Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke
Spoilers: AU Buffy season 8, AU Angel season 5, AU Supernatural
"Are you sure you're ready for it?"
"The first time is always difficult, so many emotions running though you."
"It's okay if you cry, someone always does."
Rolling his eyes, in a very manly way, of course, Dean stopped all discussion, "I can handle it, you guys."
"This is different, Dean," Buffy shook her head. "We're not saying you haven't dealt with big stuff…"
"But we're talking about the end of the world here," Dawn finished. "This is serious business that can be very stressful."
"That why you two are doing your nails?" Dean asked, his eyebrows up.
Every so often, Dean, Buffy and Dawn would take a day for themselves. Running the Council didn't leave for a lot of moments of togetherness, so they had agreed to set aside certain days to spend time with each other. Ordinarily, they would talk about whatever topic one could think of, but since there were signs of the Hellmouth being opened by a demon clan, the topic was pretty much on that. Buffy and Dawn were worried about Dean since he had never faced anything like this. Apocalypses were not his forte.
"We can still look pretty," Buffy defended.
Just when he thought he understood her, she managed to surprise him. In the time he managed to spend with Buffy, he had seen the leader that she was, as well as the fighter. She personally trained a few slayers, and sparred against most the slayers at the school and won every match. Buffy was an amazing teacher, even if she didn't think so. But when she wasn't training or patrolling, she became the Valley girl that many people saw.
"And we've been doing this way longer," Dawn added, looking at her nail. Almost perfect.
"I'll be fine," he spoke. He wasn't all that nervous. Sure, never faced an apocalypse, but it wasn't his first fight and it damn sure wouldn't be his last. Not to mention, he would have his own group of slayers backing him.
"Just don't say we didn't warn you."
I know, I know, ridiculously short. That's why I gave you four chapters! Hey, it's difficult coming up with chapters when I'm so used to following the Buffy seasons as a fall back!
Any ideas for a season 8 would be wonderful. I'm gonna try and incorporate Supernatural canon soon, maybe have Dean do his hunting but with his slayer group? Or Buffy since they're family?
Reviews are wonderful!