A/N: And now, an update! Yay! It has taken me so long because I have been so short of ideas and I have been swamped with homework so now... here it is! Chapter 8 of 10 ways to annoy Syaoran! This is not going to be a funny chapter but more of an amusing one. And now disclaimers!

Disclaimer: I own nothing... I have neither the time, money, nor motivation.

Syaoran Takes A Glimpse of Sakura's Mind

"What an odd place," Syaoran ran through the halls of what seemed like a maze. In this world, he had landed away from the group and into a corridor. A white corridor decorated like his Princess's dress. Freaky.

As his feet tapped lightly upon the white birch wood, he remembered something his father had told him about birch wood. Legends tell that they contained the souls of the dead and Princess Sakura could see the dead. Again, the freak-o-meter rang in Syaoran's head like an alarm.

"Princess," he called, his voice reaching into a high pitch like a woman's. His sword was held in front of him like a baton, warding of the evils in the hall. "Princess, where are you?"

And the most peculiar sound to his ears: giggling. A bell-like giggle.

"P-Princess?" he felt like running in the opposite direction and screaming. He stopped. The end of the corridor was dark and seemed to go on for forever. The voice was coming from there. He cursed. Why did the voice always have to be in the dark?

"Here, Syaoran!" a voice sang out at the end of the corridor, "I'm right here!" Footsteps came from down the hall. Whatever it was, it was coming toward him.

Inside his head, he had his will ready. First, he wished his chocolate bunnies goodbye, telling them the chocolate bonbons meant nothing to him. Then he wished that he could have had one last snog with his beautiful yet homicidal Princess. Because, whatever was coming down that corridor was not Princess Sakura. His Princess never called him 'Syaoran'.

Right then and there, Syaoran let out a shrill girly scream. In front of him was his Princess... at the age of 7.

She laughed, pointing at him. By this time, he was backed into a wall. His head felt like he popped an artery. Ooh, it already did.

"You scream like a girl!" she taunted.

"W-Who are you?" he yelped when she got closer. Sakura grabbed into his hand. He tried pulling back, but he was trapped in a vice-like grip. Damn, how was she this strong?!

"My name is Sakura!" she jumped up and down, "And you will follow me! Even if I have to knock you unconscious with my toy mallet!" He stopped and looked up to the face of a large metal mallet covered with wicked looking spikes. Sakura beamed at him, as if she didn't know the full potential of the weapon in her hands. He clamped his mouth shut from then on.

She dragged him to a door with inhuman strength.

"Bye bye, Syaoran," she chirped, opening the door and pushing him in.

"W-Wait!" he shouted as she pushed him in.

He screamed and flailed his arms, falling through the sky. And suddenly, he stopped... in a field of knives and guns.

This, naturally, did not help calm him down. If anything, he screamed louder.

"Where is this?!" he shrieked. He tried swimming through the air. Let's just say, this was not the smartest idea.

1. He was getting nowhere. I mean, how can you swim in air?

2. He was head butting a lot of knives. Ouch. Again, not smart.

3. How did he know where he was going? Here's a road map to the Black Abyss! ...Seriously?

Overall, he was lost, tired, and he had just head butted around a Swiss Army blade.

"Why-" Breast-stroke ."-are-" Free-style. "-there-" Butterfly. "-so-" Back stroke. "-many-" Free-style. "-knives?" Worm! Okay... maybe not that last one.

And he saw it. A small light shining off all the glistening, threatening metal. A feather? It had to be.

Syaoran inched himself to it and almost fainted.

It was his Princess... naked and sleeping in a fetal position like a child. And otherworldly glow surrounded her, blinding him slightly, thank God.

He pitched the bridge in his nose, but felt as if all the arteries, veins, and capillaries in his brain burst right then and there.

And she was waking up.

"Syaoran-kun?" she blinked sleepily, oblivious to the fact that she was stark naked.

"Princess?" his covered his eyes, but was peeking through his fingers.

"Where am I?" she inched toward him. He inched back. "Why are there so many knives and dangerous firearms?"

"I-I don't know," he choked out. She was coming closer and away from the light that covered her form.

"I am not seeing Princess Sakura naked," he chanted to himself, "I am not seeing her naked. I am not seeing her naked."

Too bad it wasn't working...

"Syaoran-kun?" she touched him. He almost screamed, from either fright or pleasure, he couldn't tell, "Why are you looking at me?"

And she hugged him.

"Oh holy deity in this realm," he fainted, his nose spewing blood like a fountain.

"AAAAHHHHH!!" Syaoran let out a shrill noise that could have passed off as a shriek from a woman in labor.

He looked around. White walls and tatami floors. He sighed in relief. It was all a dream. A horrible yet decidedly happy dream.

"Syaoran-kun?" he heard a voice next to him. He blanched and realized something: he was naked and Princess Sakura was next to him, clutching his arm and lower torso.


"-AAAHHHH!!" Syaoran sat upright. He panted, sweat pouring down his face. A horrible dream within a horrible dream. The gods were trying to tell him something. What it was, he didn't want to find out.

He looked next to him. Princess Sakura was sleeping soundly, fully clothed, thank you very much.

His eyes went down to her hands. In it was a Swiss Army knife, stained with blood. His blood...


And this time, it wasn't a dream.

A/N: And done! I'm sorry if it is a bit short and a bit odd but this was an idea that just popped into my head and I thought it would be funny. So please read and review!