Hey everyone. I'm back and this is the squeal to Is It Love Or Hate. I promise to you all that me and my friend will work hard on this story and it will be more chapters then the last one.

Axel: YAY! Me love Yaio! You can tell because if the sex is sck and twisted... You know who thought it up... :)

Full summary: This is the squeal to Is It Love Or Hate. In this story it's going to tell you guys what happens and that through Itachi and Sasuke's engagement and after their marriage. There is also a stalker lurks through the shadows to ruin their lives but who is it? Itachi gets a job. LOL let's not give too much away teehee!

Warnings for the whole story: rape, drugs and drinking, lots and lots of yaoi in some chapters, and lots of other bad things. If you read my other stories you will know what I mean.


Chapter 1

It was the next morning and Sasuke was the first one up. He went to move a little and pain shot up his body causing him to yelp. It was unbearable, Sasuke moved back down and regained what had happened last night. This woke up Itachi and he looked at Sasuke laying on the bed next to him.

"What's wrong?" He lean down and kissed Sasuke's lip.

"Nothing. I just hurt from last night is all. Can we skip school today Itachi? I don't want to go and it hurts to move." Sasuke ask still trying to get up.

"Nothing hn? Fine, we can. I'm going to make something to eat after I take a shower. I have to start looking for a job and then we can move away from mother. You can come with me to take a shower."Sasuke froze at Itachi's meaning words." Move away?"

Itachi glimpsed quickly down at Sasuke with the corner of his eye and cared to explain further.

"We'll be a married couple e need our own house. Not live in my room for the rest of our lives."

Sasukes cheek tinted red as he narrowed his eyes, he had to admit he was right about that. Who would want to hear them at it 24/7… Maybe the pervert down the street but other than that…who? Sasuke mentally kicked himself.."Stupid fangirls." Itachi observed Sasuke's questioning state and eventually helped Sasuke up due to the pain and both of them went to the bathroom together.

They both got in the shower and Itachi turned on the water. They stood under the water together and their bodies were drenched. Itachi held Sasuke's naked body against his and start to kiss Sasuke's neck. He didn't want to hurt his brother to accommodate with the actions towards last night but he couldn't resist his lean, sexy body of his. Sasuke left a trail of moans out of his mouth as Itachi kissed and suck on his neck. Itachi slowly moved his hand down to Sasuke's manhood. He grabbed a hold of it and began to pump it causing the young boy to moan louder.

Sasuke threw his head back and rested on Itachi's shoulder. The moans got louder and louder as Sasuke spilled all over Itachi's hand. He then turned Sasuke around and slowly pushed him against the wall. He started kissing and sucking on Sasuke's neck again. Sasuke wrapped his arms around the older Uchiha's neck. Itachi pulled back from Sasuke's neck and kissed his lips. He slid his hands up and down Sasuke's lean, milk smooth body.

Sasuke left on a moan as Itachi moved always from him to look into his eyes. Sasuke then turned around and faced the wall. Itachi knew what he wanted. The pure lust in his eyes were readable like a picture off a museum wall, he was literally begging to be pleasured.

"Are you sure of this Sasuke. I mean you are already hurting from last night and I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have. I'm going to the mall later after we eat and I want you to come with Me." Itachi explained still holding Sasuke firmly against the shower wall with their bodies touching. Water running down their body seeming to make the scene more
erotic by the second.

"Yes, this is what I want and I don't care how badly I hurt I'll still go with you." Sasuke was literally begging even more, he didn't care he just wanted Itachi inside of him even if it didn't last long at all .

Itachi placed his manhood against Sasuke's entrance. He asked Sasuke if he was ready. Sasuke answered him by shaking his head yes frantically. In one quick move Itachi thrusted into Sasuke as he left out a moan of UN denied pleasure. He pulled out before he thrusted back in causing his brother to moan louder.

Sasuke threw his head back against his lover's chest as Itachi moved faster and harder. Sasuke moaned once again and moved in sync with his brother. Sasuke could feel his own manhood getting harder. Itachi also knew it was too. Itachi grabbed a hold of his brother's manhood and started pumping. Sasuke moaned again as he spilled saying Itachi's name. Soon after Itachi spilled inside Sasuke saying his name.

They both got out of the shower after washing each other off. Itachi walked to his room to get his cloth on so he can make food while Sasuke is getting dressed.

When Sasuke got back to the room. Itachi was already downstairs. Sasuke got dressed fast and went down to see if he could help Itachi. He got down there and Itachi had the food made already. They sat down at the table and Sasuke looked up at Itachi.

"So what are you going for Itachi? I mean you are going to work and all but what store so I know."

"I'm thinking about Hot Topic since you and your friends go there. They pay well too. But a month from now. You and me will be living in our own house and not with mother. I also want to move out since Kimimaro and Orochimaru and Haku are after you and me. If we move. They won't know where we are."
Itachi had pretty much laid out the plan for them, and Sasuke felt safer y the plan but at the same time he felt the back of his mind panicing saying to get the hell out of here faster than two weeks. Sasuke mentally slapped himself and ignored the meek warning.

"That's sounds good and we only have two weeks left of school and then it's summer. While you're gone. I can hang with Gaara and Neji maybe even Naruto."

"Yeah that's true. Well finish eating and then get to my car. I need to get down there fast if I want to start work tomorrow." said Itachi.

"What days are you working brother?" asked Sasuke.

"I'll be working for four days a week. The sooner I start. The faster we can get away from this house. So lets go okay?"

Sasuke finish eating and limped out the door, Itachi helped out the door walking down the steps he knew if he carried him it would diminish his last ounces of that damned Uchiha pride. Itachi helped him slip into the car door. The elder sibling too got into his car started the engine and off they went, leaving their house behind them in the dust.


When they got to the mall. Itachi went into Hot Topic and talked to the boss. Sasuke was walking around the mall since he was bored and didn't want to sit or stand around, it hurt too much to stand for too long at a period of time. He walked down the mall and he couldn't help but to feel like he was being watched. It bugged him so he started walking faster. He went to a get something to eat since he didn't consume or really eat much at home.

As he got his food. Sasuke walked over to a table and sat down eating his food. Sasuke was relived to sit down, riding the pain away but he could feel eyes against his. He looked around to see if he could see anyone but there was no one there. So he began to eat, warring against the suspicion he had gestured up.

After he was done eating. Sasuke started to walk back to where Itachi was. He was almost there until someone stopped him.

"Hey Sasuke. You're looking hotter then ever." Smirked Haku, licking his lips mischievously.

"What are you want? I don't have time to play games with you." growled Sasuke.

"Nothing really. It's just weird to see you in a mall by yourself without Itachi and your friends. You know if Kimimaro was around that he would hate you more then anything in the world. Oh and nice ring. I wonder who brought it for you." Haku smiled as he saw Sasuke getting pissed at him.

"I'm not telling you anything. The only thing I'm telling you is that the ring isn't from you." Sasuke walked pass Haku only to be grabbed by the arm and slammed into a wall. Sasuke could feel the pain worsen near the bottom of his spine, he could live with it but not for long. He winced at the tightened collision.

"You better watch your mouth Uchiha. I'm not a person you want to mess with right now. I mean I am now on Orochimaru and Kimimaro's side. My boyfriend is Zabuza if you haven't heard. I mean it. Just keep pushing me and watch how fast you end up dead on the ground." said Haku. He started walking away
only to be stopped by someone eyeing him up, pissed. Not a smile on his face just clenched teeth merely about to explode.

"You better leave now Haku. Don't come near my brother ever again. I will kill you if I have to. You have no right to tell him what to do." Ordered Itachi.

"Oh. Well I need to get back. I have things to do and I saw that you are working here now. It's kind of funny." Haku walked out giggling at the thought of it.

Itachi and Sasuke walked to the car, Itachi helping his young sibling into the car. They went straight back home since they were out later then expected. Itachi walked up stairs with Sasuke following him. He then went to his room. And got ready for bed, and slipped in and pulled the silky covers over himself. They still hadn't been changed from yesterday night. Itachi observed as Sasuke was getting ready to climb in as well.

"So when do you start work brother?" asked Sasuke.

"Tomorrow afternoon. I work Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I only have to work on the other three days if I wanted to other someone can't come into work that day. Don't worry. I made sure that I'll be with you and if it comes to it. I'll take you with me since I work almost all day. I'm only doing it to get us out of this place faster. Then we will have our house. Don't worry mother can come see us." smiled Itachi.

Sasuke crawled into the bed with his brother. "I'm happy that we are going to be living by ourselves brother. When do you start Itachi?"

"I start tomorrow after I take you to school. I already told the school about me working. So they know when I'm going to be there and when I'm not. So try to stay out of trouble Sasuke. I'm begging you." Itachi kissed
Sasuke's lips.

"Okay, brother. See you tomorrow morning." Sasuke said sleepy.

"Goodnight Sasuke." Itachi said after turning over to fall into a deep sleep.


The next morning Itachi woke up Sasuke and told him to get ready for School. Sasuke crawled out of bed as Itachi paced himself downstairs to prepare breakfast. He felt a lot better than yesterday, the pain had disappeared. After a little while. Sasuke came down and sat himself at the table.

"So are you taking me to school Itachi?" asked Sasuke.
"Yeah and about the ring… You can tell anyone you want about it. You should never be ashamed. Well lets go because I need to get to work Sasuke."

They walked out to the car and drove to school. Itachi dropped Sasuke off at school and drove himself to the mall for his first day at work.

Sasuke was sitting in homeroom since his brother wasn't in school. He saw Gaara walk in the classroom and sat in his seat.

"Hey Gaara. You seem to be in a bad mood." said Sasuke.

"Yeah, my family is once again bugging me. They don't want me with Neji and they keep saying that I need to go home, but don't worry about it. "By the end of his explanation something caught the boundaries of Gaara's eye, it was shiny. (O.O)

"Hey… What's the ring for?" Gaara questioned curiously as his eyes joined in too for an answer.

"Well it's from Itachi. He said that everything it going to change between the two of us he asked me to- Sasuke was cut off by Gaara.

"You're engaged to your brother!? Holy fucking shit!"

"Shut up Gaara. I only want you and Neji to know. I know you two can keep your mouths shut and not tell anyone. Itachi even has a job now so him and me can move out and live in our own house. That's why he's not in school." explained Sasuke.

"You know the ring is going to piss off your fan girls. You know damn well that Sakura and Ino will make a big deal about the whole situation." said Gaara.

"I know and that's what I'm going to have to go through for a while. It's going to be a really bad day for Me." growled Sasuke.

"It is always a bad day for me." Sighed Gaara.

They waited until homeroom was over and moved on to their upcoming classes.

Sasuke was sitting in class doing his work as the teacher came up to him.

"Where were you Uchiha? Did you know that we had a test yesterday?" asked the teacher.

"Sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I wasn't feeling good and I had to do something else." said Sasuke.

"Sasuke, come out to the hallway because I need to talk to you."
"Yes, teacher." Sasuke followed the teacher to the hallway and watch as she closed the door. He knew she was going to yell at him for something.

"You were going so good in my class Uchiha, but what happened? You're grades are going down and you missed a lot of school." she said.

"Sorry I just had things to do. I also had problems too. I can make up the work and while my brother is at work." said Sasuke.

"I don't care Uchiha! I'm just tired of everything! You know not to be missing my classes' boy. Now you have to suffer! Now get in the classroom and take your test now!" yelled the teacher.

"Yes." Sasuke walked back into the classroom. He sat down in his seat and took the test after class he handed the teacher the test and walked out. He knew that the day was only going to get worse by the minute.


(Time skip)

It was lunchtime and Sasuke sat with Gaara and Neji.

"I heard about you and Itachi. You know that the fan girls are going to be super pissed off." said Neji.

"So let them. At least I'm taken now." Sasuke smiled to himself. Sasuke leaned on the palm of his hand and sighed in pleasure.

"Well let see what happens because here comes Sakura and Ino now."

The boys watched as the girls made their way over to them. Sasuke went to get up to leave but was stopped by Sakura.

"Hey Sasuke. It's nice to see you back in school. I'm so happy. Do you want to do anything with us today?" asked Sakura.

" Uhhh…No, I have my own things to do. So… er… go away." snapped Sasuke.

"What is so much better then us?" asked Ino.

"My family and friends and my lover. I don't have time for you fan girls."
said Sasuke.

"What does that mean?" Sakura looked at Sasuke's hand and saw a ring. "Oh my god what the fuck is that!? You're taken!?" exclaimed both girls in furry.
"Yeah, so stop bugging me. I'm taken so go away. I never liked you two anyways." said Sasuke.

"Whatever Sasuke. We can find better guys." both girls walked off silently cursing under their breath to whoever took them.

Sasuke smirked a the last remark the girls had opinionated upon him.

"Sure that's what you said every time something happened."

Itachi's P.O.V

Itachi quietly consumed his soy bean ramen when an overwhelmed sensation formed in his throat.

Itachi clasped his mouth with the palm of his hand, removing it and whipping off the access saliva. Someone was talking behind his back or was it a simple cold? He prayed Sasuke hadn't caught it if it was a damned cold. Itachi mentally sighed and continued onward to complete his self mission:

finish this soy bean ramen! (HAHA!)



(Time skip)

After lunch the day got worse. Sakura and Ino told people about Sasuke's ring and they kept coming up to him all day asking vaious questions. When he got home since Gaara and Neji drove him there. He went into the house and called Itachi's name a few times. When he didn't get an answer, he knew he wasn't home.

After a while of lazing around. Sasuke got up and walked to the nearest bar. Yeah, he was young but his mother's friend worked there and always gave him a few drinks. As he walked in. He looked for his mother's friend. After he found her, he walked up and asked for a drink.

She gave him one pint of Caffrey's Irish Ale and then sat down to talk to him.

"So what's with you?" she asked not so politely.

"I just having a really bad day is all." said Sasuke.

"Where is your brother?" she asked.

"He has a job now so I'm by myself today. Don't worry if I get drunk. I get drunk. I just need to take every thing off my mind." said Sasuke.

"Okay then but don't die on my bar because your brother will kill me and I'll have to clean the counter again." she said walking away.

It was an hour later and Sasuke was so drunk that he didn't know where he was. Gaara saw him sitting at the bar and walked over to him.

"Sasuke are you okay?" Gaara said a little scared.

"Yes, a little Mr. Mailman." Muttered then surprisingly burst into laugher. Gaara never knew Sasuke could laugh like this, because he never did! He was always such a pubescent little emo-acting teen.

The lady behind the bar came up to Gaara. "Are you his friend?" she asked.

"Yeah, and my boyfriend is right there. Me and Neji will take him home." Gaara helped Sasuke up and carrying him to the car. They laid him in the back and then got in the car and went to his house.


At home Itachi just got there and when he went into the house Sasuke wasn't there. He was about to run out the door when Gaara carried Sasuke up to him.

"We found him at the bar. He is really drunk and I think it would be best to let him rest." Gaara handed Sasuke to Itachi and walked off.

Itachi slowly carried Sasuke up to their room. He would have to kill the bartender whoever got Sasuke drunk…Well not literally. He laid him down on the bed rested down himself, it had been a long busy day. He looked over at Sasuke as sleeping beauty awoke from his slumber. Sasuke glanced at Itachi,
lust filled his eyes. Sasuke creeped up towards Itachi and sat ontop of his lower abdomen and began kissing him. He then felt Sasuke's hand sliding into his pants. He grabbed Sasuke's arm and gazed up at him.

"No Sasuke. Not now you're drunk and I don't want to feel like I'm using you. So not tonight Sasuke." Itachi kissed him on the lips.

"But brother. I want to."

"No, not when you're drunk. Just stop it Sasuke. What happened anyways?"

Sasuke froze and slung his head down facing Itachi's muscular formed
stomach, and released a grimacing sigh.

"I had a really bad day and you weren't home so I went to the bar. Thought I could get a few drinks from Mom's friend… Get things off my mind" said Sasuke.

Itachi mentally cursed his Mom's friend and quickly focused all his attention back towards his lover.
"You should have came to my work Sasuke. You know that you can and I told them that you might if something is wrong and they said okay." said Itachi.

"I'm sorry Itachi. Please… Don't hate me?" asked Sasuke.

"I don't but since this happen. I'm getting you and me a cell phone and I want you to use it and call me when I'm at work. Promise me Sasuke."

"I promise brother." Sasuke kissed Itachi and rolled off of his lover and fell into a drunken sleep. He would probably have to remind Sasuke all over again the next morning, his brother was brutally wasted probably would even forget if they would have done it and woken up with a sore ass.

Itachi too rolled over and he thought about Sasuke. 'It was my fault. I should have been here for him. I can't have my little brother getting drunk and passing out like this again. He is only 14. I need to get that cell
phone and fast. I don't when this happen again.' Itachi thought. After a while Itachi too fell asleep and they slept until morning's dawn.



I hope you guys like this. I worked hard on this and I hope I did good on the shower part. I never wrote a yaoi in the shower lol. Please review and tell me what you think.

Heyy it's her friend Axel a.k.a : xkakashloverx. I LOVED this chapter we had been sumerizing ideas while this WONDERFUL author was writing I was urging the shower and see what it would be like if sasuke got drunk. And he talked about a milkman… haha get it? I'm sooo sick. So yeah ttyl guys! Sorry for making you guys wait soooo long ?