Boba Fett worked the controls of his father's ship one-handed as a hastily made sling held his broken left arm against his chest. His last bounty hadn't gone quite as planned, and he'd nearly died in the struggle that had ensued when he had attempted to capture his target. As a result he had been forced to kill his target instead of bringing him in alive as he had planned and darn near got himself killed attempting to do. The cooling corpse in the cargo hold was now worth half as much as he would've been had he still been alive. The commotion the struggle between himself and his target had caused had come to the attention of the local Security forces who wanted to bring him in for questioning, postponing his search for medical attention. Getting offworld as quickly as possible had been the best option in this case, considering the reputation of said Security forces. The CSF - which had never been known for their kindness towards suspected law-breakers - had nothing on these guys. Fortunately for him, there was a medical center of some sort on an asteroid a couple of systems away.
While most thirteen year-old boys were watching Swoop races, dreaming of the day they'd be behind the controls of their own swoop bike, and discovering the fact that girls weren't really all that icky, Boba Fett was making his way in the galaxy as a bounty hunter. In the three years since his father's death, he had been forced to grow up rather quickly and learn how to fend for himself using all of the things his father had taught him when he had the time.
With a great deal of difficulty, he landed his ship on the landing pad for the medical center that had been listed in his father's records. According to his father's rather copious notes on the various medical facilities around the galaxy, the place was well equipped, and staffed with personnel that didn't ask too many questions. As the ship touched down, he noted that several other ships were also occupying the landing pad. Hopefully, the wait time wouldn't be too long, as he'd had to deal with his broken arm for several hours already.
As he entered the main facility and headed towards the examination room that had been assigned to him, he noticed a bit of a commotion at the end of the hall. If he hadn't seen the Jedi, he would've chosen to mind his own business, and gone on to get his arm treated never knowing of his close brush with history. Knowing that whatever the now outlawed Jedi was doing was going to be of interest to any number of parties including the newly born Empire, he headed over to the end of the hall to see exactly what was going on.
Outside of one of the treatment rooms, two security guards from Alderaan that were of the type that guarded dignitaries rather than the sort that policed the streets and stuck their noses into things that weren't their business if the uniforms were to be believed were standing on either side of the door. Half expecting the guards to question him or more likely send him away, he peered into the small window next to the door that was meant for the patient's visitors who couldn't enter the room for various reasons (contamination risk, too many patients in room, visitor shedding or moulting, etc.). The guards, only seeing a child since he was still a bit small for his age since he hadn't yet hit his growth spurt, apparently didn't think he was a threat and ignored him, which was a rather stupid thing to do really, as he could think of at least a half dozen ways he could hurt the person they were guarding if he had wanted to, even in his current condition.
Inside the room, Senator Amidala of Naboo lay on a treatment table being tended to by a couple medical droids. Seated nearby was the Jedi who the HNE reporters had called "The Great Negotiator", Obi-wan Kenobi. As the droids bustled about the senator, she called out for someone who, if his lip reading was correct, was named Anakin. Anakin was the first name of Knight Skywalker who was called "The Hero Without Fear" by the HNE news networks, and who had fought at the "Great Negotiator's" side throughout the entire war. One of the droids treating the senator presented her with the male infant that it had just removed from a rather ugly looking incision in her abdomen. She named the boy something that started with Lu. Moments later, the senator was presented with a female infant which she named something two syllables starting Le and ending in a, most likely Leia or Leila. Moments later, after saying something to Kenobi, Senator Amidala was dead.
Being entirely focused on the scene before him, it was understandable that he didn't register the fact that there was someone else in the hallway until he felt something smack into his right leg. When he looked down in search of the source of the pain in his leg, saw the Jedi Master Yoda standing next to him holding his walking stick aloft. Scowling, he said nothing and turned to look back into the now deceased senator's treatment room in case anything else of note happened. He wasn't even going to try to pick a fight with the little green troll who had practically run the Jedi order for several centuries in his condition. As his father had told him any number of times, there was no point in starting a losing battle no matter how much you wanted to get revenge against your opponent. While he rather determinedly ignored the diminutive Jedi, the little troll hit him with the stick again.
"What do you want?" he snarled at the Jedi Master after he'd been struck for a fourth time.
"Ask you to keep quiet about this I do. Get your arm treated you should." Yoda said to him, prodding him with the stick with each sentence before pointing towards the treatment room he should have been occupying.
Knowing that it was pointless to stay since he'd just be hit with the Jedi's walking stick until he left, he turned to leave in order to save himself some unnecessary pain. As he walked down toward the treatment room to which he had been assigned, he heard Kenobi tell Yoda that the twins whose birth he'd just witnessed were the last hope for the Jedi Order, possibly even the galaxy.
As the Bone Knitters worked on his arm, he contemplated what he had just seen. Apparently Anakin Skywalker had been having some sort of affair with the senator from Naboo which had resulted in children, children whom the remnants of the Jedi order were now in possession of, and would possibly use to rebuild said order once again. That wasn't his main concern at the moment though, the badly done C-section he'd witnessed worried him greatly, because if the medics here could botch a rather common surgery, they could just as easily botch the repair of his arm. When he got out of here, he was going to get his arm examined by another medical professional to make sure it was alright ASAP. For now though, he'd go with getting it fixed enough that he would be able to manage until he found another doctor.
He knew that the scene he had witnessed was valuable somehow, and he decided that he would sit on the information until he found the right buyer, as in the sort of buyer that would pay a great deal for his account of what he had witnessed, and wouldn't turn on him and kill him the instant he shared the information. He ended up sitting on the information for the six years, during which he had become a Journeyman Protector, started a family of his own, and left them after being exiled from Concord Dawn.
Edited 3/12/2012