The Birth of the Ballad!

Frida sighed mournfully as she cleaned up the last few remains of a food fight she never even started… Buzz the bully had instantly returned to his old rein of terrorizing the poor kids of the Leone school after brushing off a recent harsh chat with Chief Suarez about trying to harm his daughter. Chief Suarez had trained his dogs to respond to a chime of a dog whistle that each family member carried with them and then were meant to retrieve the family member's said attacker and bring them back to Elimilano for integration. But Buzz wasn't one to listen to a cop whole-heartily…He had promised not to hurt Frida but not to make her suffer for his own personal amusement…

Frida was just in the mists sliding her scraps of the edge of her dustpan when a banana mysteriously squirted itself against her right goggle…

"You missed a spot Frida!" cried one of Buzz's lackeys as she turned around to face the said voice…

Buzz and his goons were high hysterics at the sight of Frida miserable...

"You pin heads are suppose to be in class…"

"So are you!" Laughed the other lackey… "Oh wait…Your cleaning up the mess we made!"

The jerk squad broke into even louder uproar at that remark which Frida ignored…

"Oh wait Blue-Babe…Were not done with you yet…Here have another banana since your boyfriend's not here to receive it…" Said Buzz as he squirted another banana at Frida's side making her topple over into the rubber garage can next to her…

The effect made Frida's eyes run badly as the goons continued to laugh at her but it all was to be shortly ended…

As if some bizarre an act of nature itself, the ground beneath the oppressing gang's feet suddenly rose into the air and flung the bullies a few feet across the courtyard…

Frida looked over to where the ground had started rise and found El Tigre there looking at her…

"MANNY? Where have you been for the past two weeks? I last saw you when your Grandma left town…I could have used that super strength of you're to help clean up this place… When did you get super strength anyway…?"

Manny only turned away from her… "Sorry Frida, Can't talk now…Busy…" As he returned the stretched out courtyard to normal…

"Your gonna pay for that kid…" Muttered Buzz as he came too…

"How? I've got the super strength…" Manny mocked while standing with his arms crossed…

Buzz just groaned furiously and made a charge for El Tigre but the tiger warrior just blocked his jabs and gave him a furious knee maneuver in the stomach which intently hurt Buzz causing the bully to fall to his knees and made him water up… "Now your not gonna pick on me again ,ARE YOU?"

The bully shook his head from side to side at a speedy pace…

"And you're not going to hurt Frida or any other kid in this school again, ARE YOU?

The bully shook his head and cried… "I SWWWWWAERRRRR!"

"Good, now get of here and if you ever think of hurting ever another citizen in this city again, just remember this sounded...RRRRRRAWWWWWRWWWWWWW! (El Tirge's tiger roar)

With that sound demonstrated Buzz and his cronies shuffled away at post haste leaving Frida to freely gander at Manny…

Frida stood awe struck at Manny which him feel the need to explain the whole two week absence thing… "I know I'm a little weirder than before…But there's a good reason for that. It's because of my…

Frida just continued to look at him blankly…

Manny gave in defeated… "Yeah…"

"Dude…You're…TOALLY AWESOME!!!" Said Frida as she suddenly glomped Manny to the ground… "You're like a full tiger now and I love it!"

Manny looked up intrigued… "So you're not mad that my family blocked off you from seeing me during the two week course for disturbance purposes?"

Frida instantly grabbed Manny's collar and looked at him with a hostile eye. "THEY WHAT?!?"

One hour later at the Police Station…

"Frida I don't think they meant to oppress you…" Chief Suarez gestured as both his Dobermans sat top his office desk holding White Pentera and Grandpappi in a wedge position…

Frida just shhhed him and gesture to a little TV… "House is on…I love Huge Laurie…How you holding of those training dummies Manny?"

Manny smiled as he just finished beating up three identical Miracle City crooks for the third time… "Fine…Hey can I come out now? I've said I'm sorry too you…"

Frida pawed him off too… "UUPPPP! House!....Awe, Huge Laurie… "

The End!