Author's note: One, I am really really really sorry for the big time gap between updates. I'm trying my best to stop being lazy and to actually put my brain on the thinking train. Two, I will finish one story at a time. Meaning Six Flags is on hiatus until Organization 13 is through with their torture. Also, my other story involving Resident Evil is deleted. I knowingly did so because there was no inspiration left to try and go with along a 5 minute thought up plot. Meh. With that out of my system, I bring you chapter 3 of Disneyland's Very Own 13 Disasters or DVO13D.

"Talking" 'Thinking'

I own only Annie, her family and possessions.

Chapter 3: Staring Contests and Sore Shoulders

The roar of the morning crowd grew steadily as Annie, Scout and Luxord traveled straight into the most popular places of the park, Fantasyland. Matterhorn towered over the other rides with its majestic fake painted snow top and multiple cars running at a fast pace within it. A giant grin formed over the teen's face as she grabbed the cloaked man's arm and headed straight to the long line. Luxord took one look at the amount of people and grimaced. He, controller of time, does not do well with waiting. "Are you sure you want to go on this ride?"

Annie nodded and kept an iron grip on the arm. "I want Scout to enjoy every moment of his birthplace before we leave for home." Luxord raised an eyebrow and looked for a kid in a boy/girl scout uniform. "And...where is this Scout?"

A black blob was shoved in front of his face and he leaned back to see what the object was. 'Of coarse. Disney would want to gather all profit from a few games. I'm surprised they haven't made a couple of rides involving the almighty Kingdom Hearts.' He smiled and set the owners' hands down. "That is an adorable heartless you have there. But wouldn't a nice innocent child like you want a Mickey Mouse plush instead?" Her reply was only a glare and a tug to keep up with the line.

Luxord sighed and hoped for a simple form of entertainment. If he had known that sticking to a Somebody like this girl, Annie, would be a headache...He took another glance around the line and it was if the giant Heart in the sky granted his wish. Spiky red and blonde hair were a few paces behind him and the heads were very close together. 'I would hate to know that the fangirls of this world were right...' Then, the shorter being's body shook with laughter as Axel pointed to an object in his hand. Both males erupted in another bout of laughter before noticing the Gambler's stare. Ignoring the protests and angry shouts of the couple shoving others out of line, Axel and Roxas shared Cheshire's grin when finally meeting up with Luxord. "Well, well. If it isn't the terrible two. And what are you planning now?"

Annie, who had been chatting her lips off at the inattentive Luxord and Scout, watched as the skinny people cut the line. Eyes moved from stranger to Luxord to red head to small blonde and back to stranger. The woman was a bit creeped out from a teen staring at her and tried to pretend that there was nothing there. Annie kept staring. Soon, Luxord gave up interrogating the terrible two and the three joined Annie in her staring contest with the woman's back. Guess who was winning.

"Will you stop it! I'm trying to enjoy my day!"



The woman huffed, she puffed, but she could not blow away Annie's concentration on staring. With another huff of breath she grabbed her sons' arms and pulled out of the line, the two boys whining that they wanted to ride the roller coaster. The three Nobodies looked down at Annie and then at each other. "If we keep this up, the line will be a five minute walk." Axel grinned and folded his arms, a plushie coming into plain view. Luxord took one look at the specimen and shook his head. "You're gambling with Hades if you keep that in your possession."

The red head shrugged and gave it to Roxas. Annie got a hold of Luxord and pulled him along the moving line, finally creeping out enough people from the scene to have a nice walk to the front. The four waited for a cart to pull up and got in, Axel and Roxas in the front, Luxord and Annie right behind them. The Gambler of Fate did not look excited to be in this position and held a firm grip on the safety bar. Annie was the same way, except poor Roxas had to deal with her grip on his shoulders.

The cart finally took off with a speedy start and raced though the mountain, the yeti making a few but effective appearances. The back row was filled with terrified screams, especially on the drops. The teen tried her best to keep calm, even thinking of It's A Small World, but poor Roxas's shoulders knew no peace or blood circulation until the ride came to a stop. The young member practically had to wait until the employees were able to pry the girl's fingers off of him. No really, they had to go get pliers. Roxas shook and rolled his shoulders, relieved to feel them at long last and glared at Annie. Annie could care less. She went back to staring at the woman who decided it was safe to go back to Matterhorn. Luxord finally noticed what kept her attention and joined her in the long distance staring.

Axel and Roxas looked at each other and slowly moved away from the two, looking for other rides to go on that would hopefully not entice Luxord's new friend to go on. The said two however, stood their ground and tilted their heads in the same direction.

"...I wonder if she knows there's a giant splotch of seagull droppings on her back."