Sunset High Notice to all: I do NOT own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho characters!

Ch.1 – New School

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! An alarm sounded. Kagome rolled over and whacked the noisemaker. It gave one final dying sound before silence one again filled the air. "I hate mornings." Kagome grumbled as she rolled over and went back to sleep.

(Half an hour later)

"OH MY GOSH!" Kagome suddenly sprung out of bed. "I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!" She raced out of her bedroom and over to the bathroom. 20 minutes later she ran down the stair to the kitchen. "How could I forget that today is my first day at the new school! Thank goodness I took Mom's advice before she left and transferred to a new school. My other one was just about ready to kick me out for missing so many classes due to "sudden odd illnesses"." Kagome ravaged through the pantry until she came upon a cereal bar box. She grabbed 2 and slammed the door shut, running to the living room. She grabbed her book bag while slipping on her shoes and headed out the door. "I'm going to be so late!" She panicked as she ran as fast as she could down several different streets, making sure to stay clear of oncoming traffic.

(15 min. later)

"Whew! I just made it!" Kagome gasped for air as she reached the front gate to the school. There was a loud ringing noise, the school bell signaling students to enter the building if they had not done so already. Kagome walked into the building, looking around for the main office. She was occupied with reading the room labels when all of a sudden she hit something. "Ouch." She squeaked as she sat up on the hallway floor, whatever she hit, it completely knocked her over.

"Oh I'm sorry, here, let me help you up." A gentle-toned male voice reached her ears.

Kagome looked up a bit to see a hand being held out to her. She reached over and took the hand offered to her. She was instantly pulled back onto her feet and found a guy with long red hair and wild green eyes looking at her to see if she was ok. "Thanks. Sorry I bumped into you."

"Don't worry about it, this hall can be quite crazy at times with everyone trying to get to different classes all at the same time. "

"Ya, well…" Kagome quickly scooped up her book bag. "Isn't every school like that?"
"I suppose so. Do you need any help with your books?"

"Nope. All set." Kagome glanced at her watch. "I'm late!" She squeaked and took off down the hallway.

"Bye…" He trails off, taking a glance at his watch. "I'm going to be late for class." He continued his walk down the hallway.

(With Kagome)

Kagome rushes into the main office and stops at the front desk. "Hi! Sorry I'm late!" The woman at the desk just gives her an odd look.

"I gather you're the new student?" The lady sounds thrilled… not.

"Transfer student, yes. I'm Kagome Higurashi."

"Wait here." The Lady gets up and goes into one of the back offices. She comes back 10 minutes later. "The principal will see you now."

"The principal? I didn't do anything. What about guidance counselors?"

"The principal's office." The Lady responds sternly.

"Yes Ma'am!" Kagome grabs her book bag and heads to the designated office.

"Come on in." A deep male voice beckons her into the room. "Welcome to Sunset High Ms. Higurashi. Please, have a seat."

Kagome sits in the chair in front of the principal's desk. "Thank you."

"I am Mr. Sai, the principal here at Sunset High. Here is your class schedule, some books that you will need and your new uniform. Do you have any questions?"

"Not really."

"Well if you think of any, my door is always open. Your first class is History."

"History is my favorite subject."

"Good. Then I expect you to do very well in that class. It's down the hall, last door on your left. You can leave now. I'll check in on you later."

"Thank you." Kagome grabbed her new books and shoved them in her book bag, grabbed her class schedule and walked out the door and out of the main office, headed to her first class.

(In the classroom)

"And today we will be going over sections 1 and 5 on Chinese culture. Do remember to take all of the notes on the board. There will be a quiz at the end of class as to how much you were paying attention in class…" The teacher continued talking but Kurama just tuned him out.

-I wonder who that girl was I bumped into earlier. She must be new, I've never seen her in the hallways before.-

-Why are we sitting here listening to this annoying human's babbling? Can't I just kill him already?-

-No Youko. We're in school. We have to sit here and make it look like we're learning something like the rest of the people in this class.-

-C'mon Red! We have better things to do then sit here and waste time. For example, we could figure out where that girl ran off to in such a hurry earlier.- Youko suggests.

-Are you actually interested in her Youko?- Kurama sounds curious.

-She's new. There's nothing wrong with meeting new people. Besides, she hasn't joined your fan club yet- -Youko was cut off as the teacher had stopped talking and was heading to the door. The entire class was silent as the teacher opened the door and a girl with long black hair with blue highlights and deep brown eyes walked in wearing a green school uniform, a color that wasn't theirs.

"Welcome Ms. Higurashi, I've been inspecting you." The teacher beckoned her into the classroom.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Her quiet voice reached his ears with the help of his demon-tuned senses.

-Wow Red. She looks nice.-

-Shut up Youko.-

"You can take a seat next to…" The teacher glances around the room. Kurama notices the only empty chair in the room is on the other side of his friend, which just happens to be 2 seats away from his since his friend sits right next to him. "… Sanada."

"Ok…" Kagome responded, unsure of who this was.

"Sanada raise your hand please."

A boy with shoulder length black hair and icy blue eyes at the back of the room waved his hand in the air. "Over here." Kagome slowly walked to the back of the room, staring at the floor, avoiding all the eyes around the classroom watching her. She slid into the seat next to the boy who waved at her and proceeded to take out a notebook and pencil and started taking notes. "You're taking notes? This early in the morning?"

"Yes." She replies curtly and continues taking notes.

"I'm Yukimura by the way, Yukimura Sanada. But you can just call me Yuki if you'd like. Wanna be friends?"

"Um… sure."


"Mr. Sanada! There is no talking during class!" The teacher appears to be standing in front of Yuki's desk. "I will not tell you again today. If there are any more interruptions from you during my class I will have to send you to the principal's office. Is that clear?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Now where was I… oh yes! Shanghai is the biggest city in China. It is also home to one of the world's tallest buildings…" The teacher goes back to going over different facts.

Kagome goes back to taking notes and Yuki falls asleep on his desk a few minutes later. A piece of folded paper lands on the corner of Kagome's notebook. She glances at it but continues to take notes, deciding to ignore it. The boy sitting at the desk in front of her turns around in his seat. "Psst. Hey new girl."

"… What?" Kagome asks somewhat coldly.

"I'll show you around school if you want. I can even take you out to see the sights of the city if you'd like."

"The sights of this city you say…" She pretends to be interested.

"Heck yeah, I could bring you to the new club that just opened on the other side of town. How about it, huh?" He grins.

"Pass." She states blandly.

"C'mon, I'm one of the most popular kids in school. You'd make the top list here easy with my help." He winks at her.

"Hn. Pass. I'd rather eat a slug then go to a club with you." The guy looks completely offended and can't seem to figure out what to say next. "What's wrong? Are you speechless already? Gee, I can see what a date would be like with you, boring." Kagome smiles. "But nice try." She returns to taking notes. The kid just turns back around in his chair completely dumbfounded.

-Did you see that Red!?-

-Yes Youko, I did hear their conversation. You were too busy using our hearing to see if you could hear her voice instead of letting me listen to class.-

-You don't need this class.-

-This class is a requirement for those students who wish to graduate from this school.-

-I am the Legendary Fox Thief feared by all! I know everything already!-

-There goes your ego again.- Kurama mentally sighs.

-Besides, listening to her conversation with that kid was much more interesting. Did you see the way she just completely shut him down?-

Kurama sighs inwardly. –Yes Youko. I did.-

-That was hot!-


-C'mon Red! Talk to her!-

-Now is not the time. She would obviously prefer to keep taking notes rather then talking. Maybe after class.-

-You're such a chicken Red! If I was in control-!-

-Which you're not. Now shut up so I can get at least a little bit of class work done so we can pass this class and not have to be stuck here again next year.-

After more lecturing from the teacher, which lasted another hour and a half and a quiz, the bell signaling the end of class finally rang. Kids rushed out of the classroom. Kagome shoved her notebook and pencil in her bag and headed to the next class.

(After a few more hours of classes)

Kagome walked around the cafeteria not sure of where to go. After a few more minutes of confusion she decides to go outside and sit under a tree in the far corner of the schoolyard. She starts to read through some of her schoolbooks when a folded piece of paper falls out of one of them. She notices it as being the same one that had landed on her desk during history class that morning. She slowly unfolds it and begins to read…