a/n So… unless a large group of people protest this, this chapter is going to be the last. If you're sad, tell me. If you're bored, and you want me to add stuff, tell me. If you're hungry or have to go to the bathroom, go. Don't tell me. I really don't care. But yea, last chapter. '( On we go.

Disclaimer- A wise fanfictioner said, "I don't own Naruto, because if I did, it would be called Sasuke." Wise indeed.

We're Back!

Chapter 6: The End

So yea… Sakura and Sasuke kissed. Afterwards, Sakura laughed a little, in a relieved kind of way. That's exactly what she was though. She was relieved that her wish finally came true. She was relieved that she was finally home for good. But mostly, she was relieved she wasn't the only on of the rookie 9 not hooked up anymore!

Speaking of which… At this point in time, while Sasuke and Sakura were kissing…


Hinata and Naruto-

"Let's turn this way!" Naruto said, as he turned the opposite way of Ichiraku Ramen.

"But Naruto! It's tha-" Hinata was silenced as Naruto whipped her around. He had one hand over her mouth, and his other hand was making the 'shhhh' sign.

"Just follow me," he responded, as he removed his hand from Hinata's mouth, moving it down to grip her hand. 'Her hands are so soft' he thought, as he glanced over her once again, wondering how he got so lucky.

Surprisingly, Neji was the one to point out that Hinata liked him. 'Man do I owe him one' Naruto thought to himself again. He led her up some hills. Then more hills, then they walked up-hill for another five minutes. Then… Naruto stopped.

"Oh my… Naruto-kun…" Hinata said, as she gasped at the scene before her. They were on top of the Hokage mountain, the sun setting in front.

Naruto put his arms around his girlfriends waste, his head on her shoulder. She hand her his on her stomach, in a pose that was purely sweet, and pleasant. This view was more beautiful than anything she had ever seen in her entire life.

All of a sudden, Hinata felt Naruto leave. She wasn't extremely worried, because she knew he wouldn't leave her for long. But for whatever reason, she started to cry. Maybe it was because of the view, and how it reminded her of so many things… Or maybe it's just the fact that he was gone.

It wasn't even a full two minutes before Naruto was back… only now, he was kneeling in front of Hinata. A small ring box in hand. He opened it slowly. Of course, there was a ring inside. Being Hokage, Naruto could've gotten the biggest diamond in Konoha, but he chose not to. The ring was white gold, with a medium sized diamond in the middle, and two small ones on both sides. (a/n That's what I want my ring to look like. Just because… A girl can dream, can't she?)

"Hinata… Will you marry me?" The tears came on high as soon as Naruto said those last four words with such assurance. He had that goofy grin on his face, and Hinata was laughing and crying at the same time.

"You don't even have to ask. Of course I'll marry you," Hinata answered as Naruto took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger. Before he did though, Hinata caught a glimpse of engraving on the inside. She didn't want to take off the ring to see what it said, so instead, she just waited.

After a couple minutes of just sitting together, she finally asked.

"It says, 'More Beautiful than any Sunset'" Naruto told his fiancé.

As the couple sat on the mountain, watching the stars come out, and the sun go to bed, they looked out over their town. For once in both their lives, Naruto and Hinata both found something that was going to be perfect.


Shikamaru and Ino-- Ino's apartment-

"Shikamaru!" Ino yelled as said boy walked into the bathroom while she was still in the shower. "GET OUT NOW!" She yelled once again. The boy, seemingly unfazed, simply moved the shower curtain aside, and stepped in fully clothed.

"Seriously, Shikamaru! Get ou-!" She was cut off as Shikamaru crashed his lips against hers. He muttered a troublesome as he slowly got out. He was still looking at Ino as he stepped onto the tile flooring, and grabbed her towel to dry himself off. He covered himself, grabbed the Tylenol out of the cabinet, and left. Shikamaru was kind enough, however, to close the door behind him.

Ino was still confused as to what just happened. She dashed out of the shower, and out the hall. She grabbed a towel, and ran into the kitchen to where Shikamaru was.

"Are you seriously THAT hormonal, Where you come into the bathroom, while I'm taking a shower, kiss me while I'm naked? Don't you smirk at me Shikamaru Nara! I know that I'm 'drop-dead gorgeous,' but that gives you NO RIGHT to barge in on me!" Ino continued to rant on about how angry she was with him.

At the same time, however, Shikamaru stood up, and hugged her. That certainly shut her up. She just let him hug her. He nuzzled his face into her neck, and muttered a troublesome.

"Will you move in with me?" Shikamaru managed to say. He felt Ino gasp a little, then she relaxed.

"It's not like you don't barge in here unannounced anyway…" Ino answered. Shikamaru smirked a little. He looked up into her big blue eyes, and kissed her on the nose.

"Yes or no?" he asked her. Shikamaru like to bother his team mate. Although, it seemed like Ino was getting used to his comments.

"You're a genius… Figure it out," She answered as she hugged him a little tighter.

Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka residence… She liked the sound of that…


Neji and Tenten-

They were sparring. What else do they do? All of a sudden, Neji stopped.

"Huh…" Neji muttered "It feels like change… Doesn't it Tenten?" Said girl walked over and gripped her boyfriend's hand.

"Yea… It does" She answered.


Sasuke and Sakura-- Again

After just sitting for a little while, hand in hand, Sasuke walked Sakura home. He walked her up to her door, and this time didn't leave, but instead, kissed her on the cheek. She wouldn't allow that. Sakura leaned up on her tippy-toes, and kissed the dark-eyed boy on the lips.

"Goodnight," Sasuke muttered as he had his forehead against hers.

"Goodnight," Sakura answered back. At this time, Sasuke stepped away, his hand lingering on her shoulder, as if he let go, she would disappear. Finally when his hand fell, he shoved it into his pocket, and walked away down the street. He could feel her eyes on his back. He smiled…

For the first time in forever,

Sasuke Uchiha genuinely smiled…


THE END!!!! 3

a/n Sorry NejiTen was so short! But I got an idea for a fic while I was typing that, so expect to see that soon! I'm so excited. I'm pretty satisfied with this last chapter. It makes me happy. Not even kidding you, most of these are my fantasies of what will happen. I have a few ideas for new fanfics. A lot! So, trust me. Lots 'o' stuff coming up soon. Please R&R!
