It's All Coming Back To Me

It was a gorgeous summer morning in Chicago, Illinois. A 26 year old Zoey Brooks set her alarm for 7:30 a.m. so she could make her 10:00 interview at Belleview Academy. Before, she worked at PCA as an English teacher but when she made teacher of the year award the Dean, Victoria Edwards, at Belleview offered Zoey a job for almost double her pay at PCA. So she had to at least check it out. Right now she was staying in a hotel until she made her final decision.

Chicago was nice. It was a beautiful city, especially at night. People were friendly for the most part. Zoey wouldn't mind moving here. Although it would mean being away from Aaron Mead, her on and off again boyfriend. Actually, that would probably be a good thing. It seemed as if every time she went out with Aaron she got her hopes up that this time would be different, but they ended up arguing only a few days later.

Zoey went through her process of getting ready. Shower, brushing her teeth, blow-drying/styling her hair, getting dressed (a formal, but cute summer dress with a light knit sweater), and of course her make up. When she was satisfied and she ate her usual breakfast of a bowl of cereal and some fruit she left the hotel room.

It was 9:38. Belleview Academy was as busy at was in it was in September but it was only July. They were increasing their number of dorms and classes at Belleview and that meant they needed more teachers too. Good English teachers were high in demand. Only last year Chase was an English teacher. But since one of the vice principals quit right before summer break, Chase had the opportunity to apply for Vice Principal and he got it.

"Mr. Matthews," Victoria Edwards knocked on Chase's office. She was a thin woman, about 5'8" and long red curls that framed her face perfectly. Her smile was straight, white, and perfect. Being almost thirty years old, Chase was surprised that no one had won her heart yet. But Victoria didn't date just anyone. She was very busy and very picky.

"Come in."

"Hi. I need you to do a couple of interviews for me today. I have to go to Milwaukee for a Deans Convention. There's Angela Mills applying for Dorm Advisor, Anthony Hayden for English teacher, and Janice Marcs for Food service."

"Not a problem."

"Good. Their applications are all in this folder. Oh and Zoey Brooks is coming in about ten minutes for an interview for an English teacher."

"I'm sorry," Chase said, "Who?"

"Zoey Brooks. You might have heard of her. She had the teacher of the year award. Supposedly she's an amazing teacher. I offered her a job but she said she didn't feel right taking a job if she wasn't interviewed first."

"Uh...Zoey Brooks? About 5'5", blonde hair, brown eyes?"

"I haven't seen her in person, Chase," Victoria said. "Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem. I'm good."

"Good. Because if there was a problem between you and her I could forget the whole thing." Victoria raised her eyebrows at him.

Chase thought a moment, "No. There isn't a problem. I just used to go to school with her. That's all."

Victoria shrugged, "Alright. See you later Chase."

"Bye." Victoria waved and left Chase's office. On her way out, a petite blonde stopped her.

"Excuse me?" The blonde said with a slight southern accent, "Do you know where Victoria Edwards's office is?"

"I'm Victoria Edwards. I'm guessing you're Zoey Brooks."

"Yes, I am. You look like you're leaving. Did I get the dates mixed up or something? I thought had an interview today. 10:00?"

"That's right. I accidentally scheduled your interview on the day that there was a convention I needed to be at. I am so sorry. "

"Don't worry about it. Should we reschedule?"

"No, absolutely not. The vice principal, will interview you. Just have a seat right here and his secretary will call you in when he's ready."

"Okay. Thank you." Zoey sat and Victoria walked away.

10:13. Chase was frozen. He had to interview Zoey Brooks. It had been years since they had seen each other. Heck, it had been years since they had spoken to each other. It wasn't really one's fault. Neither of them particularly wanted to keep in touch after what happened senior year. It really was a stupid fight, Chase thought.

"Mr. Matthews," Deanna, his secretary called to him on the intercom.


"Zoey Brooks is here. She's been waiting for quite some time now."

"Alright, send her in."

The name plate on the door read V.P. Matthews. Zoey didn't even think of the connection as she knocked on the door.

"Come in." The voice of V.P. Matthews was slightly shaky and slightly familiar. Zoey opened the door and was shocked to see her old friend/ex-boyfriend sitting behind the desk. She stared at him, shocked.

"Chase," was all she could manage to say.

"Hello, Zoey."

A/N: Okay, I have a new story. Finally. I have big plans for this one. Big plans. (Rubs hands together like an evil genius.) Buahaha.

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