Hi guys! This might just be a one shot, depending on how much I like it, so please review!

Basically, in this story Kelsi is a simple girl who gets bullied a bit, and when she stops playing the piano, she expresses her creativity by making little stories.

Because of this, there will possibly be Troypay, Ryella, Chadella, Troysi, Chadpay, Zeylor (or is it Zekelor? Anyway, it's Zeke n Taylor, just so it's clear) and many other possible couples, depending on how the story goes.

So, hoping that the intro didn't put you off my story, I hope you enjoy it )

Kelsi sat at the lunch table, alone. She looked around at the cafeteria. The basketball team, mathletes, cheerleaders, were all at their tables. So where was the Drama Club?

"Hey Kelsi!" came a voice from behind.

"Oh – er - wha . . .?" she fumbled, swivelling round to look into the face of Ally.

"Why aren't you sitting with the drama club?" Ally raised an eyebrow as if to say, 'you think you're better than us or something?'

"They . . . they're not here. Are they?" Kelsi stammered, as Ally retorted,

"Well, duh! They're over there!" she pointed with a bright pink nail to a table that was right over at the other side of the cafeteria. Kelsi stared, surprised.

"Sharpay got didn't like this table, it's too open for people to eavesdrop, you know?" Ally pointedly glanced at the basketball team's table where Chad was showing of some moves, before giving a little 'urgh'.

"Oh . . . but . . . they . . . why didn't they tell me?"

"They didn't?" Ally looked so surprised; it was obvious she was faking it. "Well, I didn't know that. I guess Sharpay just . . . forgot . . ." and with that, she flounced off. Soon after, an explosion of laughter came from their table, and Kelsi turned to see Sharpay and her friends looking her way, unable to stop laughing. 'Ha ha, what a funny joke.' She thought bitter. 'Why is it always me?'

Kelsi rushed out of the cafeteria, only to bump into Troy just outside.

"Hey Kel!" he said cheerfully. "My dad made me do extra practice, like always. What are you doing?"

"Leaving." She said flatly, scrunching her eyes to stop the tears from falling.

"Wait, wait, what's wro - are you crying?"

"No!" she said quickly.

"Yes." He put his arm around her shoulders and led her in the direction of the auditorium. They walked quite quickly.

"Okay, tell me Kel-bell. What's up?"

"Nothing important, I just . . . I mean, it's just that Sharpay and her crew . . ."

"Oh. I see." Troy said. "What did they do this time?"

"Nothing, they just changed tables without telling me. See, it's stupid. I'm stupid." She whined, as quiet as she could.

"C'mon Kel, you're not stupid. You're crying for a reason, and that's not it, I can tell. That sort of thing wouldn't just set you off. " Troy stopped as they reached the auditorium door, and he held it open for her.

"Well . . . they're, I mean she's always doing little things to aggravate me. It seemed like accidents. Now it pretty obvious that it's on purpose. I'm like some annoying fly she wants to squish."

"Listen, just don't worry about . . ." Troy trailed off as he saw the mess.

The piano that was on the stage was broken on the floor in front of the stage. It looked like someone has pushed it from the back to the front of the stage, and then flung it off with amazing force.

"What the -"

"Vandals! Hooligans! Idiots! Why wasn't this piano put away after practise? What sort of a heartless fool would bother to damage a expensive piano?" screamed Ms Darbus, flinging her shawl around her in anger. 'I can think of someone,' Kelsi thought gloomily, then corrected herself. 'No. Sharpay wouldn't go so low. Or should I say, she wouldn't do anything that could potentially break a nail.'

"I told you that my Mum lent my piano to a relative," said Kelsi, worriedly. "How can I do my piano practice?"

Ms Darbus started blankly at Kelsi. "My dear, I'm afraid you can't,"


"I'm home!" Kelsi called out to no-one in particular, as she shut her front door.

"Just in time too. Someone's on the phone for you!" her mother's voice wafted from the kitchen to the hallway where Kelsi was standing.

'Someone's calling me? I don't usually get calls straight after school; I wonder what's so urgent . . . ' She picked up the phone, and anxiously put it to her ear.


"Oh hiya Kelsi!" came Gabriella's bouncy voice. "I hope you don't mind me calling, I got your number from Jason, and I wasn't sure if you were home so I thought I'd try anyway. Phew!" Gabriella took a breath of air after using so much in one go.

"Oh, sure, that's fine." Kelsi replied.

"Are you okay? Troy said you felt a bit down. Hey, did you hear what happened to the piano in the-"

"Yep, I heard. I went there with Troy and saw it myself."

"You did? With Troy?" Gabriella sounded a bit put out. "Oh, I guess you're lucky to have seen it. No-one's allowed in there now."

"I'm lucky to have seen a broken piano?"

"Well, no, I didn't mean-"

"I messin' with you Gabi." Kelsi felt a bit apprehensive now. She had a feeling like Gabriella wasn't getting to the point of what she called for.

"So, why did you call?"

"To find out if you were okay!"

There was a little pause.

"Why did you call, Gabriella?"

"I . . . just wanted to know if . . . uh . . ." Then, Gabriella blurted it all out. "If you could practice that audition song with me. I sorry to ask and I know you're busy but we haven't had any time and it's better with a piano, I can't even imagine how much Sharpay is practising and I have to sing with her, and maybe you could help us practise together-"

Kelsi felt something jump in her stomach. So this is for Sharpay?

"I'll think about it. I have to go now, see you tomorrow."

"Wait, wait! Maybe we can sort something out!" offered Gabriella. In the background, Kelsi heard something like

'what the hell are you talking about?' it sound like a male voice.

'Shh, I'm on the phone!' was the reply from Gabriella.

'Call them back then. Come over here!'

'I'm not just gonna hang up on – get off Troy!' then a sequence of giggles.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Gabi." Kelsi hung up, getting bored, of waiting just to listen to mystery noises.

"Someone from school?" asked Mrs Nielsen, coming out of the kitchen. She stood at the doorway of the hall, drying her wet hands.

"Well, it wouldn't really be anyone else," said Kelsi gloomily. "Mom, when are we getting our piano back?"

"Not for a while, I would assume," shrugged Mrs Nielsen. "Your aunt wants to learn how to play, and you haven't been using it much, and we still have a keyboard!"

"A keyboard is not the same. My fingers will start lagging behind, I won't be able to play as fast as before -"

"For goodness sake, don't be such a drama queen. You know, there are other ways of expressing creativity, not just though music." The mother said exasperated.


"Oh, I don't know . . . drawing . . . writing poems . . ."

"Mom, I'm no artist. And people in the drama club recite poems for plays, not write them. If you write them, you're classed as geeky. Though that won't make a difference for me."

Mrs Nielsen walked over to her and gave her a tight hug.

"Sweetie, take no notice of those people, they're the ones that lower your self-esteem. You know, when I was little, I used to write stories. Ones about animals that can talk or people that went on adventures, or- "

"Mom, thanks but . . . I don't think I'd want to do that." Kelsi let go of her mother, still feeling down, thinking a lot about Sharpay. Mrs Nielsen shook her head.

"Well, whatever you decide to do, cheer up at least." And with that, her mother exited.


Later that evening, Kelsi lay on her bed, thinking about anything and everything that popped into her head.

. . . Sharpay is practising and I have to sing with her . . .

. . . What sort of a heartless idiot would do this . . .

. . . I guess Sharpay just . . . forgot . . .

. . . Kel, you're not stupid . . .

. . . You know, when I was little, I used to write stories . . .

. . .I used to write stories . . .

. . . There are other ways of expressing creativity . . .

. . . Write stories . . .

That evening, maybe out of interest or just boredom, Kelsi decided to write a story.

And the first one . . . would be about Sharpay Evans.

Sooooooooooo, whad'ya think? The ending was a bit crap, but hopefully the rest of the story will make up for it . . . ?

Please leave a reply, and if you have any good ideas for chapters, I will gladly dedicate that chapter to you. Thanks for reading!