Kiki : Hah, thanks, I really appreiciate that you think I write the characters, well IN character. And I know people usually don't really write Hermione/Fred until about her 4th year, but I think those beginning years are so important, anyway thank you for being the 100th reviewer =)

xsmittenx : =) thank you, and for the record, I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't laugh when reading your review. I hope you didn't wake your grandad up.

NovemberDreamer : The chapter was entitled "Time to Lie" for two reasons. 1.) They're lying about their relationship
2.) I didn't know what else to title it, maybe in the future I'll think of something better, but for now it remains.

Everyone Else : Thanks for reviewing, and you know I love you all =)

The Great Hall - During The Sirius Black Scare (Roughly page 166 - hardback version)

Hermione waited until she was sure Ron and Harry were asleep, then she looked to her left to where Fred lay and whispered, "Hey." He didn't respond and she rolled her eyes, "I know you're awake."

Fred grinned softly in the darkness, "Can't get anything past you, can I Granger?"

"Not in the dark, turning into a cat has some lasting effects." There was a pause then Hermione spoke again, "I'm scared too."

"I just, I know you, Ron and Harry are going to do something dangerous."

"You can't know that for certain."

Pause. "Just come back in one piece okay?"

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

They wrapped their pinky's around each others again and fell asleep, the smallest contact enough to sooth both their worries.

At least for tonight.

Post Hufflepuff v. Gryffindor Quidditch Game

Hermione came bursting into the common room for her and Fred's meeting, "I'm so sorry I'm late."

Fred smiled lightly, he always did at the sight of her, "It's alright, where were you?"

Hermione sat next to him on the couch and he wrapped an arm around her, "Visting Harry with Ron. I'm so worried about him."

Fred answered with an uninterested, "Really."

Hermione nodded, oblivious, "Yes, he's devastated about his Nimbus and furious with himself for losing the match, Oliver isn't helping much with that anyway-"



"No offense, but I honestly don't care right now."

Hermione looked down, "Oh. Sorry."

Fred sighed, "No, I'm sorry, it's just I don't see you nearly as often as I'd like and when I do, I'd rather my girlfriend not talk about another bloke."

Hermione raised her eyebrows, "Girlfriend?"

Fred's eyes widened in fear, "Uh. I mean, only if you want to be, that is. I know we didn't officially-"

She hugged him tightly, "I'd love to be."

Fred hugged her back and let her pull back but kept an arm around her, "So. How have classes been?"

Hermione smiled and snuggled into him, "Well..."

After Scabbers Goes Missing

"Oh Fred!"

Fred turned around and stumbled backwards when a mass of bushy hair hit him in the chest, "What's wrong pet?" He asked and stroked her hair softly.

Hermione pulled back, her eyes red from crying, "Ron is furious with me!"

"Because of Scabbers, still?"

"Yes! He thinks Crookshanks ate him!"

Fred hesitated, " don't?"

"No! Scabbers is probaby just...hiding!"


"Don't tell me I'm insane or in denial!"


Suddenly Hermione looked vulnerable, "Please don't be angry with me too."

Fred chuckled softly, pulling her back into a hug, "Of course I'm not angry, Scabbers was old and probably about to die anyway. and it's not like you ate the old thing, right?"

Hermione pulled away from Fred, "Of course not!"

"Then what can I blame you for? Cats will be cats."

Hermione smiled, "Thank you."

"And George and I'll try and talk some sense into Ron, okay?"

"You're perfect."

Fred shrugged, "I know."

Hermione punched him in the arm. So Fred hit her with a pillow. Soon an all out, midnight pillow fight was in effect.

Immediately After Hermione Leaves Divination

"Stupid, idiotic, egotistical...," Hermione muttered, storming down the corridor.

"Hope you're not talking about you're boyfriend."

Hermione spun around, coming face-to-face with Fred, "And what if I am?"

"Well, I'd agree and say you deserve much better."

A small smile twitched at the corners of Hermione's mouth, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

Fred shrugged, "Some devilishly handsome bloke with a charming smile and fantastic sense of humor?"

Hermione smiled, "George?"

"Not that again!"

Hermione laughed and Fred smiled back, "So. What were you talking about, and if you say me I might be heartbroken."

Hermione frowned angrily, "Divination." She furrowed her eyebrows, "Shouldn't you be in class?"

Fred shrugged, "Technically, what happened?"

"That...woman had the nerve to tell me that I was no good at Divination, and she knew it all along! Well, as if I need that class."

"Listen." Fred took Hermione's hand and led her to the Entrance Hall, "You're out of class, which I cannot believe by the way, and I'm out of class-"

"Which I can completely believe."

Fred ignored her interruption, "Let's do something with the few stolen moments we have together."

Hermione thought for a few moments, "Alright."

The two walked out onto the grounds and sat under an oak tree by the lake, watching the Giant Squid swim in the waters. Hermione sighed and laid on her back, looking at the clouds, "I'm so glad you brought me out here."

Fred smiled down at her, "Really."

Hermione nodded, "Yes. It's beautiful out today."

"You're beautiful." There was a pause then Hermione burst out into giggles. Fred looked hurt, "What? I call you beautiful and you laugh at me!"

Hermione tried to stop, to no avail, but she managed to push herself up, "I'm sorry it's just," laughter, "so cheesy!"

Fred paused then burst out laughing himself. Eventually their giggles subsided and Fred spoke, "You really are beautiful though."

Hermione sighed, "Thanks for saying so."

"You don't believe me?"

"Not really, no."

"Why not?"

Hermione began pulling out grass, not looking up, "I have beaver teeth, I'm not skinny, my hair is out of control-"

"And I love it."

"You don't have to lie."

Fred sighed, "I'm not. I mean, I'm not perfect-" Hermione snorted in response, "Really. I'm ghost white, covered in freckles, and I'm so thin I'm surprised I don't fall through cracks when I walk over them."

Hermione thought, "You're not that pale."

Fred laughed, "And you're perfect. Your teeth are endearing, you hair is wonderful and who wants a skinny woman anyway?"


"Well then I reject society."

Hermione smiled, "You really are perfect, aren't you?"

"Nah. But I am getting better. Because of you."

Hermione noticed their faces getting closer and pulled away, blushing, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I'm. Not comfortable. You know, snogging yet."

Fred laughed, "That's fine. I can wait."

"I just feel bad since, you know I kissed you first-"

"Listen. I will always wait for you to be ready. So never be sorry for not being ready." Hermione smiled and Fred shrugged, "I may be taking a few more showers but-" He was rewarded with a punch in the arm. He rubbed it and said, "Goodness, I think I just got myself into an abusive relationship."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Oh shush."

"Anything for you."

Post Quidditch Final

"Love, you need sleep."

Hermione jumped at the voice right by her ear and rubbed her eyes, looked at Fred, "What?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Sleep, go get some."

"But we never see each other except at night."

"Listen, you need to take care of yourself."

"I am!"

Fred shook his head, "No you're not." He stitched his eyebrows together, "I could have sworn I just saw you in the library, yet here you are."

Hermione flushed, "I ran."

Fred sighed, "You're not taking care of yourself and if I need to take myself out of the equation for you to do so, I will."

Hermione grabbed his arm, though he hadn't moved, "No! I'm fine, really. It's just I'm taking so many classes."

"Can't you drop a few?"

"Of course not!"

"Fine. Take care of yourself then, okay?"

Hermione smiled softly, "Sit with me?"

"Always," Fred answered as he moved in next to her. She smiled and laid her head on his lap.

Hermione smiled lightly, "Did I ever say congratulations on winning the Quidditch cup?"

Fred laughed in return, "I don't think there was really an opportunity."

"I should have just run onto the field and kissed you."

"That would have been quite a show for my team mates."


"Although you know we-"

"Can't, I know."

Fred sighed, "I wish we could. A few more months, yeah?"


There was a moment of silence before Fred broke it, "So what's this I hear about you socking Malfoy in the face?"

Hermione laughed loudly, "Yes. It felt good."

"I think you owe someone a 'thank you'."

Hermione smiled, "I'll be sure to thank George when I see him."

Fred smiled, "Good. Did I mention how proud I was when I saw his black eye and heard that you did it?"


"Well I was. Really proud."

Hermione sighed contently and closed her eyes as Fred laid an Afgan on her. Sleepily she muttered, " you, Fred."

Fred smiled broadly, "I," he looked down and saw her fast asleep then leaned back against the couch, chuckling, " you too, 'Mione."

After Saving Sirius Black and Buckbeak

Hermione and Ron ran after Harry as he bolted into Remus Lupin's room but arrived too late, the door was already closed and they didn't want to interrupt. They both sat down, leaning against the wall and were in a casual conversation when George and Fred arrived on the scene.

George smiled down on the two and wiggled his finger at them, "What have I told you about going on deadly adventures with Harry without telling us!"

Ron shrugged, "Nothing."

George paused, "Well then I guess I can't be mad at you, can I?"

Ron nodded, "Right. So. Why are you guys here?"

Fred shrugged, "We can't be worried about our little brother and his friends?"

Ron shook his head, "No."

George shrugged, "Yeah you're right. We've been planning this prank on Slytherin and we need your help, Ron."

Ron smiled, "Me?" His smile faltered, "This isn't a prank on me, is it?"

George shook his head, "I solomnly swear."

Fred nodded, "Me too."

Ron still eyed them warily, "Why don't you need Hermione's help?"

Fred shrugged, "She's not shifty enough, and she might tell on us."

Hermione made a disgruntled sound, but Ron smiled, "Alright. What do you want to do?"

George smiled and put an arm around his youngest brother, "Let's talk over here, Fred will keep Hermione occupied."

Fred waited till the two rounded the corner before grabbing Hermione and hugging her tightly, "I was worried about you."

Hermione smiled and hugged him back but eventually she pulled back and looked Fred in the eye, "Harry is one of my best friends, and I will always be there for him when he needs me, even if he doesn't want me to. And that will probably lead me into dangerous situations that will probably endanger my life. But it's what I need to do. It's what I want to do. And you need to accept that if we can ever work, okay?"

Fred nodded, "I know. And I wouldn't want that to change."

Hermione smiled broadly, "You're amazing." She grabbed Fred and hugged him again tightly. They stayed that way until Fred heard George's code word and he quickly pulled away and separated himself from her.

George and Ron rounded the corner and Ron looked very excited, "George this is going to be amazing!"

George shrugged, "Yeah I know. So I need you to get Malfoy into the astronomy tower, alright?"

Ron nodded, "Definitely."

Hermione and Fred shared a secret look before George and Fred left, and Harry walked out of Lupin's room.

To Wrap Up A Loose End

The prank on Malfoy was a complete success and he walked around for four hours before someone told him he had "Gryffindor Rules" shaved into his hair. He prompty screamed and hid in his common room.

End Of The Year Feast

During the feast Hermione and Fred shared looks and had a small conversation but there wasn't enough time to have an actual conversation, so when the time came for the students of Hogwarts to pass through the barrier into the muggle world, Hermione made sure to be next to Fred.

Fred smile down on her, "Another year."

"Another pass through the barrier." She replied, smiling up at him.

Fred laughed and wrapped an arm around her, "Man I'm going to miss you this summer."

"Well. Maybe I can come visit."

"That would be amazing."

Hermione smiled but her smile turned into alarm when Crookshanks jumped from her arms and onto Fred's shoulder, purring loudly, "I'm so sorry Fred!"

Fred laughed and pulled Crookshanks from his shoulder, putting him in his cage, "It's alright, he seems to not mind me, eh?"

Hermione smiled, "I'm glad, since I'm quite partial to you as well."

"Oh really?"

"Yes." Fred and Hermione passed through the barrier and Hermione sighed, "I don't want to leave."

"You never want to leave."

Hermione shrugged, "I know but, now I'm not just leaving Hogwarts, I'm leaving you."

"You were before, too."

"It's different now!"

Fred pulled her into a hug, "I know, but, we'll see each other over the summer, the World Quidditch Cup is this summer and I'm sure Ron will be inviting you and Harry to come."

"Quidditch?" Hermione made a face.

"I'll be there."

Hermione pretended to think, "I guess I could go." Fred smiled, "Besides, I hear the cutest men are Quidditch players."

Fred smirked, "You know, I play Quidditch."

Hermione's smile disappeared, "Oh. I guess it's not true."

Fred looked aghast, "You little-"

"Hermione!" Hermione turned to see her parents waving at her.

Hermione smiled and gave Fred a peck on the cheek, "See you this summer."

Fred watched as Hermione went, smiling.

Hermione reached her parents and although she knew she would endure a million questions from them about her kissing Fred...

It was totally worth it.

AN : Year 3 is DONE. I'm so excited to start 4th year, but it might be a bit. As always, tell me if you see an error in the writing or in the time line.
Hope you enjoyed =)