione's reaction

"Happy Birthday"

Hermione smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead

"Thank you" She whispered resting her head on his; the two fell asleep in complete comfort and happiness.


So there was my complete fluff fest! sorry it didn't have any real romantic bits in it but still i thought it was rather cute!

R&R Please! i might continue this if i get enough reviews!