Van: Okay, here's the next chapter up! Thank you so much for all the support, iceblueangelfang, fried ryce, Raven's Familiar, Akuma Hana, Sin Shu, diff-r-ent-1, The Living Shadow, ShadowYashi, Cross177, Hershey gurl, Shikori, himena, Akuma Mame, 9shadowcat9, Evanescences Angel (I'm so sorry that happened to your videos :( I noticed it happened a long time back. They were really good too. Well, I hope you'll feel better, I'm trying to get more updates when I get time), and my dear buddy azulezircon AKA aoimizuneko! I couldn't have done it without all you and your love for this story!

I'll reply to your wonderful reviews when I have the chance! PM me, seriously!

I'm going to change the previous Hinata fight since I didn't word it the way I wanted to. It'll be changed later, so pretty much all you have to know is that Manta would say things like, "BEHIND YOU!" and Hinata would take that cue. Oh yeah! If anyone is interested, I made a forum for Hinata X Shaman King fans. Feel free to join!

Disclaimer: I do not own any Shaman King or Naruto.

And here's to all who are awaiting patiently on the particular pairing: It's not popular in other shaman fics. That's the only hint I'll give. :D

Chapter 20: Erasing the Hatred

For a moment there was a state of shock for him. Even though Bason did do the unthinkable and brought Yoh here, he really could not believe that they'd come in the first place. Ren rubbed at his wrists, tender from the cuffs that held him. Tck, a tad numb, but nothing he couldn't handle. He gazed toward Hinata, who was helping Jun up. The shaman scowled. Why in the world was Hinata there of all places?! Didn't Yoh knew any better?! He probably brought that little guy along as well. Great. He stretched his muscles and flexed as Bason returned to his master in rejoice.


"Well, looks like I can't keep you away, can I?"

"Don't be ridiculous! I am loyal to the end!"

Yoh laughed while putting a hand over his mouth to hide his grin. Looks like Ren's okay after all.

Jun smiled warmly. "Ren is still acting tough." She then blinked at the girl who helped her just now. "Who are you?" She asked to Hinata who blinked her big pale eyes up. The Tao noticed that the girl had very interesting eyes. It's not that they were completely white so much that you can't see them, but they were clear and glowy.

"I'm Hinata Hyuuga." The kunoichi smiled for a moment before realizing that she forgot to put on her shades. Oh no! If she or Ren sees, they might think she's inhuman! Forgetting that Manta saw and didn't really bat and eye along with the other shamans, quickly she cried, "D-don't look!" and attempted to whip them out. The shades slipped through her hands and flew into the air.


"Ow!" Yoh cried out as the shades ricocheted off his poor noggin.

The shades ended up whirling around Ren's pin hair... And settled.

Hinata widened her eyes. "Sumimasen, Ren-kun!" She reached toward Ren for her sunglasses only to find a dark aura emitting from the shaman. Thunder sparks were practically flying from the other.

Tao Ren grabbed at the shades in his hair and threw it to the ground in absolute anger! "GOLDEN CHUUKA ZANMAI!!!!" Ren forced Bason into his kwan-dao and slashed the shades into bits and pieces.

The others in the room widened their eyes further as Ren proceeded a barrage of attacks.




The sunglasses didn't stand a chance.

Kirin the great seer frowned as Kiba scowled in front of him as well as Akamaru. "Now, don't do that. I'm sure your mother didn't raise you that way."

If anything, the shinobi scowled even further. "My mother is Tsume Inuzuka, you moron."

"THAT barbaric clan?!"

"Who the heck are you calling barbaric just now?!"


Temari frowned at Kankuro, who was watching the entire spectacle amused. "Oy, you gonna do something?"

The puppeteer shook his head. "Nope. I think I'll just let the dog finish him. I don't even like Kirin."

"Me neither, but he's the one that even knows what's going at this point." The girl stressed. She stared dully at the scrunched up stern expression on her brother's face.

"THIS is the guy that messed up your birthday present back then." Kankuro said solemnly.

"Nope, that's just a blooper that the authoress made a long time back." Temari corrected.

Kankuro quirked an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Nothing! Anyway," Temari stretched her arms. It really has been one heck of a day. "What should we do now? Gaara's in another place."

The puppet user sighed. "How do we even know that the seer's not making it up?"

Temari frowned, her eyes dimmed with worry. "Well, we have that Jounin guy to confirm it, right?"

"Bah. What does he know?" The other sand nin argued. "I mean, he hasn't even been here that long to begin with."

"But... Think about it... He's the only one that could keep Kirin in line somehow..."

The two sand siblings sweatdropped. How does Kakashi do it?

The said Jounin then opened the tent and went pass the other two siblings. "So!" Kakashi said cheerful. "How's Suna's great seer?"

"How do I feel? How do I feel? Bloody awful that's what! I lost my mansion, my sprinkler, my robes, my bed, my fan letters, my rugs, my carpet, my curtains, my chairs, my chandelier, my dolls, my baseball collection, my Icha Icha posters, my fanfiction, my manga, my doujinshi, my monies, my law suits, my lolita fetish, my star, my sky, my one and only, my chocolate chip cookie, my autobiography, my pool, my autographs, my final, my fantasy, my rainbows, my rabbits, my fan service, my golden ticket, my soul, my calibur, my energy drinks, my pocky, my sponges, my diary, my newspaper subscription, my handsome figure, and I now live in this tent with this barbarian hovering over me with his little dog too!" The seer yelled in anger, flailing his arms wildly. He shrunk back in fear at Akamaru's growl.

The Konoha ninja stared for a moment and said happily, "You don't even own half of what you said anyways! It's okay, your mansion will be rebuilt soon. So! About my student and his friends..."

Kirin widened his eyes as a very scary Jounin was suddenly close to him!

"Tell us about this other world further?"

Temari, Kankuro, and Kiba widened their eyes as the seer began babbling out answers. Wow... So that's how he does it...

"W-Well! Our universes are directly parallel, yet our time frame goes at a different rate. 12 hour difference in fact."

"So if it's 4'o clock pm here, it's 4'o clock am there?" Kiba inquired.



Kirin sighed aghaust. "Aside from the time differences, that world does have civilization. So if you were thinking things like aliens or something like that, forget it."

Temari scrunched up her face in annoyance. "Nobody even said anything about aliens."

"I'm a seer, I know what's going on in your minds~!"

"Nani?!" twitched Kankuro angrily.

"For example, Temari is thinking of how handsome I-AH!" The seer cried out in pain as his noggin was crushed by Temari's fan.

Temari growled gripping her fan tight. How dare that conceited old coot! She gazed as Kakashi lightly switched the conversation back on topic, actually getting answers from the seer. How the heck does that Copy nin do it? The kunoichi decided to save that question for later. Right now, they need to find out where Gaara is, and fast.

"Well, there is in fact, a way that all of us can communicate with the other world." Kirin stated slowly. He crossed his arms and hesitated even as the others leaned forward in an attempt to receive any information he was about to leak.

"Yes? How?" Kiba asked solemn. A tensious air surrounded the ninjas.

"When world peace happens!" cried the seer cheerfully waving his arms all excited. He laughed on, unaware of the red eyed ninjas sharpening their kunais.

Kakashi held them back once again. "Matte, matte. Haha. Kirin, you're overdoing it again. So. How can we speak to them?"

Kirin stopped his persisting laugh and sighed. "I'm going to need the Hyuugas in this."

The dungeons were void of practically anything. There was a silence that was so thick, one would wonder if anyone's breathing.

Hinata sighed blushing red. Her shades are definitely gone. She twiddled her fingers nervously, while fidgeting with her feet. She gazed at the dungeon walls and the hall. She could really go for a Jiang-shi rush right now.

Ren scowled. Of all things, she had to whip out those shades, huh? Didn't she even listen to him that the shades made her look ridiculous? He knew that they were a nuisance from the very beginning. He crossed his arms. "What... In the world were you doing, girl?"

"Hey, hey!" laughed Yoh in an attempt to get rid of the awkwardness. He waved his hand up and down as though he was fanning away the negativity. "Hinata just wants to use her shades, you know?"

Ren crossed his arms. "That's not even the point. Why does she have to wear them all the time?"

"What about my headphones?" Yoh pointed out grinning.

The Chinese shaman jutted out his index. "Exactly. I was just about to say that too."

"What?! My headphones are my business." sputtered Yoh.

Jun smiled a bit down at Hinata, who finally stopped her little fidgeting. "Ah? So, how did you become friends with Yoh?"

Hinata gulped a bit. It finally dawned to her that she had many times revealed her pale eyes to Yoh and the rest, and they've never acted like the people back at the shop when she was getting the shades in the first place. She was expecting acts of isolation, but they've never come. Instead, Hinata was seen as herself the entire time. Yes... They really are true friends, aren't they? So, there wouldn't be anymore use of such things. She felt a little silly. How could she have forgotten? The kunoichi smiled back up at Jun. "Ah. I came to know Yoh by..."

As the explanation dragged on between the women, Yoh nudged Ren painfully in the ribs.

"Ah! Itai!" Ren bashed the blunt end of his qwan-dao on Yoh's head. "What was that for?"

Yoh pouted as he rubbed his head. "You know, Hinata's here."

"And...?" The Chinese warrior quirked an eyebrow.

"And she did come all this way..." Yoh drawled while crossing his arms. Amidamaru nodded his head in spirit ball form.

"So....?" Ren pressed as Bason moved closer in curiosity.

Yoh grinned waaaaaaay wide. "So, you should kiss your prince as a reward, princess!"

Ren's yellow eyes became wide.

Yoh grins.

Ren's eyes became wider.

Yoh's face did not falter.

Ren's face grew crimson.

Yoh, in fact, grinned wider.

Steam came out of Ren's ears.

Bason and Amidamaru both widened their eyes. This won't go well.

"RAWR!" Ren grabbed Yoh's head and smashed it to the ground, huffing. "Don't say ridiculous things!" The Chinese boy growled in anger.

"Hey, Ren, I thought we talked about your anger issues!"

"And why, pray tell, would I take advice from you?"

"...Because I beated you?"

"We TIED, dont you remember?!"

The argument was interrupted by some giggling.

Yoh, Ren, Bason, and Amidamaru gathered together to see that Jun and Hinata were talking and giggling.... But what's most significant was that they were whispering! What in the world are they talking about?! They leaned forward in an attempt to hear better, straining their ears. They were, after all, at the far end of the dungeon while Hinata and Jun were nearby the bars.

Jun gasped as Hinata giggled. "Really?!"

"Yes!" The girl beamed as they whispered further.

The men squinted their eyes. What in the world are the girls talking about?! Ren in particular was unconsciously gripping the wrinkled edges of his pants. He clenched his teeth in irritation.

Jun noticed her own brother's gaze and suddenly smiled. Sending Ren a particular look, she leaned close to Hinata's ear and whispered.

"E-eh?" squeaked Hinata.

Ren, realizing that his own sister was taunting him, scowled. "Bason." He whispered to his guardian spirit.

The Chinese soldier blinked at the next order that befell his master's lips.

"Spy on them."

"B-bocchama?!" cried the warrior in surprise. Of all his dead years, not one order was as ridiculous as this!

A sharp turn and a glare. "Are you disobeying my orders, Basooooon....?"

The Chinese warrior widened his eyes and sent a look of plea at the samurai ghost next to him. Amidamaru could only give him a look of sympathy and a pat on the back.

"Remember, you are dealing with women. It is a dangerous road, especially for espoinage." The samurai said darkly nodding his head.

Yoh gave a huge grin. "We really appreciate it Bason!"

The spirit shrunk into spirit ball mode and slowly floated over to the two girls, carefully he edged over to a certain angle, staying a good few feet and hiding behind... Well, what do you know? There was nothing to hide behind.

Jun, noticing that there was Bason, turned her head at the ghost. "Bason?"

The Chinese spirit warrior froze.

Hinata blinked at Jun's direction. So the spirit named Bason was there? Of course, the kunoichi still saw nothing.

"Do you need something?"

Bason stuttered out incoherently, beads of sweat pouring out from his head, and quickly zipped back to Ren and the others all the while crying out that he failed.

Jun sent a smile to Ren and shook her head at the frown given back at her.

Hinata, confused, looked up at Jun. "Jun-sempai? What's going on?"

The green haired teen shook her head reassuring at Hinata. "It's nothing. Just boys being boys."

Ren scoffed and shook his head. He wasn't going to be a part of this any longer. Clearly whatever it was they were talking about isn't worth killing over. Bah. Yoh, on the other hand, had the biggest annoying grin the Chinese shaman had seen! Ren twitched in irritation. How he wants to wipe it off his face. Dusting off his clothes a final time, he swung his kwan-dao to straighten. "Now I'm ready."

Yoh nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Let's get out of here and go home!" His statement, however, was interrupted by the other shaman.

"No. Not that yet." A look of dark determination seemed to fill Ren's face. "I can't leave until I win."

Jun was greatly taken aback. "N-nani?! Ren! This isn't a competition, let's just go!"

"Onee-san, you of all people should know that after a humiliating defeat like that, I can't turn my back on this. His yellow eyes grew fierce, and his grim face revealed his stubbornness. He was not going to back down without honor.

Hinata attempted to sway Ren, "Demo! Ren-kun, we came all this way to find you! A-And you're injured! You need rest!"

"And I appreciate it very much. But this is between me and my family. It's best not to get involved. Besides... Sooner or later, I will have to face this task. And I have to be rid of it." Turning his back toward them, revealing the large dark Tao symbol, he walked into the hallway with Bason obediently following. "I'll be going up to face my father. I thank you all for freeing me."

Jun sighed with a frown. "Just like my brother to be so stubborn. Even when the odds are clearly against him..."

There was a dark chuckle within the chambers of the Tangen room. Many mirrors surrounded the walls, showing the images of Yoh and the others rather than any reflection. "So... He has escaped, yet he has yet to learn. All because of that Asakura boy..." En smirked as he petted the panda on his lap. "They will not leave... Alive."

Upon close look at the panda, one would see a tag attached to its face...

Yoh, Amidamaru, and Hinata rushed after Ren, who sped walked in haste.

"Oy, oy! Ren, slow down will you?" Yoh called after.

"No, I don't think so." If anything, Ren quickened his pace through the dark dungeons. Hopefully if he does so, they'll be gone in minutes!

Unfortunately, they kept following him.

"Ren-kun, aren't you tired? Shouldn't we rest?" Hinata asked in concern.

"Yeah, yeah!" nodded Yoh.

"Rest is absolutely essential." The samurai spirit should know. He's been in battles plenty of time.

"What do you want from me? You all are the ones tired." Ren twitched in irritation as he quickened his pace further, so quickly that Bason had a hard time following.

Hinata shook her head, "D-demo, we don't want anything! We just want to help fight that's all." She too, quickened her pace, with Yoh following close behind.

"I don't need your help. Just go back to Japan. It's better for you all." The Chinese shaman began changing his pace to running.

The Japanese shaman tilted his head, causing his orange headphones to slip a bit. "But if we leave, won't you be sad and lonely?!"

At that, Ren whipped out his index finger and shoved it in Yoh's face in indignance. "OF COURSE NOT!!!"

There was a moment of silence, as Ren gathered up as much of his patience as he could muster. Sighing, the boy turned around. "I'm just saying you'll be in my way. You all are too nice. And you can't win against that man by just being nice." Ren narrowed his eyes at his agenda. The fact that they, Yoh, Hinata, and Amidamaru, wanted to help was good, but against En, they wouldn't stand a chance.

Yoh grumbled, "What man? Your father? You know, Bason told me everything."

Hinata ran in front of Ren and extended her arms, blocking his path.

Ren widened his yellow eyes, surprised that Hinata would do such a thing. "What are you doing, girl? Get out of my way."

The kunoichi stood firm, shaking her dark locks. She recalled back when Neji had the same sort of feelings against the main branch. "Ren-kun! Please stop! This path... Isn't right! If you hate your father-"

A slight frown donned Ren's face as he shook his head. "Iie. I don't hate him."

The Hyuuga was taken aback. If he doesn't, then why does he wish to fight him?

"This is why I told you that you don't understand. I don't hate my father. I came here to eliminate the hatred." Ren twisted his back towards Hinata, and then to Yoh. "This tatoo... Is the symbol of my hatred that has always been... I'm not angry because they've put it on me... I'm angry because... I allowed myself to believe that hurting others was right." He shut his eyes in shame and anger. "Even if I change, the memories will remain, just like this symbol. And that, is my reason. I want to get rid of those memories, and to do so, I must NOT leave until I've defeated the hatred that runs through our family's blood."

"Ren-kun..." murmured Hinata in surprise. She watched as Ren straightened out his kwan dao once more, gripping it firmly.

"It may be foolish even." He walked ahead Hinata a few steps, then turned facing the others. "But. It is my fight. I don't want to see you all die for something like this... Especially since..." Ren turned his head away, locks covering his face. "I've only just known you."

Hinata widened her eyes. This was possibly the most sensitive she had ever seen the other. "Ren-kun?" She whispered. She blinked as Yoh walked over to Ren with a smile and put an arm over his shoulder with a slight pat.

"Everything will work out. You'll see." With a grin on his face, he continued, "We didn't come all this way to see you die. We came to fight together. We'll never know what happens if we don't try."

Ren widened his eyes at the support that Yoh gave him. This little gesture of friendship, which he clearly wasn't used to. He sighed in annoyance. "What makes you think that I'd die? Idiot." With that, he brushed off Yoh's hand and stretched.

Hinata smiled happily at the moment that the two boys were having. She giggled a bit at Ren's retort.

The Tao whipped his head back, widening his eyes at Hinata's expression. "W-what's with that face, girl?!"

"E-eh?! W-what f-f-face?!" The Hyuuga stammered. Her face grew a great red crimson as she shook her head wildly. "W-what do you mean?!"

"What's with that?! Fix it right now!" At that moment Ren's face was also turning red. "You're embarrassing me!"

"S-sumimasen! Sumimasen!" Hinata defensively put her hands over her face. "Gomenesai!"

"What are you doing now?! Now you think I'm going to kill you or something?!" Ren raised his arms up in frustration. His face becoming bright red. "Fix it!"

"I-I'm trying!"

Yoh laughed out loud so hard along with Amidamaru as Ren attempted to stop Hinata from her "embarrassing" antics. "Aw, Ren's so embarrassed by Hinata-chan!"

Bason, however, was shedding tears of joy. "Spring has truly indeed come for Bocchama!"

The Chinese shaman turned his head at the trio. "What... Was that?"

Within an instance the three was silent.

Ren, satisfied that they were no longer making fun of him, went back to his duty of stopping Hinata's blush. "Okay. Just breath. Think of... Yoh cooking on an open fire."

Yoh, Amidamaru, and Bason all agreed quietly.... Ren is obviously colder than Horohoro's snow.

The moment was shattered, however, with the sudden appearance of two Jiang-Shi... The same ones who knocked out Jun. "Kufufufufu... You all aren't leaving here alive..."

Yoh widened his eyes in surprise. "I didn't even see them! Did you, Hinata?!"

Hinata cried out a no, only to quickly grab at the dungeon wall as the ground began shaking.

Ren, however, was very composed, even as sandy gravel began to fall from the ceiling. "Hmph. Yoh."

The headphone shaman turned his head at the Chinese boy quickly. "What?!"

"Do as you like. But don't get in my way." A huge smirk donned his lips as he whipped out his hand, Bason, obediently moving into spirit ball form. "You've got guts! I'll give you that! Right, Bason?!" crowed the shaman as his spirit was put into Oversoul.

Yoh grinned. "Okay. Amidamaru!! Let's go!"

Within seconds the two Jiangshi were no more, and Hinata gasped in relief as the dungeons stopped the shaking. She widened her eyes as Ren grabbed her arm. "Hurry up. If you're going to help, better keep up." A smirk of confidence, just like before when she first met him.

The Hyuuga smiled and with a quick nod, they all ran through the corridors.

Ren narrowed his eyes. "So... This is where your friends were at?" A huge pair of doors were in front of them.

The Japanese shaman nodded. "Yup."

"Through here is a stairway that leads to where En is. We must hurry." Pushing the doors open, the five of them was in for a shock.

Everything in the room was in ruins. The Jiang-shi bodies were all around the floor. But there was one amidst all the disaster, gripping at Ryu's neck. Horohoro was against a wall, cracks behind him indicating his defeat.

Hinata gasped in horror at the sight.

"Ryu! Horo!"

The five were surprised then to find the presence of the Jiang-shi man suddenly behind them. "They could not keep up.... Just like you three..."

Quickly, Hinata threw a kunai at the other, only to have it deflected.

Yoh and Ren quickly placed on oversoul and all three of them including the Hyuuga barely dodged the powerful drop kick initiated by the zombie. "Fuo Jank Yaku!"

Jumping back into the room, the two shamans were bewildered. This was not good... Especially since they're practically put right where he wanted them!

Hinata attempted to land a blow at the Jiang-shi's arm with a quick hard jab, only to miss. The Hyuuga widened her eyes turning around quickly. 'No!'

"Jyouji Daodan Kyaku!" cried the zombie as he launched another kick.

The heiress didn't have time to gasp as an arm encircled her waist and she was jerked back. Rubble remained where she was standing before. Hinata looked up at the person who saved her.

"That was close." said Ren narrowing his eyes at his opponent. He released the kunoichi gently and tightened his grip on the kwan dao in frustration. Who the heck is this Jiang-Shi?

Yoh slid back, his sandals hot with friction, yelling, "There's no mistaking it! That Dao Dan Do! The same technique as Pailong! How could he be stronger than the others?!"

"I don't know!" Yelled Ren back. His yellow eyes scanned the opponent, finding nothing.

Hinata gasped as there was a close attack, which she had managed to dodge by flipping in the air. She narrowed her eyes, "Byakugan!" Upon gazing at the figure, there didn't seem to be anything different that separates him from normal zombies. The Hyuuga was tempted to use the explosive tags in her arsenal, but the other is far more swift than her. Within seconds if she uses one, it would cause an explosion that would envelope everyone, excluding him. Is there no hope at all?

"That technique..." stammered a familiar voice.

Ren, Yoh, and Hinata turned their heads at the sound. "Manta?!"

The little boy was crouching behind a huge vase, safe but shaking in inexplicable horror. "That technique is unmistakenly the same one that Pailong uses... But there are only two people who would know such style... One is Bason..." Manta's face became paler as a thought came to him. "The other is... His master! Sha Wen!"

At that, the two shamans widened their eyes in recognition of the name.

"Sha Wen?! Who is he?" Hinata asked, swiftly turning her head left and right to Yoh and Ren.

Yoh turned his head toward the kunoichi, hastily replying, "Sha Wen is a Dao Dan Do master who I've spirit bonded with a long time back. But! The Sha Wen I'm used to is a completely old man!"

"It doesn't surprise me in the least. The Jiang-shi are all composed of different parts... In addition, if this one is part of the Gokufusei... Then it makes sense. The best parts are all given to this collection, so a young body isn't impossible." spat the Chinese.

The Hyuuga heiress once again gazed at the Jiang-shi, suddenly in realization. "I... I see something though! There's something about him!"

"What is it?!"

"He... He's!"

"Kufufufu.... Indeed... I am Sha Wen... Now you will experience the true power of the Gokufusei!" Sha Wen raised his hand, and pulled up the tag to the side of his face, revealing a old haggard face, beard, mustache, the visible eye dilated and crossed, but the most significant... A neck full of stitches.

The shamans gaped at the horrid sight.

"Th-THAT'S what happened?!"

"So... That's how my father did it..."

The two shamans turned toward Hinata. "You knew of this?"

Hinata nodded a bit in hesitation. She hadn't known at first during the battle due to it being so quick, but just then, she was able to see that the man's head was attached to such a body.

Ren shook his head. "Never mind that right now. It looks like all along, this was the trump card my father intended."

Yoh and Hinata grew horrified. "So the other four... Were just pawns?"

"Looks like we're up against a rook." said Ren grimly. He widened his eyes suddenly as there was a swift wind. Quickly he turned his head toward the other two. "Yoh! Girl! Behind you!"

The two turned around seeing Sha Wen suddenly there just like at the beginning. They were too slow to do anything and shut their eyes anticipating the blow.


For a moment, they froze. Yoh, feeling no pain inflicted, slowly opened his eyes. "H-Hinata?"

Hinata opened her eyes as well, searching the boy to see if he was hurt. "D-Did he?"

Yoh shook his head slowly. "You?" He whispered.

The Hyuuga shook her head in the same manner.

They looked around at Ren, who had a look of surprise as he was pointing in their direction. Turning around, the two of them gasped.

There was another Jiang-shi blocking the blow with his fists!

"P-Pailong!" cried out Ren incredulously.

"I-Impossible! You were placed under the control of En! What are you doing?!" yelled Sha Wen in surprise as he struggled against the block.

A small chuckle interrupted the whole ordeal.

Everyone turned their heads toward the entrance.

"Neesan!" Ren shouted in surprise.

Jun lowered her eyes mischievously. "This happens to be my fellow Jiang-Shi, who has been by my side for many years... I am a Daoshi, what sort of person would I be, if I can't even compose my own Jiang-Shi, hm?" A light laughter with a tilt of her head. "Well, Ren. I did warn you not to fight. Looks like I made it in time."

"Jun..." said Yoh in surprise.

The Hyuuga was surprised as well. There seemed to be a fire within Jun's blue eyes, showing her fighting spirit.

"Pailong, you've been rather naughty. Perhaps you can redeem yourself, hm?" Jun called out to the martial artist.

"Hai, Ojosama." replied the other, as he pushed his fists against Sha Wen and jumped back swiftly into fighting position.

"Miss Jun, I would advise against this... You wouldn't want your father to punish you for your insolence, hm? It's not wise to go up against me. Even if you all come at me at once, it will still be futile. After all, a weak Jiang-Shi like Pailong can't match with me! The master who has taught him!" A large cackle came from Sha Wen as he mocked the patheticness of them all.

The green haired Tao was unfazed by the cold words. "So ka... I suppose we were too soft." She whipped out her blue hair clips one by one and began to do her hair calmly. "I really wish not to fight any more." A few clicks of the clips. "I wish I never have to hurt people... But with things as they are, I have no choice... But to stand up." She was finished.

"Gyahaha! You are confused!" laughed the menacing Jiang-Shi as he moved to attack the Daoshi.

"Oh, but you're wrong... I see clearly now..." responded Jun as she held up her talismans and nipped at one in a mocking manner with her trademark smile. "And I have made my mind."

At that moment, Sha Wen widened his eyes at the presence suddenly behind him. "N-nani?!"

Pailong was in the air, about to strike his blow. "This is the end, Gokufusei." With determination in his eyes, he swiftly moved to kick. "I will always protect Jun! Yuzhou- Zhan Luo-Xia!" (I'm not sure if this is the correct name... In the manga it was something else, and then in another site it was this... Well, correct me if I'm wrong!)

At the discarded remains of the Jiang-Shi, Jun said calmly, "You have no right to live if you don't have a heart. You're not even alive with your missing soul." She turned toward the stairway. "Come. We're going ahead."

Yoh scrambled to carry Horohoro as Ren, Manta, and Hinata stared dumbly.

"My sister's gone mad..."

From nearby, the supposed KO'd Ryu's split pompadour grew into two heart shaped... Pompadours.

"Ugh, it still hurts and there's a ringing in my ears!" complained Horohoro as he rubbed his head and swayed a bit. He gained consciousness a while back, and was then feeling the aftereffects of his fight. He grumbled at his dizzy vision, stopping it on Hinata... Well, it's not so bad if there's two! Whoot! Suddenly his vision went white at the sudden pain on his forsaken noggin. "Itai! Kororo, what'd you do that for?!"

The indignant Koropokkuru angrilly waved her lilypad leaf. "Ko ro koro koro!" (Kororo translator: You need to get focused!)

"That's no reason to hit me!" Horohoro grumbled rubbing his head once more.

Hinata blinked watching the ainu... To her, he was just speaking to plain thin air. She backed away a bit as Horohoro yelled that if his mother was here, she would punish her and not him. Well, so much for Horohoro's sanity image. "Wow, Horohoro, I hope you'll be okay." said Manta in concern.

"I'LL BE FINE, JUST DON'T WORRY!" snapped the ainu back, A scowl on his mouth, veins popping all over his face, his eyes looking bloodshot.

Manta gave a yelp of surprise and ran straight behind Yoh. Hinata smiled a bit though, when the ainu finally calmed down.

"Whoo, sorry about that. I'm good now. I'm fine."

"After taking such a beating, I'm not surprised." Ryu said lightly. His face became serious at the surroundings. There were skeletons all over the grounds and stairway in the path to En. "Being in this kind of place... Gives me a bad feeling. So many attacks and all of these corpses and skeletons... I can't believe crazy people of this level existed!" scowled the man.

"Ryu!" Manta yelled at the sight of the down faces of Ren and Jun.

The shaman quickly covered up his mouth. 'Oh snap!'

"Oh snap is right." muttered Tokagero. "No, I don't have ESP." he said annoyed at Ryu's incredulous look.

"It's fine, Manta. No need to worry." Turning his back once more at the hallway, Ren had a dark serious look. "This is my battle. En is up ahead and I can't guarantee you'll leave alive. So, if you fear death, you may leave."

"Ren..." said the group in surprise.

Before anyone could say anything, there was a loud rumble, seeming like laughter. "Hehehe... Well, well... In such a short time you've become so sensitive to say such words... Ren."

Everyone looked around wildly. "That noise! Where's it coming from?!" Suddenly, the ceiling broke through, and there was a huge man sitting in a chair!

"Gyaaaaah!" screeched Manta in surprise.

Horohoro screamed as well. "Who the heck is that?! And what is with that outfit?!"

Yoh gave a huge yelp. "It look like he fell from the sky!! Did anyone see where he came from?! And that moustache!"

"Impossible!" cried Ryu. "THAT'S your dad?!"

Hinata swiftly turned her head left and right incredulous at their reaction. What were they talking about? Within her vision was a slim man in a traditional Chinese Hanfu outfit. And he didn't look huge at all!

His surprise appearance aside, En shifted his head. "Welcome all," he boomed, the words seeming to vibrate the very walls. "I know that you have been taking care of my son... But that matters not to me." Slowly, the man lifted a finger out.

The kunoichi was bewildered. Was this person really responsible for the huge echoes and vibrations?

Jun gasped. "Everyone get down!"

A sudden rumbling came in their direction at a swift pace.

"Watch out!" cried out Hinata as she pushed Manta off to safety. The blast unfortunately caught her, and she was swept against a wall. She yelped in pain as she fell to the floor. 'N-no... I must stay awake... I must...' Hinata struggled to remain conscious, gripping hard against the rubble, her visions blurred, and then finally, there was black.

'Hinata... Hinata...'

'That voice... Who...?'



'What will you do now?'

'What do you mean?'

'What will you do now that you're dead?'


'Now that you're dead... You can't go back...'


There was a violent shaking on her shoulders. The Hyuuga quickly came to the realization that her eyes were shut and slowly fluttered them open. Golden eyes peered down at her. "R-Ren-kun?" She whispered weakly.

"Heh. Good. Father didn't kill you." A satisfied smirk.

Hinata widened her eyes recalling all that's happened up to the point of her black out. "W-what happened?!"

"You were knocked out." answered the pointy haired shaman.

The kunoichi shook her head. "After that?"

Ren narrowed his eyes. "We died." He said grimly.

The Hyuuga shot up from her lying down position. "What?!" She paused immediately seeing that she was in a very soft bed with a velvet red blanket over her legs.

The Tao shook. Then snickered. Then he laughed loudly.

Hinata blinked in confusion. "E-eh?"

"Of course we're not dead! If we were, Bason here wouldn't be transparent to us! Ah, wait, you can't see him! Gyahahaha!" The shaman shook, then laughed more at the bewildered expression the kunoichi had.

A small smile came on the Hyuuga's face. Ren's laughter didn't sound malicious, sarcastic, or even melancholic. It was genuine, pure laughter. 'Ren's... Happy!' She thought giddly. "Ah! What about Yoh-kun and the others?!"

At that, Ren's face became grim. He turned his head away, bangs covering his face.

"Ren-kun?" Worry wavered in her voice.

Ren looked back at Hinata solemnly. "They died."

"W-What?!" The girl was speechless as she was given another round of laughter.

Meanwhile, from outside the bedroom, Horohoro grumbled under his breath at the grinning headphone shaman. "Hey, how come we can't go in? I wanna see how Hinata is!"

Amidamaru shook his head. "He requested to see her alone. Perhaps Ren-san feels partially responsible for the attack on the girl."

Yoh grinned and pulled up an index. "Plus, we get to be guards!"

The ainu stared with a dumbfounded look. "Guards? Are you kidding me?"

"Ah, ah, excuse me, Yoh-kohai." A cheerful voice chirped.

"Of course, Jun-sempai." Yoh replied happily allowing JUN TAO to go in.

"H-hey, waitaminute! Why'd you let her in?!" Horo yelled out in dismay.

Yoh frowned. "Don't you know? It's dangerous to leave one boy and one girl together. Who knows what they'll do. Right, Amidamaru?" The shaman turned toward his guardian spirit, who nodded solemnly.

"Even though this time period is more modern, the instincts are all the same. I've lived through such harsh time periods, where it's practically commonplace. I should know." The samurai ghost pointed.

The pair nodded.

"Then how come I can't go?!"

"Because you're cold."

"That's discrimination!"

"No, think about it. With your new techniques, you might accidentally freeze Hinata."

"That doesn't make sense!"

From inside the room, Hinata sweatdropped. "I can hear them..."

"So!" cried Jun happily. "Do you like this room?"

The girl nodded. "It's very pretty!"

The older sibling smiled. "Good, good! Then wouldn't you like to stay here?"

Ren widened his eyes. Just what the heck is his sister doing?! "Neesan?!"

Jun pouted. "Just think about it, you're staying in that plain old inn back in Japan, no? But wouldn't you rather stay here in a luxurious grand $$$$ amount of a mansion?! Wouldn't you?!"

Hinata widened her eyes. "E-eh?!"

"We're even going through renovations here, so anything skeleton related is out! Plus, there are millions of Jiang-shi that will be glad to serve!" The older girl nodded as Pailong, who entered the room, proceeded to flex his muscles. Jun then leaned over Hinata grinning. "I bet Ren would like it if you stay."

"NANI?!" Ren yelled out in dismay. "NEESAN, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU SAYING THAT FOR?!"

Hinata promptly fainted. It was all too much for her.

The Tao heir looked back and stared at the Hyuuga. "Great. You killed her."


Moron: Whoo hoo! Finally we're through that Tao arc!

Needlehead: Y'know, it would've been sooner if the author wasn't so lazy.

Moron: You mean busy! Work, finals, and all that.

Needlehead: Right. Okay, let's move on ASK MORON AND NEEDLEHEAD!

Moron: Yay! (reaches in a box and pulls out an envelope) Okay, here.

Do you guys like Hinata as a sister, a friend or A FRIEND? (hint-hint *winks*) - Raven's Familiar

Moron: (stares) What's with the winking?! Hinata...? Well, she's cute, but...

Needlehead: Yeah... He's got a girlfriend. As for me... Hey, Hinata's cute! Sign me up for the fan club! (holds up Luv Luv Hinata flag)

Moron: Okay... You're scary, Needlehead.

Needlehead: What? I can't appreciate what I see?

Moron: Meh. (pulls out another)

If Moron could change Needlehead into anything in the world, what would he change him into? And vice versa for Needlehead. -Aoimizuneko

Needlehead: I'd change him to a mop.

Moron: A cheeseburger.

Needlehead: WHAT?!

Moron: I'm hungry...

Needlehead: O-okay... (backs far, far away) Well, we'll continue the rest of Ask M & N in the next chapter dedicated solely to this. Onto the bloopers!


"Gyaaaaah!" screeched Manta in surprise.

Horohoro screamed as well. "Who the heck is that?! And what is with that outfit?!"

Yoh gave a huge yelp. "It look like he fell from the sky!! Did anyone see where he came from?! And that moustache!"

"Impossible!" cried Ryu. "THAT'S your dad?!"

Hinata had the worst reaction of all, widening her eyes, her knees shaking wildly. 'I... Had... Byakugan... On... Eck...' The kunoichi quickly shut her eyes whimpering.


Moron: Oh yeah, that was a moment that the author wanted to put in.

Needlehead: A good thing Hinata can't see anything spirit related. For sure. The author had to get rid of it and replace it with the one you see.

Moron: Onto the next one!


Naruto scowled. "Ne, ne! When am I going to be in this?!"

Moron sighed. Apparently he was representative of the author for the moment. "Listen, the author will put you in soon enough."

The ninja scowled more. "And how come I have to partner up with a random filler character who no one knows or cares?"

Moron sighed again. "Because the author likes him."

"The heck?!"

"Any other questions?"

"Is shippuden gonna be in this?"

"Ah, we're running out of time."

"H-hey, hey! I'm not finished! I-"


Needlehead: Bwahaha. The camera cut him off. XD

Moron: I had to do a lot of stuff that day. (sighs) Okay, here's the last one!


Sasuke stared. In front of him was a guy... With headphones.

"Hi there! I'm Yoh!" A big huge grin on his face.

It was then that Sasuke realized that all those fanfics were right. And right in front of him was living proof that SasuNaru will indeed happen.


Moron: Come to think of it, their hair are pretty similar...

Needlehead: And Yoh's outfit does have orange...

Moron: I sense a conspiracy.

Needlehead: Well, that's all we have for Fun with M&N. Hope you've enjoyed the chapter. By the way, the author did make a forum for Hinata centric Shaman King fans. If you all have time, go to her profile and join up. Who knows? Maybe you'll be able to keep in touch with her there.

Moron: Other than that, you can always PM her. Very much encouraged. Or you could leave a review and say what you think of it.

M&N: Til next time!