((A/N: Aaand this is yet another fic by Meowzy. To those who don't know me yet; Welcome. To those who are familiar with my other fics; Welcome back! Really, the summary was kind of vague about this, so let me explain. This fic is about Tabatha and her origin. The other main characters are Yuan and Kratos, though the latter doesn't appear as much. Altessa also has many cameos.

Now, I know most of you will think; "Oh, another Kratos/Yuan fic by Meowzy...", but that's where you're wrong. The relationship between Kratos and Yuan is more like friendship and can only be seen as Kratos/Yuan if you squint. A lot. But I stuck in many YuanxMartel mentions. So this is where it differs from my other fics. No guy/guy in here! However, I must warn you of a dark theme, being suicide. If you don't like the thought of a character wanting to snuff him/herself off, or a bit of blood, then I suppose you'll have... Uhm... Either skip the scenes in question or not read this fic at all. That's up to you, really.

This story is mostly based on my own theory, mixed with as much canon stuff as I could gather. I don't own Tales of Symphonia or the characters, and that counts for all chapters to come. I enjoy reviews, doesn't matter if it's good or bad, but please keep it constructive. Reviews containing only one word, or a smiley, tick me off. Please, people, let me know that you actually read this.

Lastly, uh... Enjoy.))


He's finally done it.

Mithos finally snapped. It was bound to happen any day now. He approached me today with what was very likely his most insane idea up to now. I can still see that proud smile on his face. How disgusting.

A robot. He wants to put Martel's soul in a robot. The idea alone is preposterous. There is no way a robot can hold a person's soul. Technology simply doesn't work that way. And that's what I told him. Still, he refused to listen to my words. He said, and I quote, "Just you wait and see. We'll have Martel with us again soon."

He's asked Cruxis' most intelligent dwarves to get started on a blueprint. He wants it to be as advanced and detailed as possible. A mechanical vessel "fit for a goddess".

Kratos is staying out of it, as usual. Typical human behaviour. As long as it doesn't involve him, he won't say a word to hinder Mithos. As a teacher, it was his responsibility to stop the boy a long time ago. Just like Mithos, however, he is ignoring my words and acting on his own.

Mithos… Why can't you see that what we are trying to do is wrong? Just the fact that we are still living is wrong. Though… Perhaps the old Mithos had the pleasure of dying a long time ago. All that I see today is Yggdrasill.

I shudder to think what Martel will say when she awakens in a mechanical body. She will not approve. And nothing will be the same. Even if she adapts to that body, nothing will ever be the same again.

-Excerpt from Yuan's diary-