Disclaimer: All Transformers characters belong to Hasbro. Any made up characters were created by me.

Summery: (Set two months after 2007 movie) When a Autobot squad of six arrives on Earth after hearing the message from their leader, Optimus Prime. The old Cybertronian law enforcer of the group is determined to get in touch with his old partners even though they are part of the Decepticons.

Appearing Autobots: Prowl, Red Alert (an apprentice under Ratchet at one time), Inferno, Smokescreen, and Jetfire

AN: The Prowl in this fic is kind of like the Prowl in the old 80's cartoons but, since I kind of forgot his personally and such he might be a bit OC to those of you who do remember so please don't get mad at me. Plus his background might be changed to suet this fic. Prowl's human partner name – Jessica Williams

"blah" – Normal human speck
"blah" – Cybertronian speck
blah – thinking
blah – Flashbacks

Once a Lawman, Always a Lawman
by Yami-Yugi

Chapter 8
A Fools Game

"...C 10..."

"Primus! Prowl ya sunk my battle ship!"

"...I did...?"

The human hologram of Jazz glare at the human hologram of Prowl across the table. "Yeah, ya did. Ya used yer battle CPU didn't ya?"

Everyone watch the two brothers. The two was suppose to play a nice game of Battle Ship, a game which Sam brought to the base the next day thinking it would be of good use when the Autobots can use life-like human holograms. But it proved difficult when anyone went up against Prowl. "...I did no such thing..."

"This is not going to well..." said Ratchet as he and the others watched near by.

"What I don't get..." Jessica started as she watched Prowl bet the crap out of Jazz AGAIN "If Prowl is one of law, how can he be so good in a game of Battle Ship?"

Optimus looked down at Prowl's human partner. "Before our war, Prowl was a law enforcer." he explained to her "But even before our war, Prowl would download all information of the old days of Cybertron."

"But I still don't get it."

"Most of those old files were old war files." said Ironhide "When our war started he didn't became a military strategist and analyst for nothing."

"Those old war files he put into his memory banks." Optimus said "He has all forms of military strategy in there. And since his logic is higher then most he can analyze anything in front of him, and compute complex combat situations almost instantaneously."

"Then I guess I should never bring Risk or Stratego then." Sam said with a sigh "It seems Prowl will win at any war game."

"You should see him play that online version of that 'Command and Conquer'." said Jetfire "He even bet those online human players."

"Well at lest Prowl won't get rusty." Bumblebee said with a smile.

"...D 4..."

"Primus! Ya sunk it again, Prowl!" Prowl was just laughing and smiling.

"Now that's something I never seen." said Inferno "Prowl being happy about something."

"I never saw him that happy before." Bumblebee said a bit surprised.

"Yeah even back on Cybertron he was never THAT happy." spoke Sunstreaker.

Suddenly this shrill roar ran through the air and everyone stopped what they were doing when Barricade came charging into the room, but something was different about the ex-Decepticon. "Why 'Cade pink?" Frenzy asked confused.

Barricade turn hated optics towards the twins. "You..." he sneered. "You two are in big trouble."

"We didn't do it!" the twins protest.

Prowl made his hologram disappear and his true form, that was parked near by, transform. "This has you two written all over it." He said in a serious tone.

"But we didn't do it!"

"Oh yeah I remember a curtain pair of twins thought it was funny to splash me with the same pink paint back on Cybertron." Prowl said.

"Twins make 'Cade pink? You start trouble again?" Frenzy asked, turning to them.

"Prowl can I please book them this time?" Barricade growled at twins.

"Go ahead, it's over due for your turn anyway." Barricade smirked evilly at the twins.

"Meep! Run Sunny!"

"Way ahead of you Sides!"

"No get away from Frenzy!" Frenzy called, chasing them too. Everyone laughed as the two former Decepticons chased the twins out of the room and down the hall. Prowl smiled to himself, happy that his friends were back on the side of good where they belonged. Prowl then sighed, as he thought about something else, well mostly someone else. His own twin. A small sadness glowed in his optics. He sighed sadly. Bumblebee went over to him worriedly as he sensed his adoptive brother's spark.

"Prowl? You okay?" he asked.


"...Why..." he started to ask, but noticed the human Jessica looking over at them. "Why are you so sad all the sudden?" he paused to think, taking Prowl's hand with both of his. "It's Blue...isn't it? H-He...gave his life...for mine... I'm sorry Prowl... I should have...taken his place..."

"..No..." Prowl spoke softly "Don't think of such a thing Bee. I do miss my twin but I would be even more devastated if I lost you as well."

"That's what I'm saying...you have just lost me... It's my fault..." he said, letting go and excusing himself without a word.

Prowl looked shocked then started after Bumblebee. "Bee...!"

He didn't stop until he got to his bedroom. Prowl finally caught up with him. "Bee...It's not your fault." he said "Don't think of such a thing. Blue knew what he was doing when he and Jazz joined up after what happened to me and Sirius."

He turned sad optics towards Prowl. "...I...I miss him too..."

Prowl smiled softly as he came over and pulled the younger bot into a hug. "I know..." he spoke softly.

"...Oh Prowl...I wish none of this...had ever happened... Then...then maybe...we'd all be happy on Cybertron, still living peacefully in Tyger Pax."

"I know Bee but...sadly that never came to be. As what Prime said in his message, this is our home now."

"Barricade hold them down!" Ratchet's voice could suddenly be heard "They need to pay for super gluing all my tools to the ceiling!" The twins screamed in unison.



Barricade smirked as he tightly fixed the berth restraints, pulling them just a bit too tight. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I DON'T WANNA BE UGLY! I'M SORRY! PLEASE!" plead Sunstreaker.


"Stop your screaming or I'll rip out your vocalizers!"

"Take it! Take your punishments like men!" The twins shut up immediately. Ratchet smirked and turned to Barricade.

"So...what should we do to them?"

"Hmmm we could let them have a taste of their own medicine as the humans would say."

"I could dismantle them and glue their parts to the ceiling," Ratchet grinned evilly. "We'll start with the vanity mirror," he laughed, going over to Sunstreaker.

"NO!" Ratchet brought his blade down, VERY close to Sunstreaker's head, making him scream bloody murder like a femme. Barricade started laughing at this.

"I like that idea," smirked Barricade as he clenched Sideswipe's arm VERY tightly, playfully wiggling it and pulling on it.


"How about I start with your legs, you little slagger!" Sunstreaker screamed again as Ratchet missed on purpose.

"How about the other arm?" Barricade sneered, pulling a bit harder on that one.

"Oh Primus stop!"

Both did so and smirked at each other. "Alright...we'll stop," Ratchet and Barricade smiled in unison. The twins sighed in deep relief for a bit, then they gasped as bright pink paint and paste were dumped on them.

"EWWW! Ratchet…!" Sunstreaker whined.

"Awww…" pouted Sideswipe. Barricade carefully undid the restraints and then washed the icky stuff off of his hands.

Ratchet turned to the twins. "BOTH OF YOU! RACKS, THEN BED NOW! You are to go STRAIGHT to the Racks! No socializing or stopping anywhere! Straight to bed afterwards! I mean it!" he barked.

"…Yes sir…" Sideswipe sighed. Sunstreaker continued to whine.

"Maybe next time you will think before you prank!" yelled Barricade. Ratchet sighed as the two pink goo twins trudged off to the cleaning racks and recharge without energon.

"Those two…if they could just behave…"

"I know… Prowl and I are the same way with them. Strict but caring. We just don't want to see them in any trouble. Unfortunately with them, it's always the hard way."

"How do you two do it?"


"I wish I had that still…"

"You got a good laugh out of this I hope."

"You bet…" he laughed. He laughed outright, remembering the disappointed optics of the now, pink glob monsters. Barricade started to laugh too, reveling in the moment. Prowl had just gotten there, his optics wide from what he had seen.

"Don't tell me…" he started. "Those two pink globs of goo were the Twins?" Bumblebee was bursting at his side frames.

"Yep," smirked Barricade.

"I needed a good laugh, unfortunately for them," Ratchet smiled.

Prowl was silent for a bit. A small laugh escaped his lip components. "Nice job," he smirked.


Prowl smiled again. "Well you better get clean up before that paint dries." He suggested.

"I'm getting to it." Barricade said.

The next time Barricade came back, he wasn't pink but something else. His icon had changed into the Autobot one and the "to punish and enslave" had changed to the same phrase Prowl sported "to protect and serve". Prowl couldn't help but smile at this. "So I guess this means that Barricade and Frenzy are officially part of the group." said Sam.

"This calls for some type of celebration." said Jetfire.

"Road Trip!" Jazz, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee suggested together.

"...Yeah..." smiled Jessica. "Could be good to get away for awhile and enjoy a drive."

"Were would one go with giant robots?" Sam asked.

"A small town or somewhere where there aren't a lot of people to notice," said Mikeala.

"Well..." Jessica started "My family owns a large area of land by the beach."

"How would they feel about large Cybertronians inhabiting it?" asked Prowl.

Jessica smiled at him. "No one is using it this time of year." she said.

"Great! A beach all to ourselves!" Bumblebee smiled happily.

"The sand is going to ruin my paint job." Sunstreaker whined.

"Is that all you think about?" Sideswipe said as he rolled his eyes.

"Who saids you two are going to go?" Ironhide said "I thought you two were still being punished for the pranks you pulled on Ratchet and Barricade?"

"We were on our way to bed when we heard the conversation. Besides, he didn't, how do the humans say it, 'ground' us. We're just sent to bed as punishment. He didn't say we couldn't go."

"Yeah..." Sunstreaker whined back.

"Well some one has to stay behind to guard the base and help any new Autobots arriving." said Jetfire.

"...And you think it'd be us?"

"...I do..." growled a familiar voice. The twins slowly turned around to see Ratchet standing behind them. Both their optics widened and they squeaked in fear. Ratchet was tapping his foot impatiently with his arms crossed.

"Run Sunny!"

"Right! Going straight to bed!" Sunstreaker cried as the two disappeared to their rooms. Everyone watched laughing.

"Did I hear something about a road trip?" Optimus asked.

"We're going on a road trip!" said Jazz.

"I see. Well, I suppose we could. Starscream shouldn't be too much to worry about while we're gone. But... for safety concerns I'll ask who wants to stay behind."

"I will sir," said Red Alert. "I don't particularly like beaches and I feel more like being here."

"And the twins will because they're as you humans say 'grounded'."

"Awww but we wanna go..." Sideswipe whinned.

"BED!" Ratchet barked.


"I can weld you to your berths if I have to..." The twins looked upset.

"I agree with Ratchet," said Optimus. "You two are to stay here with Red Alert. Now off to bed."

The twins hung their heads. "Prime, I'll stand behind as well." said Jetfire "It's going to look odd with a cargo plane flowing a bunch of cars."

"Thank you, Jetfire," he smiled. Jetfire nods. "Alright then. Jazz when is our scheduled departure for this 'Road Trip'?"

"When ever ya all are ready." Jazz said with a smile.

"How about tomorrow? In the morning?" asked Ratchet. "It would give us time to gather things we might need and get some recharge before heading out."

"Sounds like a plan."

Later on that night after Sam and Mikeala got the okay from their parents, the two started to pack for the up coming trip the next day. "This will be fun," smiled Mikeala. "It will be cool to see the Autobots enjoying themselves."

"I wonder if we can get more Decepticons to come to our side like Barricade and Frenzy did." Sam added.

"...I dunno... Barricade wasn't one of them to begin with..."

"You're right...he wasn't... But we can still hope."

"Yeah," Mikeala said. "So...which bathing suit should I pack?" she asked with a smirk.

"Well...ah..." Sam started, blushing.

Mikeala laughed. "I'll take both then."

At the same time Prowl brought Jessica home again. "Thanks again, Prowl. Would you like to come in and help me pack?"

"Are you sure?" Prowl asked.

"Why not? I'm not forcing you to stay. Just inviting you in...Robert."

Prowl's hologram blushed a sec. "Okay." Jessica smiled and led him inside. Prowl looked around her kitchen and her living room. "It's very nice for the small size."

"It is an apartment." Jessica said with a smile.

"Can you not afford a house?"

"...No...I can't... I told you already," she said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend you."

"...Not...not every human can afford a house. Mr. Witwicky and Miss Banes live with their parents so they live in a house because their parents can afford it. The same with Mr. Lennox and his family."

"Oh...I see."

Jessica smiled and opened her bedroom door. "It's alright. Don't worry about it. Just drop the subject. So, want to help by packing my bathroom things?"


Jessica smiled. "The bathroom is across the small hall there. I have a travel bag for everything under the sink."

Prowl slowly headed to said room. All the stuff in the room got Prowl confused on what Jessica wanted to take. He noticed some cleaning fluid in the shower and decided she would need those. He took them out and set them on the bathroom sink. Then he looked for the travel bag. Prowl wasn't sure at first what it looked like but after running a search on the net he soon found it. He found the bag under the sink and packed the containers of human cleaning fluids inside. He then searched the web to learn what else she would need.

Jessica emerged from her room after packing all her clothes. "Well?"

"I think I got everything for you." Prowl said.

Jessica smiled and checked the bag he packed. "Good job, Robert," she said with a satisfactory smile. Prowl smiled back at her. "Well, I'm ready to go. How early are we leaving in the morning?" Prowl looked like he was thinking.

"I'm not sure... I'll have to ask Jazz."

"Alright. I'll make a guess. Pick me up around seven?"

"Very well."

Jessica smiled. "I'd offer you to stay for dinner but you don't eat human food." Prowl nods. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then?" she asked, leaving it open for Prowl to decide if he wanted to stay.

"I guess so..." Prowl said.

"Well, goodnight, Robert. That is...unless you want to stay anyway..."

"...Do you want me to?" he asked.

Jessica blushed. "...I-if you...want to stay..." Prowl 'blushed' as well. Jessica cleared her throat and headed to the kitchen to busy herself making dinner. Prowl sighed and decided to stay, sitting himself down at the kitchen table.

He watched her for a little while before getting up. "Can I at least offer to assist you?"

"Ah, yeah sure." Jessica said with a smile. Prowl smiled and came over. Prowl focused his hologram as solid as it could go before helping her. He helped her by making the vegetables. He just couldn't help but smile as he did so. Jessica bumped him as she reached for a knife for the meat she was making. She blushed. Prowl tried to fight his own blush. "...S-sorry..." Jessica smiled.

"It's okay." Prowl said. She just blushed a little deeper as she cut up her meat for herself.


"Jessica! You okay?" Prowl asked worriedly. She sucked on her bleeding finger, the knife clattering to the floor. The ceramic handle chiped. Prowl got even more worried.

She quickly grabbed a paper towel and squeezed it around her finger. "I...I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?" Prowl asked. She nodded as the towel slowly got soaked. "Please...let me take a look..."

"I'm fine...it's nothing..." Jessica said.

"There's a lot of blood..." he said worriedly. He took her finger into his hands. She blushed deeply. "And Ratchet calls me stubborn." Prowl said. She blushed even deeper as he pushed on her finger to stop the bleeding. He put his free arm around her and led her to the bathroom. He searched through her medicine cabinet until he found butterflies.

"How you know human First Aid?" She asked.

"I looked it up on your World Wide Web just now." Prowl said "It's also a bit similar to the First Aid Ratchet insists everyone should know." Jessica smiled as he put the butterflies on. She blushed as he wrapped the wound in a clean dressing. "There you go, Jessica. Please be more careful."

"I will..." Jessica said. Prowl smiled. "...I... Prowl I..."

"Yes Jessica?"

"...I...I...I..." She kissed his hologram on the lips. Prowl looked surprised. Jessica just blushed. Prowl was trying to keep his logic processors from shutting down. They blinked at each other for a moment.

"Ah..." Prowl started.

"...D-do...do you love ME...?" Prowl was unsure how to answer that. Just thinking of an answer was hurting his logic processors.

"...B-but...I... I'm...mechanical...y-you're...human..." Prowl's spark and processor fought against each other. Jessica stared at him sadly, waiting for his answer. Suddenly his processor couldn't take it anymore and his hologram disappeared.

"PROWL!" Jessica ran out of her apartment where the SUV sat. She went up to the hood and patted it. "Prowl! Prowl please!" When she got no response, she grew scared. Could she have killed him? "...You...You can't leave me... Please... I love you..." She didn't know what to do. Should she could call for help? Tears started to form in her eyes. "...Robert...please..."

"Uh..." Prowl's system slowly booted up. His hologram slowly flickered into existence in the driver's seat.

"Robert!" Jessica shouted happily.

"...Who? My name's Prowl..."

Jessica got worried. "Y-You wanted me to call you that." she said.

"...Robert...Jessica... Jessica! You...You kissed me!"

"Yeah, I thought I hurt you or something."

"...I...I'm just...a bit confused... I...I fainted... Also, it made me have my logic glitch. I'm alright... The answer is yes."

"Yes to what?" Jessica asked, having lost her train of thought in all the worry.

"Yes...I love you," he said getting out of the vehicle. Prowl's spark fluttered with joy as he said those words. Jessica smiled happily and put her arms around him. Even for a hologram she was still surprise on how real it felt. "Robert" put his arms around in return. "...I don't know how to make this interspecies thing work, but we will..."

"I'm sure we can think of something." Jessica said. He just nodded.

"Let's head back inside." Jessica nodded. He led her back inside her apartment. Jessica couldn't help but smile again him and lean in to kiss him once they were inside. "Robert" smiled. The sensation passing into his very spark. Jessica then remembers about her dinner she was making.

"Aww...the meat's spoiled... Now what do I do?"

"I...I could take you out? O-our...Our first...'date' as you call it?"

"Are you sure? I mean, does your hologram eat human food?"

"...No... I don't need to. I don't mind watching you replenish your energy. I can tell you more about myself that way."

"Okay...wait how are you going to pay for it?"

"...Oh...I...I hadn't...thought of that..." Jessica couldn't help but smile a bit at him.

"How about I give you the money and you can at least LOOK like you're paying for it?"

"...Is that wise...?"

"Of course. I trust you. Why wouldn't it be wise?" "Robert" smiled a bit. Jessica smiled too and started cleaning up the mess. Once the kitchen was clean again she smiled at Prowl. He smiled back. She washed her hands and went into her bedroom to get her purse. She came back with two big bills and gave them to "Robert".

"Where do you wish to go?"

"Oh, my favorite place is a little country restaurant with the best pies," she smiled. His hologram flickered as he looked up the place.

"Okay." "Robert" said with a smile. "Shall we?" he smiled as he extended his hand. Jessica smiled and slowly placed her hand into his. "Robert" led her out and opened his door for her. He sat in the driver's seat and made sure she was buckled in before driving off.

Back at base, the twins were pouting. "Awww we want to go..." Sideswipe said.

"...I'm so hungry... I can't starve my beautiful body..." Sunstreaker whined.

"I'd give up all my energon rations just to go..." The twins grumble, stuck in their quarters.

"...Sides...can you sneak me some energon...? I'm hungry..." Sunstreaker pleaded.

"Sunny, you're not the only one who's hungry..."

"...Then let's go get some... I need it to keep me looking young and beautiful."

"We are soooo getting in trouble for this..."

"...But Sides...I'm hungry..."

"...Oh...okay..." With that the twins silently left their room and creep towards the rec room. They checked the halls as they crept along. Sunny...I'm not so sure about this... We might get our "grounding" extended...

I don't care, I'm hungry.

So am I. But it's just for tonight. I can survive until then. We might get rewarded for being good. Let's turn back.

NO! I'm going without you then. Sunstreaker continued forward. Sideswipe sighed and followed. His rumbling tank was slowly over ruling his judgment. They crept further and were hiding just behind the Recreation Room door. Most of the Autobots were in bed for the night. Alright, coast is clear. Let's go for it. Sideswipe nodded and followed his brother as they dashed inside. They made it to the dispenser and started filling up a cube for each other. "We made it Sides. See? I told you we'd be fine."

"Oh really? Fine, huh?" said a dark shadow that loomed over them. The twins slowly turn around.

"Uh oh..." gulped Sideswipe.

"Ah...hi Ironhide, what are you doing up?"

"I should be asking you two the same question," he said flatly. Both twins just looked at each other and then sheepishly up at Ironhide. Sunstreaker tried to subspace the cubes. "I thought we told you no energon for tonight?"

"Aw Slag it..." Sunstreaker sighed as he set the cubes behind him.

"Come on," Ironhide said as he outstretched his hand.

"Come on Ironhide, we're starving..." Sunstreaker said.

"That's the whole point, you punk!"

"...I told you Sunny..." sighed Sideswipe.

"At least one of you gets the point. Hand them over, now!"

"Well slag! This sucks!" yelled Sunstreaker as he stomped off back to their room. "Slagging old Rust bucket!" he yelled back at Ironhide.

"Sunny!" Sideswipe shouted.

Sunstreaker just glared and stomped off. "I'll be right back," Ironhide sighed. He walked out and grabbed Sunstreaker by the arm, hard. He got right into his face. "Now you listen here, youngling. You have no right to disrespect me or any other of your superiors. You need to change that attitude of yours or I'll make your lifestream a living hell until you do. You're being punished and the sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be." He dragged Sunstreaker back into the Recreation Room. He kept a good grip on him and then let him go. Sunstreaker stood and pouted. Sideswipe sighed heavily as he handed over the two cubes. Ironhide took one for himself and dumped the other one back into the dispenser. "I was just coming in to get some, saves me the trouble."

"Ironhide," Sideswipe started. "You never told us why you were still awake."

"Oh. I was doing some last rounds in the shooting range. I'm not taking my cannons on the trip with me."

"But what if there is Decepticons?"

"They've been quiet lately. Starscream will never be as big of a threat as Megatron. We'll be safe. Besides, that's why you, Jetfire, and Red Alert are staying behind. We'll be fine without my cannons." Sunstreaker whined as his tank growled at him. "Off to bed with you both. You're lucky I don't take away more energon and add to your sentence."

"I'll make sure we get to bed," said Sideswipe.

"Good. I won't tell Ratchet or anyone else. Consider this a warning alright?" He glared particularly in Sunstreaker's direction.

The yellow twin sighed. "Okay...okay... I'll suffer this one night. I'm sorry about the rust bucket thing." He paused, sighing heavily. "...I...I'm sorry about pranking too..."

"Good...it's sinking into that thick helm of yours," Ironhide smiled a bit. "Go on now."

Sunstreaker sighed and followed his brother back to thier room. Sideswipe punched his brother playfully. "Don't do that again. Next time this happens, we'll stay put." Ironhide watched them leave and then finally drank the energon.

Prowl pulled up at the restaurant. His hologram smiled at Jessica. She smiled back. "Ready?" Prowl asked. She nodded and waited for him to get out of the car. He walked over to her and let her out. Prowl let her take his hand. She smiled happily at him. The two walked into the restuarant. They were greeted by a young woman behind the main counter.

"Just the two of you?" she smiled.

"Yes please." Prowl said.

She grabbed two menus and silverware. "Follow me, please." Prowl and Jessica followed her to a table set for two. The two sat down. She handed them menus. "Can I start you off with something to drink?" Prowl was a bit unsure.

"He'll have a water. I'll have Pepsi."

"Okay sweetie." She left to go get their drinks.

"Thanks." Prowl said.

"Let me handle this." Prowl smiled.

The waitress came back with the water and Pepsi. "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?" Prowl looked over at Jessica.

"We'd like more time please. We're on a date," she smiled.

"Sure thing." Jessica smiled at Prowl. He smiled back. They leaned in and kissed. Jessica smiled at the tingle from Robert.

"I'm sorry if it's not the feeling you are use to." Prowl said.

"I like it," Jessica smiled. "It's interestingly different than a human, squishy feeling." Prowl smiled. Jessica smiled back. She then turned towards the menu. Prowl just watch her with a smile. She happily looked over the menu and decided what she wanted.

"Do you...do you miss your partner?" Prowl asked.

"I think of him at times yes."

"It was my fault..."


"I ran into you..." Prowl said with a sigh "If I wasn't so busy chasing the twins..."

"...YOU? You were the one that caused the accident?" Prowl sadly look at the table. Jessica smiled a bit. "It's okay. If you haven't...well we had never meet." Jessica smiled and took his hand into hers. "It wasn't your fault, okay?"


"It was all an accident. If anything it was the twins. They caused you to chase them." Prowl sighed again. Jessica decided to ask something off the topic at hand so Prowl would stop blaming himself. "Can you tell me more about your family?"

"Like what you want to know?" Prowl asked.


"Well...we came from a small town on Cybertron..." Jessica smiled and listened intently. "It was just our creator Sirius Major, my older brother Jazz and my self and my twin brother... Our carrier sadly died long after me and my twin was sparked..."

"Bluestreak right?" Prowl nodded. "What happend?"

"Decepticons... Megatron was gathering soldiers to start the war and join the 'Cons."

"Oh no..."

"If it wasn't for Ratchet and Red Alert I would have been dead..."

"Oh my..."

"This is all that remind me of that..." Prowl said as he gently touch where his yellow eye was "It was also where Megatron told Barricade and Frenzy I was dead and they joined up with him."

"Aww..." Prowl nodded.

"Lowtown must be a beautiful place..."

"Yeah...it was for a small town... until Megatron attacked it..."

"Oh... There's nothing left...?"

"No...we also lost our creator that day..."

"...I'm so sorry..." At that moment, the waitress returned.

"Figured out what you two wanted?" she asked.

"Yes," said Jessica "I'll have the grilled chicken dinner. Robert will have the soup and salad."

Prowl nodded. "Okay what kind of soup?" Prowl looked at Jessica.

"Any one will be good." Jessica said with a smile.

"Alright, soup of the day is great. I'll be back when you're food is ready."

"Thanks." Prowl said after the waitress left. "Where were we?"

Jessica smiled and kissed Prowl again. "Other then me was they any other girls?"

"...No... I...never had time for a girlfriend..."


"...Really..." Prowl sadly looked down at the table again.

Jessica took his hands into hers. "Now you have me." Prowl slowly looked up at her a small smile on his face again.

"I love you."

"I love you too." The two smiled at each other. Jessica took another drink from her cup.

Meanwhile, back at base, Sunstreaker's groaning was keeping him awake. He was too hungry to just ignore it. He carefully climbed down from the berth. "Sunny...? You hungry too?"

"Yeah..." he said as he went over and opened their closet. He went into his side and started rooting around for things.

"Sunny? What you doing?"

"Looking for my candy stash."

"Can I have some Sunny?"

"...If I can find it..."

"Hurry Sunny..."

"Why? This is our room. No one's going to catch us. Ah ha! Found it!" He pulled out a silver box from the mess of the closet." Sideswipe hurried over to his brother. Sunstreaker smiled as he opened the box. The inside was full of pink and blue crystal like shapes. There were some plain rectangle ones and some cookie shaped ones. There were also pretty wrapped spheres.

"Jackpot! Oops..." Sideswipe said as he lowered his voice. "You must have a whole year's supply of candy here."

"Nah, just a stash I keep whenever I get some. Why do you think I buy so much sometimes? I gotta keep my stash, especially for emergencies like this."

"Primus...why didn't I think of that."

"That's cause every time you buy some you eat it right away."

"Hey! I work it off being an elite fighting machine and training all those new guys."

"Yeah but you still eat them every chance you get."

"..." Sideswipe started to grab some. Sunstreaker smacked his hand away.

"No... You can't just eat it all. It takes me a while to build it up. Besides, this isn't your regular average cube of it. This is the goodies. If you wolf down these you'll get sick. Then they'll find out. Then, bye bye stash. Got it?"

"...Yeah... That would suck, big time."

"Here, eat these for now. If they still keep us from having some tomorrow, we'll eat a little more." He handed Sideswipe two rectangle candies and two of the wrapped spheres. "That's all I'm taking too." He took his share and closed up the silver box.

"Okay Sunny." Sunstreaker ate his pieces slowly. Sideswipe decided to follow his brother's example. "See? Savoring is better," Sunstreaker said as he set his pieces on the berth for a moment. He stashed the box deep in his side of the closet before putting everything back. He came back over and finished eating his pieces. "Alright, dispose of the evidence," he said taking the wrappers and hiding them deep in their trashcan. He climbed back onto the berth. "Goodnight, Sides."

"Night Sunny." The two fell asleep just as Red Alert came to check on them. He knew they were being punished and should be asleep.

He listened at their door and checked to make sure there were no energy readings from the room. "Good, sleeping like children as the humans say."

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, the food had come and the waitress was checking on them. "Jessica...what do I do...?" Prowl asked worriedly.

"Leave it to me..." she replied as she dumped some of the soup into her mashed potatoes. She hurriedly ate a few bites of salad.

"How is everything?"

"Everything's good. Right Robert?"

"Yes, just great."

"Would you like a refill on your water, sir?"

"I'm fine for now, thank you."

"How about you miss?"

"Not right now, thank you. Maybe later."

"Alright," she smiled going on her way.

"Speaking of... Are you sure you don't need to eat? Should you go get that ener- whatever you call it?"

"I'm fine." Jessica smiled as they enjoyed their dinner together.

"So..." she said as she took another bite of her own dinner. "Do you think we can get some alone time at the beach this weekend?"

"I'm pretty sure we can." She smiled. "We won't worry about the twins since they are grounded to stay in the base."

"Right." Prowl smiled back. Jessica swallowed and the two kissed again. The two kissed a bit more passionately. Then Prowl smiled happily at her.

The waitress came by again. "Would you two like dessert? The pies here are famous." Prowl looked unsure as he looked at Jessica.

"Well...we are getting pretty full. I think we'll need a box for our dinner as it is."

"You can order a piece to go if you'd like," the waitress smiled.

"No, that's fine."

"Maybe next time, but thank you for asking," smiled Prowl.

"Very well I'll be back with the box and your check."

"Thank you," smiled Jessica. She turned to her dinner and started to finish up what she could. Prowl's salad and soup were empty. "Thank you for taking me out." Jessica said to Prowl.

"You're welcome. This is our first date after all."

"Yeah I know." Jessica said with a smile. She took a few more bites of her plate until less than half was left. "...Oh, I couldn't eat another bite."

"Well you did eat both of our meals." Prowl said with a smile. Jessica glared at him a moment. "Sorry...I was trying to make a joke...sadly I'm never too good at them."

"Oh... Well so was I. Also, you shouldn't say something like that in a public place." She leaned in. "Then people will get suspicious and your cover is blown. They will know not you're not real."


She kissed him. "It's okay. This first date has been great."

"Well...how about next time, I'LL choose the place. Somewhere I can be myself."

"Like where?"

"You'll find out when that time comes. For now, we can look forward to the beach."

"Here you go." the waitress said as she came back with a to-go box and the check.

Prowl got out the money that Jessica had given him earlier. He put the money down with the check. "Thanks, Robert," Jessica smiled.

"Keep the change," Prowl smiled at the waitress.

"Thank you for coming, have a nice night."

The two smiled at the waitress as she left. Jessica put her leftovers in the container. Prowl stood up and extended his hand. She took it as he helped her stand. He pushed her chair in and they left.

Once they got back into his alt mode they headed back to her apartment. He 'drove', hologram still engaged. "I just thought of something..." Jessica said.

"What is it?" Prowl asked.

"How are we going to make this work? I mean it, seriously. How are we going to make this relationship work? What about children?"

"I...I never thought about that..." Prowl said, now looking a bit sad. He always wanted sparklings of his own.

"...We...We could just...NOT have children... I mean...it is impossible for us..."

"No, Jessica. I want sparklings too."


"What you call babies."

"Oh..." She laughed nervously. "Well, it IS only the first date. I shouldn't be bringing up such questions yet."

"I guess so..." Prowl said "But...it would had been nice though..."

"We'll see how our relationship goes," she smiled as they pulled up to her apartment. Prowl let her out and led her to her door. "Do you want to stay?" she asked.

"...I...I should get back to base. I'll come pick you up on our way there. Everyone knows you're coming."

"Okay, just be careful." she said.

Prowl smiled at her. "I will. Get a good night sleep. We'll be by early."

"I will. Good night."

"Good night," he said as he gave her a goodnight kiss. She smiled as they pulled away from each other. He waited for her to get inside and lock up before disengaging. Jessica looked out her window as she saw Prowl back out of his parking spot and drove out of the parking lot before disappearing down the street. Once back at base, he transformed and happily walked to his quarters. He joyfully plopped onto his berth and fell asleep thinking of Jessica.