(A/N: Hello everyone. This is my latest story. It is a story version of Miyazaki's music video 'On You Mark'. The video was only about 6 minutes but it is very touching, I just had to write a story on it. I hope you all enjoy my story. I have included the lyrics to the song at the end in both languages. And for those of you that haven't seen the video, I suggest watching it, it's very good. The video can be found either on Google or YouTube. Just type in Miyazaki's On Your Mark. And now without further ado, I give you my latest story, 'On Your Mark'. Enjoy.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Chapter 1: Gunfire

The year is 2317. Life has gone through much in the past 300 years. The biggest event being World War III, occurring in 2184. It was the worst war yet, resulting in the contamination of a great deal of the planet with radiation. Homes lay abandoned outside the safety zone, not ever once being entered since the contamination.

The war had been intense. New weapons had been developed, and with this power, the human race had nearly completely annihilated itself. Thankfully the war ended, leaving the planet still intact, but having undergone major destruction.

But the human race rose again, rebuilding and repopulating. Large cities sprouted up all over the place from where the destruction had been, except for in the places where the radiation was still considered too dangerous to live in. But regardless of this, the human race had learned a vital lesson from the war.

But alas, even though things had never gotten as bad as the war again, there was still great crimes happening throughout the world. But there is one city in particular in which a great evil is occurring. But even now, the city's police force were on their way to correct the problem.

For the past 24 years, a powerful and dangerous cult called The Sight has risen. Led by a madman named Yasuo Deboarie. Yasuo was basically the next Charles Manson. He claimed that the Lord had chosen him to lead the people to see the light. He gained many followers over the years, and remained a very powerful man, now known as Nova to his followers.

But the police were not going after The Sight cult merely for their beliefs. No, they were going after them for the crimes they were committing. Acts of terrorism and ritual sacrifice were very common in The Sight. Yasuo, a.k.a. Nova, declared that by spilling the blood of the innocent was how he could see the path he and his followers went down. Many people died at the hands of The Sight, and yet the cult was never discovered.

That is, until recently. One member of The Sight had gotten cold feet and backed out, an act which would have been punishable by death by Nova himself. But this former member didn't care. He had been searching for something more, like many people do, and he was misfortunate enough to get involved with the wrong people. But what The Sight was doing was not what he had wanted, nor what he believed. So he ran, straight to the police, and reported to them the location of The Sight.

The police had been surprised with the location. It was in, what was believed to be, one of the Danger Zones. About 60 years ago, there had been a radiation leak that had escaped into the city. The contamination had been contained and everything was fine after that. Apparently, according to the former Sight member, there was one small area that had been sealed off during the containment that had not been contaminated. It was in this place that The Sight's hidden base was.

"Everyone put on your masks!" the chief ordered. "We're about to enter the Danger Zone!"

The police obeyed their commander and put on their masks. Among these men were Officer Chage and Officer Aska; two of the city's finest police. Chage and Aska have been best friends since middle school. They each had the same passion for upholding the law and delivering justice where justice was deserved. They joined the police force and became the perfect team.

"You ready for this?" asked Chage, making sure his gun was loaded.

Aska nodded. "Been ready." He said, looking determine behind his mask.

Determine as he may be, Aska really wished that things didn't have to be this way. But there was really no other way. The Sight members would die and kill for Nova. Any attempts to bring The Sight to justice would no doubt end in a blood bath.

Chage glanced at his friend. He knew exactly what was going on in his partner's head, for he was felling it himself. "I know how you're feeling, man." He said sympathetically. "I don't like this anymore than you do. Instead of thinking of it as killing people, think of it as saving the lives of all those Nova plans to sacrifice."

Aska looked at his friend and nodded. "Thanks, Chage. I guess there's a silver lining to this." His face fell. "I just don't see the point in all this killing."

Chage nodded in understanding. "I hear ya'. It's a shame things have come to this."

Aska sighed. "Sometimes it feels like the human race won't survive with the road it's traveling down. It feels like hope will fall."

Chage rested a comforting hand on Aska' shoulder. "It won't, not as long as we don't let it."

Before their conversation could continue further, the chief spoke up. "We're coming up on The Sight's base. Everyone get ready. We're going straight in."

The police hover-cars soared through the air as they approached a large building. At the very top of this building were four large eyes that opened and closed. Above these blinking eyes, in pink neon light letters, were the words 'GOD IS WATCHING YOU'. And right below the eye, circling around the building, also in neon lights, were the words 'NOVA'S CHILDREN CHURCH'.

"They've really made some changes to the place." Said one of the officers, as they got closer to the large building.

"Everyone hold on!" the chief shouted. "We're going in!"

Going in was an understatement. The hover-cars literally crashed into the building, breaking straight through the walls. There were angry and frightened screams from the people in the building as glass and rubble went flying. It was impossible to tell who was male and who was female since everyone was completely covered up. They all wore white robes and masks over their heads, giving them a look similar to the Ku Klux Klan; except for the fact that their masks were red and a large eye covered the area where their faces were.

The hover-cars' doors opened and the police flooded out, guns blazing. The members of The Sight got over their momentary surprise and quickly went to retrieve weapons of their own. The attack had been completely unexpected. This was, perhaps, what surprised The Sight members the most. Hadn't their leader foreseen this? If he had, why did he not warn them?

The police continued their viscous assault. This was not how things were normally done. But The Sight was the exception. These people were murderers. They used people in their sacrificial rituals. They've kidnapped people off the streets, brought them here and did who knows what to them before sacrificing them for a madman. And they would not surrender at gunpoint either. They would rather die themselves than give up. They would fight to the death. That was why it had to be this way.

Explosions were heard amongst the gunfire as police and Sight members alike took cover. Bodies and rubble littered the floor as Hell broke loose. Many cult members lay dead, but those that remained proceeded to attack the police.

"Keep it up, men!" the chief shouted. "They're forces are falling back!"

Chage and Aska did not hear the chief's cries over the exploding grenades and the blazing guns. They made their way through the decorative halls of the church, open firing on anyone dressed as a Sight member.

"Chage, follow me!" Aska said, as he ran out from behind the pillar he had been using for cover.

Chage went after Aska without a second's hesitation. Aska took out all Sight members in his path as Chage took care of anyone his partner missed as well as watched Aska's back. Aska skidded to a halt when he reached an open door. He looked inside and saw a room full of Sight members, each one taking up a weapon.

"Grenade." Aska ordered.

"Got it." Chage replied, taking out an explosive.

Both he and Aska ran by the door, Chage tossing the grenade inside as he passed. There was an explosion and cries from inside as several Sight members were taken out. Neither of them looked back.


Outside, more police hover-cars flew around The Sight building, making sure no one escaped. They could not risk Nova getting away. The man was too dangerous. Any vehicles that left the building that were not police hover-cars were instantly shot down.

No one was sure how long the fighting went on, but finally the gunfire stopped. The bodies of Sight members and police alike covered the floor. Fortunately, most of the bodies were those of The Sight. The few Sight members that survived the attack were being cuffed and led away.

The chief walked among the dead bodies, wondering if Nova was among them. He looked down and noticed that the mask of one Sight members' mask had fallen halfway off. He reached down and lifted the dead man off the ground, causing the mask to slip off more. It wasn't even a man, just a boy of 18.

The chief dropped the body and shook his head. It was a shame that someone so young threw his life away like this. The boy could have really done something with his life.

"The area is secure!" the chief cried. "Spread out and search for any survivors! Look for any prisoners! These bastards are bound to have plenty with all the missing persons that have yet to turn up!"

Aska and Chage had been among those that went searching for prisoners of The Sight. It was during this time that a victorious cheer erupted among the police.

"We've caught him! We've caught Deboarie!"

These words were music to the chief's ears. He immediately headed in the direction that those under arrest were being led in. Only one Sight member stood out from the others. This person was wearing robes of a yellowish-gold rather than white and his mask was a bright blue instead of red.

The chief marched over to this person and pulled him away from the others. They stumbled due to the fact that their hands were cuffed behind their back. The chief grabbed the mask and aggressively pulled it off.

The man beneath the mask was about in his forties. He looked no different than a regular person besides the fact that he had a large tattoo of and eye on his forehead.

"Yasuo Deboarie." The chief growled.

The man glared at the chief. "My name is Nova." He said.

The chief rolled his eyes. "Well then, 'Nova', you are under arrest for acts of terrorism, kidnapping, theft, and human and animal torture and sacrifice. Do you know your rights?"

Nova gave the chief a defiant look. "Your laws mean nothing to me. I follow the ways of the Lord!"

The chief ignored this. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, the court will assign one for you. Do you understand these rights as they've been read to you?"

"Save your speech, chief." Nova snapped. "You hold no power over me. I will lead humanity into the light."

The chief crossed his arms. "Really? And tell me, is torturing and murdering a part of leading humanity into the light."

Nova smiled evilly and chuckled. "I don't expect a being such as your to understand. Sacrifices must be made. The blood of those that have been spilled allows me to see the path that must be taken."

The chief shook his head. "Get him out of here!" he ordered one of his men.

The officer closet to him grabbed Nova and began to lead him away. "With pleasure."

"No prison can hold me!" Nova declared. "And you, chief, you will die by my hand before this night is over."

The chief nodded. "Very well, I'll add threatening an officer onto your list of crimes."

He nodded to the officer holding Nova and The Sight leader was led away. The officer leaned down and whispered in Nova's ear.

"You know, there's only two possible futures for you, preacher. Either the death penalty, or a life in an asylum for the criminally insane."

Nova smirked. "I think not."

Nova suddenly surprised the officer by slamming his head back, hitting the officer in the nose. The officer stumbled back, releasing Nova. The Sight leader bent down and hopped in the air, moving his cuffed hands under his feet to his front. He whirled around and grabbed the gun from the stunned officer. He raised the gun at the chief and took aim.

"Go to Hell!" he shouted to the chief.

He fired. The bullet just missed the chief, hitting the wall. The chief took aim with his own gun and fired. His shot was on target. The bullet soared through the air and hit Nova in the forehead, right in the center of the eye tattoo. Nova's eyes showed surprise for the briefest moment before he fell down dead.

The chief looked at Nova's body in disgust. "You first."


-'On Your Mark'-

Soshite bokurawa itsumo no egaoto sugatade

And we, with smiles on our faces, brush the dust off of our clothes.

Hokorini mamireta fukuo haratta

If our hands should let go, it would not make a sound.

Konote wo hanaseba otosae tatenai

A coin dropped, noiselessly,

Ochiteyuku koinwa nidoto kaeranai

Never to return.

Kimi to boku narande

You and me, side by side,

Yoakeo oinuitemitai jitensha

Racing the dawn on our bicycles.

On Your Mark itsumo

On Your Mark, let's go.

Hashiri daseba. Hayarino kaze ni yarareta

I always seem to catch the flu that's going around.

On Your Mark bokura ga soredemo yamenainowa

On Your Mark, we'll never quit.

Yumeno shamen miagete ikesohna kigasurukara

We look up the hill of dreams, the crest in, in sight.

Soshite bokura wa kokoro no, chiisana akichide

And then, in the empty spaces of our hearts,

Taganii furiotoshita kotobano yudachi

Shooting each other with a hail of words.

Kimi to boku subeteo

We can't say the right thing.

Mitomete shimauni wa mada wakasugiru

Like telling time, on a clock with invisible hands,

We're too young to appreciate it, much to our chagrin.

On Your Mark itsumo

On Your Mark, let's go.

Hashiri daseba. Hayarino kaze ni yarareta

I always seem to catch the flu that's going around.

On Your Mark bokura ga soredemo yamenainowa

On Your Mark, we'll never quit.

Yumeno shamen miagete ikesohna kigasurukara

We look up the hill of dreams, the crest in, in sight.

Soshite bokura wa

And then.

On Your Mark, itsumo

On Your Mark, let's go.

Hashiri daseba hayarino kaze ni yarareta

I always catch the flu that's going around.

On Your Mark bokura ga soredemo yamenaino wa

On Your Mark, we can't lose this one.

Yumenoshamen miagete ikesohna kigasurukara

Because our hearts are called together as one.

On Your Mark

Get, Set, Go

Soshite bokurawa

And then…

(A/N: Whew, pretty brutal first chapter, but that was what happened in the video, with a few extra things added in. Don't worry, the worst is over, things won't get that bad again. I hope I didn't upset or offend anyone with all the religious stuff; I apologize if I have, but that is what happened in the video, with more of a plot added. Anyway, thank you for reading, now how about a review please. I'll be back to update soon. Bye.)