Deleted Scenes

Here are a couple kissing scenes I never put in for some reason:

Silver shivered slightly, not being used to the cold due to the flames that tore at his world. He felt a pair of strong, caressing arms wrap around him from behind, along with a small kiss to the top of his head. "Cold?" Shadow's voice was quiet and soft. "Let's go back – I don't want you to get sick." The white hedgehog turned around to thank the other with a hug, but was met with warm lips upon his own instead.

"What was that for?" Silver asked, bright red after they separated. A shrug was the response.

And, the next one:

Their kiss deepened as he was pushed against the wall, arms raised and pinned above his head. Their tongues were entwined in a battle for dominance, which Silver didn't mind losing. Shadow had pressed his body close to the other's and his hands trailed downward, until Sonic's shrill laugh separated them.

"I knew it! I knew Shadow was gay!"

The originally planned ending to Chapter 8.

"Silver!" Blaze had just stumbled upon the scene to find the two utterly shocked.


"Shadow! What did I tell you about kissing on the first date?"

"This was your idea?" She turned to him, fire reflecting in her eyes.

"Gah! N-No ma'am! Well…I made the dinner and set the table and picked the spot and…yes." Scourge hung his head in defeat.

"C'mon Silver. We're leaving." She pulled on the hedgehog's arm, only to be stopped by Shadow.

"I don't know what your problem is, but Silver is staying with me." He glared at her, keeping a tight grip.

"Let go of me!" Growing tired of always being pulled on, Silver pushed both of them away using his psychokinetic ability.

"Holy shitake mushroom! You can use telekinesis?" Scourge had a happy grin on his face. "Teach me!" Without glancing at anyone, the white hedgehog merely walked away. "No, don't go yet!"

"Scourge, why don't you follow him and make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble. Shadow and I need to talk." He nodded and sped off after the other, leaving them alone.

"Going to tell me off?"

"I'm sorry."

"E-Excuse me?" Shadow was surprised at her words. He would've expected her to spit curses in his face for disobeying her desires.

"I realize I was a little harsh when we first met. I'm sorry." She was staring down at the water. "I'm just worried…that…" She sighed. "I don't want Silver to fall in love yet."

"What do you mean?" He asked, gazing out to the water as she was.

"Say, he does fall in love with you, and you both have a good relationship. I don't want him to be heartbroken when we return home. He'll never see you again and I don't like seeing one of my good friends depressed, especially if it's him."

Shadow's mind was filled with so many problems: things that confused him, things that brought him happiness, things that he knew he had to do eventually. "So, you don't want me to pursue this?"

"For his emotional sake, no. I'm sorry. I have nothing against either of you being together if you have that much affection for each other. It's just…"

"I understand."

This was Shadow's dream at the beginning of Chapter 10. It didn't fit in with the story, so I took it out. Actually, I have no idea why I wrote this.

Shadow pulled his friend into an embrace, and shot him in the abdomen with his handgun. Silver sat in the corner, eyes teary and hands covering his mouth. Blood dripped down from Scourge's mouth, but he could do nothing but stand as the obsidian hedgehog experimented on him. He aimed the weapon and fired a shot into his victim's skull. More of the crimson liquid poured out onto the floor. Another bullet was planted into his left temple.

"Interesting. You have wounds, but they don't bleed." Scourge coughed, spitting out excess blood. "You're organs stay intact, bullets are just pulled out, and the openings are sown up. I've never seen anything like this before in my life. What are you? A mutant hedgehog? A demon? An angel?" Shadow removed the shades from the other's face, revealing light blue eyes. He shined a flashlight at them, clicking it on and off repeatedly. "You're pupils don't dilated to take in light." He picked up a cleansed scalpel from the tray beside him, gaining someone's attention.

"Ah! You're not going to hurt him are you? Don't hurt Scourgey! Please!" Silver stood, worry filling his mind.

"Relax. He'll be fine." Shadow made an insigne from the base of the other's throat down, wanting to view his body's design. Scourge's eyes glowed red. He growled, warning his friend not to pursue his sick curiosity. "Keep quiet." Ignoring the various threats, the green hedgehog was opened.

Shadow stumbled backwards, nearly vomiting at the sight. "Wh-What? What is it?" Silver backed himself into a corner, frightened.

LOL. This was going to be in Chapter 18. I just…I couldn't do it. It wasn't right, you know?

A fat man stepped off of the vehicle, which remained suspended in air until needed. He flexed his muscles, or flubber if you will. Patches of hair covered his bare stomach, legs, arms, and back, seeming to move as he showed off is body. For an instant, the people around didn't understand what was happening: some had stopped whatever they were doing to stare, mothers covered their children's eyes, and the guard from earlier appeared shocked.

"A fat man in a Speedo, classic!" As Scourge announced this, the man below pulled the side of his swimsuit and released it. The contact sound it made with his skin caused the people around to snap out of their daze. After realizing what they were staring at, they rushed around screaming and trying to evacuate the scene. GUN guards bolted out of the building to apprehend the man, but he jumped into his vehicle and hovered above them, still dancing.

"Get down from there! You're scaring the children!"

"Look at my sexy Speedo!"

I can't remember where this was going to be, but it was in the deleted section, so here you go:

A crystallized blade shot out from the demon's wrist, aiming for Silver's head. Shadow, unable to break free of the darkness binding him to the wall, could only watch in horror. But, Scourge wasn't about to let his best friend's life become miserable again, so he leapt out in front of the fallen hedgehog, taking the blade through the chest. He coughed, blood pouring from his mouth.

"Wha?" The dark hedgehog was taken aback. He withdrew the blade and chuckled to himself as his unexpected victim fell to the floor, a small puddle of blood forming around him. He turned his attention back to Silver, bent on killing him in the same way. Surprisingly, Scourge jumped back onto his feet just in time to be struck again in his abdomen. He grinned, blood seeping out through his teeth.

Shadow was frozen with shock. He was witnessing his friend being militated, and yet still standing. He ceased his struggling and wracked his brain for an explanation. Scourge always had maintained a mysterious past: he had no birthplace and no relatives. On top of that, he lacked quills on his back, and his eyes become discolored if angered. Could this all be linking to what was before him?

The demon, weary from the multiple attempts, finally stopped. "What the hell are you?" He asked, gasping for the darkness to return to him.

"Your momma, bitch." Scourge darted forward, ramming into the demon with his shoulder. He quickly recovered, taking hold of the green hedgehog's throat and squeezing. "Bastard…" He landed a hard kick in the demon's abdomen, causing him to double over. Scourge quickly kicked his head, knocking him back into Shadow.

Taken from Chapter 10 because I couldn't figure out how to continue it.

"So. What have we learned?" Scourge stood in front of the other hedgehogs, who had apparently committed a crime.

"Homosexual hedgehogs are gay." Sonic stated, almost earning himself a slap from the one sitting next to him.

"Shadow's really scary when he's horny." Silver looked away, hands folded in his lap.

"I should get mad at Silver more often…"

'Nother delete part of Chapter 10. Yeah, it was rewritten a lot.

The next morning started out slow. A bouquet of flowers had arrived for Silver, and was resting on the table in the living room. Scourge was asleep on the couch, seeing as how someone had locked him out of his room the night before. Sonic was sitting on the other side of the sofa, flipping through TV channels and watching the green hedgehog sleep regardless of the loud noise. "Hey, Scourge." The only response was a light ear twitch. "Scourge, wake up!" Nothing. "Wake up, lazy!" The hero began to shake the other roughly. It had no affect. "Scourge the house is on fire!"

He finally stirred, covering his hand with the blanket. "Fire extinguisher in kitchen…" He mumbled, dozing off again.

"…Rouge is here!" Scourge snorted and jumped awake. "Ha! Morning. I'm hungry, go make me a sandwich." The groggy hedgehog yawned and leaned forward, hugging Sonic and resting his head on the other's shoulder.

"Sonic? I thought you and Scourge didn't get along?" Shadow stood by the TV, smoothing out his messy quills. "Want me to get him off?"

"No!" Sonic clung to the other hedgehog, waking him. "I like him!"

"I knew you were gay!" Scourge kicked the other off the couch. He jumped up and slipped on his jacket. "Damn homosexuals. No offense Stripes."


So, yeah. That's it.