
It had been a year since Gabriel and Carl had shown up at the manor and now it was like they had lived there all their lives. Carl had decided to stay on to help out with the monster hunting, though Melania and Lilia had a sneaking suspicion it was because of Mary, the cook.

Today there was a wedding.

The bride and groom stood at the altar, a priest before them, but they couldn't see anything but one another. Their contrasting eyes stayed locked throughout the entire ceremony, as did their hands. They had fallen in love in a short amount of time, but it didn't matter to the, or the friends and family that surrounded them. The only thing that mattered was the love that they had for one another.

The priest finished his sermon and the dark haired groom smiled widely before pulling his new bride close and kissing her as fiercely as the first time. Once they parted for air Melania sniffed and wiped a few tears from her eyes.

"You okay?" Gabriel asked her, leaning into her to make sure that she was all right.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. Weddings just make me cry I suppose." She shrugged and he smiled at her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his side as they watched Ivan and Lilia take their first steps as husband and wife.

"I remember how much you cried on our wedding day." He teased her, leaning down and giving her neck a tender kiss. She pushed him away playfully and he only pulled her closer, their bodies fitting together like they always had: perfectly


"Yes?" he looked down at her with his hazel eyes and she nearly melted.

"I love you."

He smiled wide.

"I love you."

They leaned in for a kiss and the fireworks exploded just as loud and bright as the first time.

They'd been to hell and back, almost literally, and they stayed together. Because together they were strongest. Melania had been right, she didn't need Gabriel to take care of her, and Gabriel certainly didn't need Melania to take care of him, but both of them wanted the other to take care of, protect, and love them. It was funny how life worked out sometimes, almost as if it were all some big plan.


-Dances wildly- I am so happy that I finished this, because I love it! And I hope that you all loved it too, I hope that I ended it satisfactorily for all of you, and if not, oh well, because as of right now there is no sequel and this is the last chapter, so if you didn't like it, rearrange it in your head if you must. I love you all for staying with me through this story, and I hope that all of you will review and tell me what you thought of the entire thing.

Andrew's Slinky