Warning: This chapter contains swearing, F-word included and boy!sex. Don't like don't read.


Quietly closing the door to the Brotherhood's current safe-house John couldn't help feeling like he was sixteen again. Here he was, Pyro, a wanted mutant terrorist, trying to sneak in undetected after spending the night somewhere he knew he shouldn't have been. It seemed more than a little pathetic, but he wasn't about to risk one of Magneto's lectures about "compromising the mission" and putting everything else aside for "the Cause", and that would be if he was lucky. Any tolerance for adolescent behaviour the boss had possessed before the War had vanished with his powers and definitely hadn't returned with them. The reformed Brotherhood was a lot more disciplined than it had been previously. The Cause was all that mattered and if you endangered the Cause you had hell to pay. As much as he believed in what they were doing John couldn't help feeling a little envious of Bobby. He got out, he was going to collage. Bobby had an actual life. All John had was the Cause. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about this. First things first, he had to get to his room and pretend that he'd been there at least most of the night. John moved silently through the semi-darkness of the hallway, avoiding the floor board that he knew creaked and eased open the kitchen door.

Halfway across the white tiled floor he caught a glimpse of movement behind him. Inwardly cursing he turned around, mind working frantically to think of a believable reason to just be coming in.

"You're up early." He found himself face to face with Mystique.

"Went jogging." It was the first thing that popped into his head.

"Really?" She said in a tone of mock interest, regarding his very non-workout appropriate clothing. "Funny how in five years this is the first time you've done that."

"Thought I'd start." He said, wanting to get out of there before this got worse. He made it to the door before she replied.

"Must've been quite the workout." Bobby's voice said from behind him. John froze on the spot, mentally preparing himself before turning back to face her.

"I thought you were over this." John said, inserting just the right mix of irritation and boredom into his voice. During his first year with the Brotherhood Mystique constantly taken on Bobby's appearance. It had driven him nuts that she knew just who she needed to be to get to him. 'Bobby' cocked his head, smiling like a shark. It looked wrong on his face.

"And I thought you were." Her form shifted back to blue. "It's a dangerous game you're playing, Pyro."

"Don't you have better things to do than stalk me?" John snapped irritably.

"I find that it's in my best interest to know where everyone goes in their spare time." Mystique replied, her voice perfectly calm, it always was when she wanted to be infuriating. "In this instance I'd say it's in yours as well."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He glanced towards the door nervously, he didn't want anyone else walking in on this conversation. There were plenty of people who would leap at this opportunity to sell him out to Magneto, in order to gain favour with the boss.

"It means that you're lucky I'm the one who caught you out. Do you honestly think he's not keeping tabs on all of us, Pyro? You wanting to sneak out and get laid is one thing, your twenty-two, it's expected. The if you're lucky Magneto'll just give you a stern talking to and confine you to the house for a few days. But spending the night shacked up with a former X-Man? One who's still in contact with them, for fucks sake! That could be seen as betrayal. Do you want to be made an example of?"

"You're not going to tell him?" It was difficult to know what Mystique was going to do these days. Although he'd never openly discussed it with either of them, John knew something had changed between Magneto and Mystique. Whatever strange bond they'd once shared had shattered the moment he abandoned her. Now their relationship was purely professional, nothing more. She took his orders but there was no doubt that Mystique did it because it suited her. No one but her would've been able to get away with it, but John figured that what ever the deal was, she and Magneto must have come to some sort of agreement or she wouldn't be there.

"No." She said thoughtfully "I can't think of any advantage in seeing you hung out to dry." There was a lingering element to her voice that silently suggested there was more advantage in having him owe her, in case she should ever choose to call in a favour.

"Just a friendly piece of advice, Pyro." She called after him as he started to leave to room. "If I were you I'd end this now. Next time it might not be me you have to answer to."


John slowly climbed the stairs to Bobby's apartment. Sneakers, wet from the afternoon downpour, leaving a slick trail on the floor behind him. He glanced at his watch, 11 pm. He should be able to be back at Brotherhood headquarters before anyone noticed his absence. Pulling his lighter out of his pocket, a plain silver zippo, John flicked it open and closed repeatedly, seeking comfort in an old habit he'd never quite managed to kick. When he reached Bobby's door John stood silently for a moment, head bowed, fist clenched so tightly around the zippo that the metal bit into his hand. Pulling himself together, John knocked three times in rapid succession. He shoved the lighter unceremoniously back into his pocket, removing the temptation to fidget while he waited for Bobby to answer.

The door was flung open, revealing Bobby standing in front of him wearing nothing but a towel. John couldn't keep his eyes from wandering appreciatively over his body, still wet from the shower. The universe definitely wasn't going to make this easy on him, John thought as he tried to ignore the waves of lust that were hitting him at full force.

"Hey, I didn't think you'd be back so soon." Bobby said, moving aside to let John enter, sounding like he was trying not to let John see how glad he was to see him.

"Yeah, neither did I. Look, Bobby I need to -" He was cut off by Bobby lips on his. Cold and forceful, no hesitation this time, as he was pushed into the door. He suppressed a moan as he felt Bobby's body pressed up against him, unable to stop his hands moving over the exposed skin of Bobby's torso. Hating himself for his lack of self-control, John allowed Bobby to free him of his coat, sliding a hand up John's shirt. Bobby iced over one finger, tracing cold patterns over John's warm flesh and John couldn't stop himself letting out a low moan. He felt Bobby's free hand brush across his crotch, moving to unbutton his jeans. John raked his nails down Bobby's back, smiling when Bobby arched against him, pressing him harder into the door, the knob digging into his back.

"Come on." Bobby murmured, gesturing towards what John assumed was his bedroom. This is not a good idea, his mind was screaming at him. Shut the fuck up. He thought back at it, after all these years there was no way he wasn't going to do this. Consider it closure.

"Lead the way."


John's body was all but tingling with anticipation as Bobby threw him down on the bed, towel slipping from Bobby's waist and leaving him fully exposed. The damp fabric lay on the floor by the bed, along with John's discarded clothes. The only light in the room was a small sliver of moonlight that shone through a gap in the curtains, casting half of John's face in shadow. Bobby's leg was between John's, his hands on either side of John's head, he bent down so that their lips met. The kiss was long and bruising, filled with passion and desperation to be closer to one another. John was hard to the point of pain but he was in no hurry to rush this. He slid his mouth down to Bobby's neck, kissing, sucking, licking. Bobby made a noise that sounded almost like whimper, grinding against John so their cocks rubbed up against each other, friction making pleasure shoot like electricity through his body and John tossed his head back, moaning incoherently. Bobby's hand slid up John's chest, fingers tracing his nipple lightly, then twisting. It continued it's path upwards, over his collar bone, as John's hand closed around Bobby's erection, moving up and down at the same pace as Bobby's hand, reaching John's neck. John squeezed slightly and Bobby groaned, the hand on John's throat tightening just enough to make breathing deliciously painful for a moment before releasing the grip. John increased the speed of his hand on Bobby's cock, watching the muscles in Bobby's throat constrict, his breath coming out in short, sharp gasps. Two of Bobby's fingers traced his lips, running over them smoothly, like frozen silk, John leaned forward, sucking on the fingers, hard. His eyes locked with Bobby's.

Reaching across him, Bobby fumbled around in the top draw of his bedside table, producing a box of condoms and a small tubes of what John assumed was lube. Bobby carefully squeezed some onto his fingers and tossed the tube aside. Cheery flavour, John noted as it landed beside him. All thought went away as he felt one of Bobby's fingers press against his entrance and then push inside him. Bobby added another finger, leaning down to capture John's lips in a kiss. John's hands explored Bobby's body throughly, as if determined to touch every inch of him. He moaned into Bobby's mouth as the fingers were withdrawn, Bobby pulled his lips away, grabbing a condom then tossing the box and wrapper away in the general direction of the lube.

Bobby entered him slowly, giving John time to adjust, then pulling almost all the way out and moving in again. The speed of his thrusts gradually increased, building up momentum. John wrapped his legs around Bobby's waist, pulling him closer, urging him deeper. Bobby pushed in hard, his cry of pleasure mirroring John's. Hips arching to meet Bobby thrusts, John tossed his head back against the pillow, sweat dampened hair falling in his face, biting his bottom lip. Bobby's hand closed around his cock, stroking up and down in rythm with Bobby's own cock, moving in and out of him.

"Oh, fuck, John!" Bobby cried out, slamming in hard and deep, head resting against John's shoulder, body shuddering as he came. One final, firm stroke of his cock and John followed, arms wrapped around Bobby's neck, holding him close.

"Christ, Bobby! I fucking love you!"


It was raining again. John lay stretched out on Bobby's bed trying to distinguish the differences in the sound of the rain pounding against the roof and the shower pounding against tiles and flesh. The door to the adjacent bathroom was open, if he leaned forward he could make out the silhouette of Bobby's figure through the steamed up glass. Surrounded by water, John thought sardonically. He was out of his element.

A flash of lightening drew John's attention to the gap between the curtains, the darkened room lit up for an instant. He rolled off the bed and walked over to the window, paranoia kicking in. He inspected the small space, trying to figure out just what one may have been able to see if one happened to be outside. Granted they were five stories up, but like that would stop some of the Brotherhood members. He didn't like to think what the consequences could be, for him and for Bobby, if Magneto found out about this. Given the boss' own paranoia and determination to let nothing get between him and his goal, John knew it wouldn't be pretty. He sighed and started searching the floor around the bed for his clothes. He had to do what he came here to do.


"You leaving already?" Bobby asked, exiting the bedroom, fully dressed now. John was hovering between the couch and the door, trying to ignore the disappointment in Bobby's voice.

"Yeah, I can't stay again." John paused, searching for the strength to continue. "Bobby, I - I'm not coming back."

"What?" The look of confusion on Bobby's face broke his heart.

"I can't come back. Mystique knows I've been coming here. She hasn't told Magneto but if she's tracking me he could be, too."

"You've only been here three times."

"It'd only take him finding out about one to get us both killed." John said, willing his voice to stay calm.

"So don't go back!" Bobby said, taking a few steps towards John, hand out like he was going to grab his shoulder.

"It's not that easy!" John couldn't stop his voice from raising slightly in exasperation. "I can't just walk away, not after all these years."

"You managed it before." Bobby muttered.

"Cheap fucking shot, Bobby. I'm sorry things worked out this way, but I don't have a choice!" John half yelled, his temper starting to get the better of him.

"You always have a choice, John. You just never make the right one."

"We can't all be you, Drake. We can't all just throw in the towel because we're bored with fighting, go to collage and live normal lives. Become fucking accountants!"

"So you'd rather be a terrorist?" Bobby asked, sounding half disgusted, half desperate. "You can still get away from that."

"Don't go trying to save my soul, Bobby, it's too late." John said, taking a step towards the door.

"Please..." Bobby's voice trailed off, silently begging him not to do this. John couldn't bring himself to look Bobby in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." He moved quickly to the door, not looking back as he walked out. He wasn't sure he'd be able to go if he did.

"Yeah, that's great, John, just leave. It's what you do best after all!" Bobby's voice followed him down the hall.