Disclaimer: I don't own fma. I do however own the plot )

In this fanfic Hughes is alive it takes place right before episode 25.



Lust walked towards the underground city's cathedral; Envy following close behind.

"Shut up Envy!" Her nerves finally getting the best of her. " If you hadn't been so careless we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!" Lust growled approaching the cathedral doors.

"Careless? Me? Then why is it the old bat summoned you and not me then hmmmm?" Envy asked almost innocently.

"To congratulate me on fixing your screw up of course." She said knowingly as she pushed the cathedral doors open.

"Master." They said in unison bowing to Dante who was standing directly in front of the entrance.

"You summoned us?" Envy asked in feigned politeness.

A large spike suddenly appeared in Envy's chest. Small rivets of red water dripping from his still smirking lips. Just as quickly as it appeared the spike was gone allowing Envy to drop to his hands and knees gasping for breath as his wound closed up.

"Don't use that tone of voice with me." Dante whispered vehemently in Envy's ear.

"Master shall I return later?" Lust asked in a monotone voice staring at nothing in particular her arms hanging limply at her sides.

"No! I have orders for you as well." She looked at Envy almost lovingly a violent gleam in her eyes.

"Now Envy, you have been getting very sloppy. But I am pleased that you and Lust have carried out the mission almost competently. It was everything else that I was disgusted with!" Dante suddenly thrust her hand out striking Envy's cheek, a low echo reverberating withing the cathedral walls. Envy's head snapped up glaring defiantly at Dante.

" We have done everything to you specifications, bitch! Don't you dare criticize the work I do for you." Envy spat.

"The elixir we gave Mustang won't work if the conditions are unhappy for the carrier! Isn't that what Tucker told you! The elixir only activates certain hormones in the body and creates a makeshift artificial womb within the victims body. If the victim is unhappy the elixir will mix with testosterone and adrenaline, not estrogen. Without the mixture of the elixir and estrogen within Elric's body he'll never produce an egg to be fertilized! You've cut the chances for him to conceive and our chance to obtain the child in half!" Dante waved her hands furiously at Envy.

"We won't have enough time to arrange another meeting between Elric and Mustang before the elixir wears off. We'll just have to hope Envy didn't screw the job up. After all the elixir only works once for an individual if this doesn't work the first time Elric's body will become immune and won't accept the drug a second time." Lust said nonchalantly peering down at Envy who looked ready to murder her.

"We'll just have to keep an eye on him then won't we?" Pride asked rhetorically as he entered the room down a grande staircase.

"Eavesdropping? How unbecoming Mr.Fuhrur." Envy said sarcastically.

"I've taken care of Envy's mistake. Elric will be spending a week in Drachma per my orders. If Mustang's seed takes it will be in Drachma." Pride replied ignoring Envy's sarcastic remark.

"Why Drachma?" Lust asked.

"Elric needs to be somewhat happy to conceive right? I think a laid back mission in the country will relax him and let his body become a willing host to our plans. Upon his return he will be a happy and pregnant alchemist." Pride said, proud of his simple yet genius plan.

"Well done Pride." Dante congratulated. "Now Lust, Envy."

Both homunculus snapped to attention under her strict tone.

"Go retrieve Sloth. The three of you will be guarding Edward and our little 'package'. Don't screw it up or I'll see all three of you as sacrifices to the Gate!" With that Dante walked out leaving Envy and Lust to bow to the air and Pride with a slight smile on his face and a gleam in his eye.


"Who the hell do you think you are sending us to Drachma?!" Edward burst into the room startling its occupants and awakening his superior as his voice carried through to the other room.

"F-Fullmetal?" Roy asked in a haze trying to hold back a yawn.

Edward stomped through the rectangular office to Roy's private on; several sets of eyes watching his back until Hawkeye cleared her throat giving everyone a start and sending them back to working on their stacks of paperwork. The small alchemist slammed the door behind him as he entered. Peering around making sure there were to be no witnesses he walked slowly forward. Once he confirmed they were alone he lunged at Roy, his automail hand swinging forward and missing his superior's head by mere centimeters. Roy, genuinely shocked and completely awake now reflexively brought his hand up and snapped. Flames erupted around Edward's small lithe form causing him to shriek in pain and surprise then tear his jacket off and stomp on it wildly to put out the flames. He snapped his head up to glare at Roy once he was sure his jacket had been put out and wouldn't reignite.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Ed shrieked.

"I could ask you the same damn question!" Roy shouted while getting up and slamming his hands on his desk scattering some unsigned paperwork.

Seemingly out of no where an almost silent chuckle pierced the temporary silence. Both alchemists turned to address it. Havoc was leaning back in his chair watching them through the now opened office door. Hawkeye standing behind him with her arms folded and holding a gun in one hand; fingering the safety.

"Gee boss the chief's hot for you today isn't he?" Havoc smirked at both alchemists with an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.

Roy walked around his desk towards the door and slammed it closed. A scowl plastering his face. Ed simply stood there a very soft pink dusting his cheeks. He averted the older alchemist's obsidian eyes which seemed to be probing him for information. Finally the awkward silence became too much for the blonde. He couldn't take being in the same room with Roy for another second. There were too many emotions Roy evoked in him. Many he didn't even understand.

"I'm not going to Drachma and thats final!" Ed said determinedly and shoved his way past Roy to get out of in his opinion the cramped office. The atmosphere was becoming suffocating for the both of them.


Roy stood in front of the doorway watching the small chibi leave the office. He shut his door with a soft click, cutting off the questioning stares of his subordinates. He turned around and walked over to the window. Soon enough the familiar golden head popped out to join the sea of blue at the military entrance. So many things were swirling through his head as he watched the small alchemist dart through the crowd below. Does he remember last night? Why was Ed blushing from the comment Havoc made? Did Ed return his feelings? No, he couldn't could he? Was he just flushing from the anger and exertion earlier? But then why did he avert his eyes? It seemed with Edward he got more questions than answers. When he did get an answer it lead to three more questions. Roy ran a hand through his raven locks and turned around to glare at his desk.

"I may as well do paperwork." Roy muttered dejectedly to himself. At least it would stop all the unnessesary question that he couldn't stop from asking himself.

He walked over to his desk and sat down. He took down the first folder in the towering stack of paperwork that never seemed to dwindle. He read it, signed it, and started a pile of finished paperwork on the opposite corner of his desk. Just as he went to pick up his second folder the phone rang. He smiled to himself. He'd rather talk than do paperwork anyway. Roy gingerly picked up the receiver up and answered it in his most commanding voice.

"Colonel Roy Mustang speaking. State your business."

"Hi Roy! Seen any pictures of my darling Elicia lately? Why just yesterday she did the cutest thing-"

"Hughes!" Roy cut Maes off in an annoyed tone tapping his fingers impatiently on his desk. He'd rather do paperwork than listen to this all day. "If this doesn't pertain to anything military related I'm hanging up"

"Right well I better get down to business then. We need you down at the men's barracks. Building two."

"Why? Talk to me Hughes what is going on?" Roy's voice became businesslike the way Hughes's had been.

"Murder, two counts. Whoever wanted these guys dead made sure they did the job right. There are spear like protrusions going through both their bodies."

"Give me five minutes. I'll be right down."

Roy got up and walked quickly through his office opening the door and entering the outer office.

"Havoc, Feury, Breda take any and all incoming calls. If there's anything important report in to me immediately. I'll be at building two of the men's barracks. Riza you will accompany me there. There has been a double homicide and I need you to keep an eye on the proceedings down there.

Everyone saluted Roy as he walked quickly out of the office. Hawkeye following close behind.

I'm soooo sorry I didn't update theres no reason it should have taken this long my only reason is lazyness and thats not much a reason. (Readers come at me with pitch forks and torches) My next update will be around next sunday the weekend will give me time to right it.Also thankyou to all my reviewers especially yaoi-fma-san who snapped me out of my lazyness I think a threat was just what I needed to get my lazy ass in gear thankyou XD

KitsuneyJenfner, catwwoman47, klnolan, Maria S, Moglin, Vixyfox, Bar-Ohki, kirroi yumetobu, Kags21, Kimito Uzuki, ZADR-Mistress, InuhanyouLafiel, VermilionValentine, Evil Pixies Are Yummy, and yaoi-fma-san.

I would also like to thank all my story alerters (its a word right) and anyone who faved my story XD