(ignore bold below if you don't want to read my rambling lol)
A/N: Hello readers! One movie i'm looking forward to seeing is the new movie "Valkyrie" staring Tom Cruise. Since I have a keen eye for history, why not see it? It looks interesting and I also learned about Germany and Hitler during the Spring...I hope everyone had a nice New Years Eve & Day! I did lol...what I would love to do is to go to London to watch the fireworks!
Keeping you posted!
"Why is she sick?" Peter asked curiously and with concern in his blue eyes. "It is not food posioning or anything such as that. I'm growing concerned." The Nurse walked up to Susan and Edmund. "Would you know anything?" They all shook their head. "Not that we know of." The Kings and Queens were confused and baffled. Jasper had dropped by again for the day. "This is all queer." One servant added. Jasper observed Peter curiously, noting his reactions and his moves. Then, he added everything together..he knew.
Songs Inspired For Next Chapter (43):
"You Can" David Archuleta
Chapter 43
I had a funny feeling about that! Peter told us that he had given up his virginity to the lucky lady. But as time comes and passes, things have changed I see. The High King has no clue whatsoever about what is going to be presented to him in the near future..Interesting it is indeed. Ah, so I suspected. Annalissa is indeed-
"Are you going to ask Susan to be your date for the Ball?" Jaspers thoughts were cut off when Edmund began talking to him.
Jasper brought himself back into reality. "What did you just say good man?"
"Are you going to as Susan tonight about going with her next week?" The two walked towards the Eastern corridor.
He shrugged. "I don't know much about her, but she doesn't know me that well either."
"That's not a problem, spend time together more. Don't her out of your sight, that is all you have to do. Just woo her."
"Here, drink some of this." Elizabeth watched the Nurse pour some tea into a cup and gave it to her sister. "It will help."
"Thank you, miss." Annalissa took a sip and put the cup down on the side table. "I'm not feeling too well, this has been going on for a short while."
"It started early last week?" Anna nodded and rested her head on the pillow. She took a breath and closed her eyes.
"Will you be alright for the Eve of Christmas Ball? You must not miss this." Lizzy looked behind her towards the window and saw a white dove fly in through it. The bird landed on the bedpost. "Hello there Demitria. What brings you here?"
"I was told Annalissa is not well."
They nodded.
Demitria chirped, "You can't miss the party next week, we will not let you sit in this room all day! Surely there is a remedy for this sickness. But fortunately I come with this," the bird reached under her wing and pulled out a rasberry. The fruit was black with white specks, it looked delicious.
"What is that? A rasberry?" The Nurse took the berry and examined it.
The dove nodded. "They are rare in these parts of the woods. It will cure your symptoms for a full day."
"You should mix it with your drink in the morning. It will help throughout the day including the evening. But be sure to not do anything drastic."
"Is dancing considered drastic?" Elizabeth asked raising an eyebrow.
"No, no, no. Excessive drinking will ruin your system; water is the only liquid you must consume throughout the hours. No whine or kegs."
"Alright then."
"But you should drink that tea as well; it shall keep you healthy."
"Thank you for the words, Demi." The Nurse thanked the bird thoughtfully. "You have helped us indeed." And with that the bird flapped its wings and glidded through the window and outside.
"Should I do it tonight?" Edmund fidgeted with his fingers nervously.
"Are you having second thoughts?" Lucy's eyes grew wide as soon as her mouth dropped. "The ball is in a few hours!"
"I know Lu," He groaned and put his hands in his face and mumbled something unaudible.
"What was that?" Susan was in the doorway in her gown, it was mint green covered with layered white and red ruffles. The bodice was green with gold ribbons. Her hair was up and curled. Susan looked extravagent.
"Nothing," Edmund said sternly. "Just leave me alone."
"Why are you doubting yourself then?" Susan asked as she jumped softly on his brothers bed. "You have to get ready for the-"
"For the ball, yes Susan, I know." He waved his arms up.
"Everything will be fine."
"I still don't have a ring, Susan."
Susan sighed. "Here," she took a velvet box out from behind her and gave it to her younger brother. It would surely calm him down.
Edmund arched one brow towards them and slowly opened the box. His heart stopped. "Susan, thank you! Bless Aslan, this is wonderful. Where did you get this?"
The girls became silent. "From Constantine," They both said.
His expression changed. Edmund looked up from the ring and at them. "Is he here?" The girls nodded.
"Please don't hurt him or anyone tonight. You have a ring, now you can propose. Be satisfied." Susan said flatly and walked out the door.
Edmund turned toward Lucy who was still resting on a chair across from him. "She's right." There was a moment of silence. "I should be going." She got up from the chair and left her brother alone with his ring.
There was a knock. He turned his head and saw him.
Constantine was not certain if he should speak up first, but did so anyway. "That was my grandfathers ring, before he passed. I don't see myself marrying anyone in the near future or possibly ever. I'm not the one to settle down. Surely you understand."
"Why would you do something like this for me?" Edmund questioned.
"I should apologize, for trying to steal her: Elizabeth, from you. She truly loves you; and if I was less of what I am now, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. I thought about if for a short while. I want to see her happy, happy with you. I may have feelings for her, but that is all it's going to be from now on."
"Will you be in the Hall tonight as well?"
"If you want me here? Or I should say if she wants me at Cair." Constantine said, making it almost impossible for Ed to hear him.
"It is Christmas Eve! We should celebrate...forgive and forget."
"So you're just going to forget everything that happened in the past?"
"I forgive you, but I won't forget. That doesn't mean that I won't be nice to you." Edmund wrapped an arm around his friend.
Constantine smiled. "Fine by me. I shall see you in a while."
"Hello Narnians; our friends! We are happy to celebrate this wonderful night with all of you on the Eve of Christmas." Aslan said to the crowd.
Lucy smiled. "We hope you enjoy your night with all of us!"
"Tis night shall be a night to remember," Susan laughed and hugged Annalissa cheerfully.
"We have an announcement to make," Peter began. The crowd of centaurs, fawns, mice...etc looked at Peter anxiously, awaiting the news. "We have hidden wrapped gifts throughout the castle grounds. Everyone will get one and we all hope you enjoy them. Let the night begin!" The cheering began and lasted for a short time. The music began and numerous creatures danced with each other. Mr. Tumnus and Lucy laughed and danced across the dance floor.
"I made something for you, my Queen," He grabbed a box with red and white wrapping paper and handed it to her. Lucy opened the box and looked at him with her bright dancing eyes. Mr. Tumnus gave Lucy a red and green scarf that was made by him. He had handmade it! She smiled and hugged him and wrapped the scarf around her neck.
"Thank you very much! I love it." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
Susan was around Dante, Alistair, and Jasper. Peter and Edmund laughed that they were actually talking to her, having conversations. Constantine was spotted dancing with Elizabeth. Edmund smiled when he saw Elizabeth from far away. "I'd best be off. Don't want to keep my lady waiting." Ed looked at his brother. He could feel his heart race beginning to increase. He looked at the big tree behind them. Edmund walked to it, bent down and picked up a small rectangular red box. He reached in his pocket of his white tunic and felt his box in there as well. Edmund smiled to himself; he was ready. (A/N: He has 2 gifts in his pockets now).
Peter then saw Annalissa descending from the stairs towards the christmas tree. He sighed and rushed towards her.
"Are you alright?" He asked her.
Annalissa nodded. "Yes, Pete; I'm fine. But I musn't drink any wine tonight. I'm kind of tired." She placed her hand on her forehead.
"If you feel that way, you shouldn't have come down here. I don't want to see you hurt yourself." Peter kissed Anna fully on her lips.
"Like I said: I'm fine." She managed a smile. Anna took a deep breath and looked back at her lover. "Pete?"
"Hmm?" He looked down at her.
"May I talk with you outside?" She grabbed his warm hands and wrapped her fingers in his.
"Of course." The two made their way through the crowd.
Alistair saw them for a moment walking out into the wide balcony. "What do you suspect is going on between them?"
"They are in love you idiot," Jasper winked and laughed slightly. He made his way to Susan. "Would you like to dance with me?"
Susan chuckled and took his hand. "I would love to."
"Why not, let's dance with each other!" Alistair threw his hands up and cracked up. He was startled when Lucy walked up to him. Her smile was bright and pure.
"Would you care to dance, Alistair? It will be fun!" She giggled.
"It looks like you're going to have to find a raveshing lassie to dance with now." He turned his head and winked at Lucy. "I would love to dance." They left to go on the dance floor. Dante was left alone.
Edmund led Liz out to the courtyard. The moon was shinning as well as the stars. "They're beautiful," she whispered.
"Not as beautiful as you," Elizabeth blushed and barried her face in his chest. She felt him chuckle and take something out of one of his pockets. He gave her one box. Liz opened it and there was a small diamond pendant necklace. "Let me put it on you." She pulled her up and felt his hands fussing with the lock in the back. Once he was finished, he kissed her neck and faced her again. "Elizabeth, I am in love with you."
"I know you are." Elizabeth giggled and looked you. "I love you too."
He nodded, then he took her hands and squeezed them gently. "There is nothing that I wouldn't do for you. I wan't you to be happy. I wan't the best for you. You complete my life, and I feel like without you, there would be nothing else for me to live for. Some say maybe this one, maybe that one, never sure of the one they depend mean the world to me. You are the first thing that comes into my head when I awake in the morning, and you are the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. I am so deep and in love with you! I can't get enough of your love. You save me from myself. Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes. You bring me to my knees and make me cry. No one has ever done this. It is you and no one else. I know looks can be deceiving but I knew I saw a light in you. I can't help it if you look like an angel. You are so beautiful, the most pure, wonderful, and just...incredible, the greatest girl that I have known. I can't help myself from feeling this magic. And I don't know how it gets better than this. But it has come to this." With that, Edmund took out another wrapped up tiny box, opened it and it was revealed as a white velvet box. He knelt to the ground and opened its lid. A small diamond gleamed from its band, the sterling silver band that it was attached to. "Elizabeth, my love..."He felt himself breath in deep and out. "Will you marry me?"
Elizabeth's doe eyes widened. She couldn't contain herself, all of the bubbles she felt they would burt any moment. Liz smiled when she bent down to his level; he was still on his right knee. "Yes, Ed. Of course!" She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his dark hair. Edmund felt her shiver and released her.
"Here, you wear the cape." He took off his one piece of clothing and wrapped it around his beloved. Elizabeth looked up from Ed and spotted another mistletoe above from them. Edmund touched her face and brushed his lips softly against hers. Her hands felt his hair and wrapped them around his neck. He helped her put the ring on her finger. She smiled down at the shinning rock and back up at him. His eyes danced with hers. He felt this moment would never end, he hoped it would never end.
Peter and Annalissa had taken the time to walk down to the beach. The two had talked on and off during that time. Annalissa couldn't gather the courage into telling Peter. Should she tell Peter? Anna pondered into how he would react. Then she took in a deep breath and said his name.
"What is it?" He asked her. His hands brushed her slim shoulders trying to keep her warm.
"There is something I have to tell you; and I'm not certain how..."
"Is something wrong?"
"It depends on how you look at it."
"Just tell me, love." He took her cold hands and warmed the with his. "It can not be that bad."
"Erm...ok, but when I do, listen only; then you can talk afterwards."
Annalissa looked at the ocean tonight. The moon made the water a kind of color that was cloudy and mysterious. The stars made it more romantic, but Annalissa felt small anxiety flow through her when she heard the words come out of her mouth.
"Peter, I'm with child."
The High King was silent for a moment, she was right: he didn't know what to say. "So...it is mine?" He saw her bob her head up and down for a second.
"What are we going to do now? I'm carrying your child; my second child. What if something happens again?" She held her arm over her eyes. Anna hated it when Peter saw tears roll down her soft pink cheeks.
"Don't cry, Annalissa." He wrapped his arms around her. "We shall get through this together."
"We are not even married or engaged yet. It makes it the more worse." When she looked up at him, he was holding a small diamond ring, the one he took from his youngers brother room. "What is that?" Her eyes flickered between the diamond and the High King.
"I will only marry you if you feel comfortable going through with this with me. I will not pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. I just want what is best for you. Will you marry me?"
"Oh, Pete." She kissed his cheeks and finally his lips. "I will."