Robert: The Brown-Nosed Doctor

By Liz (insomniac159)

Robert, the brown-nosed doctor
had a very, very brown nose. (Like a stool sample!)
Poor Robert was also known
for his ugly, un-matching clothes. (Like Wilson's ties!)

All of the other doctors
used to laugh and call him names. (Like a wombat!)
They never let poor Robert
join in diagnostic games. (Like whac-a-mole!)

In a time of desperate need
Greg House came to say: (I need pills!)
"Robert with your nose so bright,
won't you kiss my ass tonight?" (Yes, sir!)

Every doc still hated him,
But Cameron said, "Sleep with me!" (Microwave pizza!)
Robert, the brown-nosed doctor,
your job here is history! (Your job here is his-tor-y!)