I've had this idea for a while. I've read a certain amount of GWTW fanfiction and no one seemed to have this idea (yet). So yeah, I'm writing it. It's my first GWTW fic so can you please be nice to me? I know I'm not very good at writing but this story has really been bugging me and I had to get it out.
Disclaimer: Gone with the Wind isn't mine. (Duh.) No one owns anything on this site anyway, which is why it's called fanfiction. Do I even need to put a disclaimer?
Scarlett was having the dream again.
She was in the dark, misty country that had once haunted her sleep and fear gnawed at her chest. She hadn't had this nightmare for years. Why would it start again now? Oh, please don't make it start again! She still remembered those awful months during war when she would wake up sweating and whimpering nearly each night, Melanie shaking her gently to wake her up. She had been scared of the dream to the point of being afraid to fall asleep. And now it came back.
She started running. The ground was trembling, ghastly hands were plucking her skirts and she was terribly afraid... She couldn't see where she was going because of the thick fog surrounding her but she knew she had to run. Run to Rhett.
But Rhett was gone. He didn't love her anymore and if he was gone, where could she run to? Nowhere. There was no point in running anymore. There was no refuge for her in this dark misty world. She would be miserable and alone for all the rest of her life fleeing towards a haven that did not exist since Rhett wasn't there for her anymore. He had been the only one to really love her and understand her, and she had made him miserable. Maybe she deserved to be more miserable than him. Maybe she deserved to have terrifying nightmares. Maybe she deserved worse, even.
She stopped running. She could not feel any fear, only a vague numbness and a small twinge of regret. She felt as though she would never bother about anything anymore. Was that what grandma Fontaine was talking about? Never to be afraid of anything? The only thing that would ever frighten her now was something happening to Rhett. Not poverty, not hunger, not even the dream, just Rhett. How silly of her! To be so heartbroken because Rhett had left her and yet still love him so! After all, she was Scarlett O' Hara and she had never needed men to be happy!
Unfortunately, she knew it wasn't true. She had always loved having beaux chasing her and flirting with handsome bachelors. She had always tried to be prettier and sweeter than everyone else so men would like her. And she needed Rhett. Scarlett knew she needed Rhett and she knew she didn't deserve him. God seemed to be punishing her for her ruthlessness and selfishness with lots of guilt, a conscience, heartbreak and nightmares.
She simply stood shivering in the mist, sobbing softly, the tears rolling down her cheeks slowly and her eyes starting to swell and turn red. She wiped them wearily with her cold hands and suddenly, without warning, the hands groping her skirts jerked her down. She fell into the thick fog and the ground crumbled under her feet. She couldn't see anything, the mist was blinding her. She felt herself scream but she couldn't hear her own voice. She was falling forever, for eternity, without ever landing on the earth. She was suspended in time and space and all she could feel was terror. And at that moment she knew she deserved it. Because of Charles, Frank, Suellen, India, Wade, Ashley, Ella, Melanie, Bonnie, and Rhett. Mostly because of Rhett.
She finally woke up shaking and sobbing, Mammy holding her against her chest and trying to console her.
I know, the first chapter's annoyingly short. But you have no idea how slowly I type. Please review if you feel like it. And if you see any typos (or anything that sounds wrong), please tell me. My English is not all that good, sorry.