Disclaimer: I do not own anything ralated to pirates or the characters featured there.

A.N. POTC 1, 2 and 3 never happened.

Chapter one: Christine

It was early evening and the future commodore was sitting out on his porch. He raised his teacup and took a sip.

'' What a splendid weather we have tonight.'' He said to himself as he put the cup on the table. '' I think I might take a walk. Gordon! '' A young man appeared in the doorway.

'' Yes sir.'' He replied nervous.

'' I'm going out for a walk. I might visit the Governor and his daughter. If someone comes to see me, tell them to find me there. '' Gordon nodded.

'' Yes sir…I will sir.'' He bowed and went inside.

James got his coat and walked outside. He inhaled the cool salty air. The sea. Oh how he loved the sea. He smiled at the thought and continued down the main road.

The Governor's mansion was in the other side of the town so he had to cross the main square. There were salesmen selling all kinds of merchandise. Food, clothes, animals, just name it, you could get it there. He walked past the booths, but one of them caught his eyes. It was not the booth itself, but the person standing by it. It was a girl. James moved near to be able to hear her conversation with the salesman.

'' But that's all I've got! Please…'' She begged the salesman

'' No, it's three shillings.'' The salesman replied.

'' Please sir…I've got to have something to eat! '' She begged, tears starting to form in her eyes.

'' Allow me.'' James handed the salesman three shillings. The girl looked at the man who so kindly had paid her food.

'' I can't accept this sir…'' She handed him the bread.

'' Yes you can, and you will. '' James said firmly. '' Please…just take it.'' He pushed the bread at her.

'' Thank you kind sir…I'm afraid I won't be able to pay you.''

'' No need, it's a gift from me.'' James smiled. '' What is your name miss? ''

'' My name is Christine.''

'' Well Christine, it was a pleasure meeting you.'' He bowed and smiled. '' If you ever need anything, let me know. '' Then he walked away, heading for the Governor's mansion.

'' What a lovely man.'' Christine thought to herself. '' Who was this man? '' She asked the salesman.

'' That was James Norrington, the head of the royal navy.'' The salesman replied and shook his head. He didn't believe that this had really happened.

'' The royal navy! Oh god…'' She covered her mouth with her hand. '' If I had known…I would never have let him pay.''

James had now reached the mansion and was walking up to the house. Elizabeth. He had fancied her since she was a young girl. Now she was fully-grown and even fairer than before. He wished he could marry her, it was the only thing he lacked, a marriage to a fine woman. But he didn't have the courage to ask for her hand.

He rang the doorbell and a servant answered. He was led to the lounge, where Elizabeth and her father had retired after the dinner.

'' James! What brings you here? '' The Governor inquired. '' Take a seat, please.'' He pointed to a chair beside himself.

'' Thank you sir. '' James replied as he sat down. He glanced at Elizabeth and smiled. '' How are you today Ms. Swann? ''

'' I'm fine thank you Mr. Norrington.'' She smiled courteously. '' To what do we owe this pleasure of your visit? ''

James snapped back to reality. '' Well, the weather outside is so lovely that I decided to take a walk and visit you''

'' Well that's very nice of you don't you think? '' The Governor asked his daughter.

'' Yes, very nice indeed. '' She replied. '' I wouldn't mind taking a stroll myself. ''

'' That's a wonderful idea! Why won't you go outside and stretch your legs.'' Her father suggested.

'' I believe I will. Would you mind escorting me Mr. Norrington? ''

'' It would be my pleasure Ms. Swann.'' He stood up and gave her his arm. They walked together out of the room and out to the cool night air.

'' So James…how have you been? '' Elizabeth inquired.

'' Busy.'' He replied with a smile.

She chuckled '' I believe that, you've always been a very busy man.''

'' Yes, I have my duties, and they acquire nearly all of my time.'' They walked through the town square, heading to the park. Coming from a side street he saw Christine.

'' Christine? '' The girl looked up and her face fell. '' James! '' She bowed.

'' There's no need for that. Stand up.'' She raised her head and looked him in the eye. '' I didn't know it was you…if I had I would never have let you pay for my bread…I'm so sorry!''

'' Christine calm down, it was a gift, you don't have to pay me back.'' James put his hands on her upper arms, trying to calm her.

'' I feel so ashamed!'' She hung her head.

'' Don't be…I'm no different than the other people here, even though I have a big title doesn't mean that I'm to be treated differently. I have as much right to give a woman bread and recline payment just as any other man of this town.'' He looked her in the eyes and saw how she relaxed.

'' I'm so sorry…I shouldn't have acted this way.'' She said sheepishly.

'' It's alright…I want you to meet a friend of mine, Elizabeth Swann, the Governor's

daughter. '' He moved away, revealing Elizabeth standing behind him.

'' It's nice to meet you…'' Elizabeth started

'' Christine, my name is Christine.'' She shook her hand and smiled.

'' Would you like to join us, we were just heading home for tea? '' Elizabeth asked politely.

'' Oh no…I wouldn't want to bother you.'' Christine replied.

'' No please, come with us, you won't be bothering us at all.'' James replied eagerly.

'' No, I should be getting home. Thanks again for the bread Mr. Norrington.'' She bowed and walked away.

'' So, are you making it a habit to help out young women in distress? '' Elizabeth teased with a smile.

'' No, it was just this one. I couldn't let her starve! '' James tried to rectify himself.

'' You are an amazing man James Norrington.'' Elizabeth replied with a chuckle and they turned back, heading to the Governor's mansion