Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the movie and the ideas…. : )

Feedback: I would really appreciate it : )

Timeline: During the work out center scene where Viola/Sebastian and Duke are working out on the weights and Duke ask about Viola and to see if she wanted to get a bite to eat at Cesario's

Distribution: ASK FIRST…PLEASE!!!!

Summary: This takes place during the gym scene Sebastian and Duke go to the gym to lift weights and Olivia doesn't come up and ask Duke out, instead he asks for Viola's number from Sebastian, so that maybe they can get a bite to eat.

AN: Here are some things you need to know….

Sebastian never went to London…he just went strait to Illyria…

Duke and Viola will be together….same with Sebastian and Olivia.

There will be a lot or maybe a little surprises….

The girl's team did get cut...

Viola's mom sees that Viola was in that fight at the carnival decides to transfer her to her brother's school thinking then her brother could keep an eye on her.

So enjoy the story…


(Sebastian and Duke's dorm)

Sebastian comes back into his and Duke's room after the end of the carnival which Duke got kicked out of because him and Justin, Viola's ex got into a fight because Duke and Viola were making out at the kissing booth.

"And where were you at today? You just disappeared." Duke said from his bed. A soccer ball was twirling on the tips of his fingers and covering his face as well. Once Duke stood up and the soccer ball moved away from his face, there his nose was bleeding.

Sebastian just shakes his head and says "Ran from a psycho ex and then had to talk to my sister, mom and then I got to talking to Olivia at the kissing booth." Said Sebastian and then he finally noticed Duke's nose and asked "What happened to you?"

Duke sat down on the end of his bed looking down at his soccer ball. "I kinda got into it with your sister's ex."

"Why, what happened?"

"He saw us making out at the kissing booth."

"Oh - wait what!"

"Yeah, man I hope that's OK. It was for charity."

"Umm…yeah…its ok don't worry about it. Good thing you told me."

"Umm, ok…and why is it a good thing I told you?"

"Well, I then would probably hear it from Vi and then I would half of had to ask you, but then again were is the problem with her not telling me."

"Um, okay."

"So did you have fun today?" Sebastian asked him as he laid down in his bed.

"Um, yeah I guess it was ok. So what's going on with you and Olivia?" Duke asked hoping to keep the topic off his sister. He felt weird talking about Viola to Sebastian.

"Nothing much I guess, and nice try turning the subject off you. So what did you think of Vi?" Sebastian asked him curiously.

"She was cool I guess." Duke said.

"Just cool, huh?" Sebastian asked trying to provoke him to say more.

"She's your sister man, what do you want me to say." Duke asked looking over at Sebastian.

"Dah, that you like her. Believe me this is hard for me to say seeing she is my sister but I think you guys would be good together." Sebastian said.

Duke gave him a weird look and decided to test that theory and asked, "So what's her cell number?"

Taking a deep breath Sebastian leaned over and grabbed Duke's cell phone and put it into his phone book. "There you go, but if you do decide to go for it with my sister I've got a friendly warning that if you do anything to hurt her you'll regret it." Duke couldn't help but laugh at that, but the serious look on Sebastian's face stopped him.

"Sorry man, but can I be honest with you about something." Duke said picking up the soccer ball on the floor and started to spin it on his finger which he did when he was nervous.

"Sure ask away."

"Let's say I do like your sister, I can honestly say that I don't know how things would possibly work out. She is from Cornwall, and although she is dumped Drayton, no one is going to like the idea of me and her dating. This could get very hard for both of us. Do you even think it would be worth the risk?" Duke asked.

"Sometimes you have to risk everything to get what you want." Sebastian said shrugging his shoulders. "Depends on how much you want it, I guess."

Duke leaned back down and continued to spin the ball and again asked, "So what's going on with you and Olivia?"

"Sebastian threw his pillow at him, "Nothing, we just hung out."

"Yeah well seeing you are trying to give me some advice I'll give you some, dump the ice queen and ask Olivia out. We have been in school together for three years and never gave a guy the time of day until you showed up. Believe me man she likes you and I wouldn't let that slip through my fingers."

"Thanks for the advice." Sebastian said leaning down and picking up his headphones on and put them on and drifted to sleep.

Duke leaned over and picked up his phone. He wanted to call Viola and talk to her but realized how desperate that would seem and put his phone back down and picked up his soccer ball magazine and read it. He then heard Sebastian's cell phone go off.

My dirty little secret

Who has to know

When we live such fragile lives

It's the best way we survive

I go around a time or two

Just to waste my time with you

Duke picked up his soccer ball and threw it a Sebastian who woke up and said "Duke what was that for?"

"Man, your cell phone is ringing." Duke informed him and then went back to his magazine.

"Oh thanks" Sebastian says and then picks up his cell phone seeing that its Viola he answers it.

(Sebastian Regular & Viola Italic)

"Hey Vi"

"Hey Sebastian."

"What's up?"

"Oh I wanted to tell ya what happened to me at the carnival and I got some great news for ya too. So, do you want me to tell ya what happened or do you want me to tell ya the news."

"Umm…how about you call me back on the phone in my room?"


"Because my phone is about to go dead."



Sebastian picked up his phone up on the first ring and talked softly so that Duke wouldn't wake up. He then got up and pulled his cell into the charger.

"Hello, again Vi."

"Right back. So what news do you want to her first?"

"Umm…how about what happened at the carnival first?" Sebastian said smiling evilly when he saw Duke is laying there awake. So he would put it on speaker when she talked about it so Duke could hear what she had to say. So he went over and put the phone on speaker and sat down on his bed after he turned on the light.

"Okay well anyway. I went to the kissing booth where mom put me. Which by the way is just gross kissing all those old mean and little boys."

"Oh come on there had to be at least on good kiss." Sebastian said while looking at Duke who wasn't really paying attention to his magazine and heard Sebastian and gave him a look and then went back to his magazine, but paying close attention to the conversation between Viola and Sebastian.

"There was this hot I mean hot guy that I kissed when I first got up there and I mean it started out slow and then he pulled back and I just pulled him back in for a kiss and we just started making out there and then Justin the jackass pulled us apart and him and the guy must have know each other because that's how they were talking and then they got into a fight and mom and the freaky lady kicked them out."

Sebastian just smiled and looked at Duke which Duke then looked at him and mouthed 'shut-up'.

"Okay, so what's the other great news?"

"That you'll be see me more often."

"What do you mean, Vi?"

"Mom said that after I put myself into that fight with the guys at the kissing booth that she is going to transfer me to Illyria so that you can keep a better eye on me."

"What!?" Duke and Sebastian said together.

"Yep" Viola said not hearing Duke and continued "I'll be moving in tomorrow and I'll be rooming with a girl named Olivia Lennox."

"Wow, Vi."

"Yeah, well I got to go pack before I get in the shower and go to bed. Night."

"Night Vi. Love you"

"Love you too."

After Sebastian and Viola hung up, Sebastian looked at Duke who was smiling.

"You got it bad man." Sebastian said.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, when Viola said that she is getting transferred here your eyes lit up like a kids at Christmas and the biggest smile ever. Like I said you got it bad." Sebastian said smiling.

Duke was just silent and then Sebastian decided to go on with the torture "So do you like her?"

"I don't know. Can we not talk about this? I don't know…its your sister…its kinda weird."

"Um…OK...I was just you know…I was just thinking that if you liked her that you should like ask her out."

"I don't know man."

"Well…oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying this you guys could be magic would be how Viola would put it."

"I don't know."

"What does your heart tell you?"


"You know what I said."

"It tells me to ask her out. But I don't know."

"Yes, you do know. You just said it yourself 'ask her out'."

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do!!!" and with that Sebastian put on his headphones again and went to sleep and left Duke to his thoughts.


Well here is my first chapter to my first She's the Man fanfic. I really hope you enjoyed it and I need 2 reviews to continue this story. ☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺

Much ♥,
