Summary: He left again. It didn't make a difference that he had convinced the Hokage to make it official mission. The fact is he left. And he didn't even have the guts to say good bye face to face. Who needs a stupid letter?
Warnings: Yaoi Lemons MPreg Angst Swearing
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights, nor do I wish to own the rights to Naruto or its characters
Chapter One
He left again.
Why did he go?
Why without me?!
I said I would choose him.
But he left.
Naruto looked around the room, wondering why nothing had changed. How could something as big as this not affect the whole world? Why hadn't the floor opened beneath his feet, swallowing him. He began packing things in boxes slowly, not really noticing what he picked up. These boxes would not be opened for a long time he knew. Not until the owner of which these objects belonged came back. He would not forget, but he would move on. He couldn't let his heart keep breaking like this. It just wasn't who he was. He would carefully place them at the back of his closet, promising himself not to bring them out till the time was right.
He had seen Sakura's tears, knowing at least that he was not the only one who hadn't seen it coming. There had been nothing that he could think of that would give warrant for this to be the day he left. But it was time to stop thinking about it. To stop wondering if it was his fault. He knew it wasn't. He had been told before that he couldn't have changed it. Had it not been today, it would just be tomorrow. Love wasn't as all powerful as people thought he guessed.
It was time to wake up, to move along with his life in wait. When Sasuke was ready, he would be back. It was not his place to jail him in this village when his blood sang for revenge. For now he would keep going with his lessons. Keep eating his ramen. Keep smiling.
He almost regretted not telling Sasuke about the baby. Almost. It would feel too much like putting shackles on him. He didn't need that to be the only reason Sasuke stayed. For now he would bear the life they both created. At least he knew he was fulfilling on of Sasuke's wishes, even if without his knowledge. If he asked himself seriously though, he was pretty sure he would be hunting Sasuke down right now if it weren't for his state of health. He knew of the danger Sasuke was in. He knew there was a high chance he wouldn't come back, as much as it pained him to admit it. Their baby would take on the Uchiha name only when his father came back, or when he reached adulthood. Whichever came first. He hoped for the first option.
He slowly made his way to the Hokage's tower, knowing that she needed to talk to him about his condition. He could not keep it a secret alone. Not in town full of ninjas. He only hoped she would not ask after the father. He knew she would already know, and he did not like the idea of saying it aloud. Though slim, there was still the chance of being over heard. The problems that would cause would be impossible to count.
He waved at Kiba in passing, missing the confused look shot his way. He had no time for anything other than the problem ahead. It was time to face the music so to speak. It felt a bit more like a sharpened kunai in his opinion though.
"Naruto..." The blonde Hokage looked up from her untouched paperwork, a sad look coming upon her face as she noticed who her guest was.
"Hello Tsunade-Baachan. I guess you know why I'm here." He sat down directly across from her.
"I think I may have an idea, but first I think I owe it to you to inform you of something. Sasuke is not a missing nin." If she was expecting a surprised reaction, she would have been sorely disappointed.
"I know. He left a note. I'm not gonna ask you why you did what you did, I don't want to blame you or be angry at you, and I'm not so sure I could stop myself if I hear you talk about him." He was looking off through the window, his eyes unseeing.
"Naruto, you must understand though. If I hadn't done what I did, you would've been forced to kill him on sight! You know the rules. He begged me to make it a mission. Have you ever seen an Uchiha beg? Even if you don't like them , it's enough to make your heart break. I am sorry that this is hurting you, but I don't regret it." She watched as his fists clenched briefly before releasing.
"Does he know? I mean... did you tell him? I know you know it is his." Tsunade looked at him sharply.
"Do you really think he would have left if I had? Do you think I would have broken your confidence?! Get your head straight!" She took a deep breath before continuing.
"Now, will you be continuing your studies, or would you like to be moved until the baby's due?" He glanced at her before quickly going back to his staring into the distance.
"I think it would be best if I stay and do as much of my lessons as I can before I start to show, then I will leave on an 'extended mission', though I think it will be best if you give me lessons to do while I'm gone." He got up to leave, the chair scraping loudly against the floor.
"He didn't do it to..." She sighed softly, knowing that her words would most likely make no effect. "He didn't do it to hurt you. You know that right? This hurts him too. But he couldn't have stayed, if not for his own peace of mind, but for your sake too."
"I know he that he didn't mean to. I'm not stupid. But the fact of the matter is that he did. He did hurt me, is still hurting me. It will hurt for as long as he is gone and then some. I know he had to leave, I know. But he didn't have to leave me. I told him, I go where he goes. How can he expect me to be understanding of his feeling when he ignored mine? I would have gone too, Baa-chan." Tears fell from his eyes to stain his whiskered cheeks.
"I would have gone too."
Well this is hopefully going to be a multichapter fic. If you think I should continue then I will. Let's see how it goes. I'm not obsessed with reviews, so I won't be gauging whether or not this continues on the amount of reviews I get, but on the type I get. Like how enthusiastic people seem about it. Even if it's only one review I get, if the person genuinely thinks it's worth reading, I will keep it going. It seems pretty sad now, but I don't intend for it to always be like that. It will most definitely have a happy ending. Well maybe not happy, 'cos that might not fit, but definitely not tear worthy. Even though it would be easier to write a sad ending, I can't make myself do it. I get upset just thinking about my SasuNaru paring being sad. It's okay in a one-shot, but you get too attached to characters if the story gets long.