I DO NOT OWN KINGDOM HEART 1/2 OR ANY OF IT'S CHARACTERS/duh/ I'm only saying this once.

Kay, this is the first chapter, I guess it's not too good, but it's just unfolding. The more you review, the fast I write. ;D

And this story is a little different than most. Roxas is the brave one, Axel is more...shy.

It was a quiet, lazy sort of day when Axel woke up. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he yawned. Axel owned his own house, he was an artist. He painted when he wanted in the spare room that was littered with sketches and paintings. Not too long ago he sold a piece for 5 grand, so he didn't need to worry about money for awhile. He had no inspiration to paint lately, his life was boring seeing as he lived alone and had a few, and none of them very close, friends.

"I never get out of this house..." he mumbled, pulling his legs over the bed. He looked at the clock, 11:30. Nearly lunch time in his book. That decided it, he would go into town and buy himself lunch. Yeah, he deserved some kind of treat, and it's not like anybody was waiting for him at home...


Down in the town, Axel passed several restaurants. None of them caught his eye, so he passed them by. But it was already 12:30, and the redhead hadn't seen anywhere that sold food in a long while. I'll just go in the next shop I pass... he thought grumpily. Finally, he saw a small little shack. I guess you could call it a restaurants, but it didn't look like much. Axel sighed. "This place looks GREAT."

Despite it's appearance, it functioned like a normal restaurants. A host asked him how many, and he replied sarcastically with one. She led him to a small table. From there, he could see into the kitchen quite a bit. He could see most of the workers hastily cooking the food as if their jobs were on the line. And then Axel saw what was making them work so feverishly, a small blonde who came walking out of the back doors shouting orders at them. How on earth can he be working here? he wondered, but damn was that kid hot. As much as Axel hated to admit it, the boy had a very beautiful look to him, even covered in sweat and greese. The blonde sighed in the kitchen, slumping forward onto the counter with his head in his hands. "He can't be much older then fifteen..." he whispered.

"That's Roxas, our head chef. He may be young but he has more talent than everyone back there put together."

Axel's head spun around as he was snapped out of his thoughts. A waitress was looking off into the kitchen, bust soon turned towards him after she was finished. "What would you like today, sir?" she asked politely.

Axel shook his head, he was so wrapped up in the blonde, Roxas, that he hadn't even touched the menu. "Oh, give me a sec." he mumbled, picking up the menu and quickly scanning it's contents.

"I'll have a ceasar salad and an iced tea, thanks."

The waitress walked away, and that was Axel's cue to look back at the boy, who he now knew his name is Roxas. He was gone, though, and Axel frowned, looking back to his table as an iced tea was placed in front of him.

Not too long after, the waitress came back with his salad, and Axel hungrily picked up his fork and dived into it. The second it hit his lips, Axel relished the taste. It may have just been a salad, but that was one damn good salad considering for how torn down the placed looked. Finished, the waitress came back once again to take it away.

"Did you enjoy your meal, sir?"

Axel thought quickly in his mind. "Yes, very much actually. Could I speak to the chef? I want to give him my compliments." he said smoothly, flashing the girl a grin.

"Oh, he's very busy, we'll be sure to tell him-"

"Oh, it won't be the same. I'd really like to speak to him." Axel said again, cutting her off.

Defeated, the waitress nodded and went back to the kitchen. She came back followed by a rather angry looking chef, but he had put on a smile before he reached the table.

"Hi there, are you the chef?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, did you need something?" Roxas countered, but still smiling. He was clearly agitated that he had to take time out for this.

That was when Axel caught hold of his eyes. God, beautiful cerulean iris's staring back at him. Axel blinked slowly a few times.

"Yeah-um, your salad is great." Wow, he made the chef come out for that? Lame.

Roxas twitched slightly. "Thanks." he replied, walking quickly back to the kitchen killing any chance Axel had of saying something else.