It seems like I always get ideas before I go to bed. So, last night I came up with this idea.

I now present you with what I call a 'deleted scene'.

(I have to thank Lukevader for this concept. Inone of his reviews he mentioned something about Kaorin 'kicking the ass' of her captors.)

So, here you have it. Kaorin and Kagura vs. The Viking Captors.

Bad-ass Time!


"I will save my Sakaki-san!", Kaorin repeated like some sort of zombie as she approached the camp.

"Dammit, Kaorin!", Kagura hissed and sprinted after the girl.

Her footsteps must have been louder than she realized due to the fact that the four men sitting around the campfire stood and met the girls halfway, weapons drawn.

"How dare you stand between me and my Sakaki-san!?", Kaorin accosted the men.

The large, red haired man at the front of the pack grinned and then burst into a laughter that the others quickly picked up.

"Should be fun.", the man said before taking up his large battleaxe in a wide foward sweep which Kaorin deftly dodged by hopping backwards.

"What the hell are you doing Kaorin!?", Kagura screamed at the girl.

"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm saving my Sakaki-san.", Kaorin regarded the girl with eyes full of contempt.

The men rippled with laughter once more before the large 'leader' swung his axe in a vicious downward chop.

Seemingly without looking, Kaorin rolled under the blade just as it bit the earth. She took the moment's pause to deliver a brutal roundhouse kick to the man's midsection, sending him reeling backwards gasping for breath.

Kagura's eyes went wide for a moment, but only for a moment, for just then the other three men set upon Kaorin with their clubs and hand axes.

With the largeer man still hunched over from the blow he had recieved Kaorin had time to intercept the first oncoming man by deflecting his axe blow with the sole of her shoe before sending a straight punch to his larynx.

Another man approached her from behind with a club. Knowing that Kaorin could never hope to block the blow, Kagura stepped in. From a running start she launched into a flying kick that drove the man off balance and onto his face.

"Thanks.", Kaorin said beore taking up a fighting stance to face down the last oncoming man.

His downward axe swing was cut short by Kaorin grabbing his wrist and twisting it with great force in a very uncomfortable manner. He screamed in pain as his wrist bones snapped. Feigning a low punch, Kaorin retorted with a knucklepunch to the bridge of the nose. Blood sprayed across the girls as his nasal cavity collapsed under the blow. The man fell, unconcious.

By this time, the 'leader' had regained his composure and came at the girls, swinging his axe wildly. Kagura dodged under, the blade clipping her already short hair. She applied a massive punch to the groin. As the man collapsed, he managed to drop his weapon and grab Kagura in strong, gnarled hands. She tried to twist her weight to the left so as to escape, but he was stronger. He threw his body into a spin and landed atop the girl, pinning her.

Kagura applied blows to the man's face, bloodying his eyes and nose before he wrapped his hands completely around her throat and squeezed. For Kagura, the world was a morass of pain. Her eyes fluttered invoulentarily as the oxygen to her brain was slowly cut off. She was sure she was going to die.

But then the grip loosened.

The expression on the man's face turned from that of absolute hate to one of abject surprise and terror.

Looking beyond his head, Kagura saw Kaorin standing, her arm extended. She pulled her arm back with a 'splutch' sound and from the man's back came a bloody mass which Kaorin held in her hand. A moment later the man tumbled off Kagura, dead.

Kagura stood, rubbing at her throat and staring in disbelief at Kaorin.

In Kaorin's hand was the man's heart. It beat its last, spewing blood across the short grass. Upon its last beating, Kaorin threw the organ to the ground, stomping it with her foot and making a very disagreeable sound.

"", Kagura said, her mouth agape. Kaorin, in her eyes, was now about fifteen thousand times cooler than Sakaki could ever be.

"I get bored a lot. So, I decided to learn martial arts.", she giggled happily. "Now, to find my Sakaki-san!"

Kagura was sure. Sakaki would love Kaorin. They would make a perfect couple!


So, how was that? I had to add it due to the lack of fighting in "Clockwork". Always nice to see schoolgirls beat up Vikings anyhow...