A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.
Summary: Harry Potter is kidnaped from Private Drive and taken to America to be trained as a dark wizard. On his eleventh birthday he receives his letter from Hogwarts. How will everyone react to this dark, manipulative boy-who-lived?
Prologue: Escaping With The Boy-Who-Lived
A loud crack sounded out through the dimly lit street of Private Drive as a man appeared out of thin air. He reached into his lavender robes and pulled out a small lighter-like object. He held it in the air and watched as the street lamps fizzled out. Several orbs of light quickly made their way into the device leaving the street in complete darkness. This man was very strange indeed. His robes were covered in moons and stars. His long white beard reached about mid-chest and his twinkling azure eyes produced the only light in the area.
He strode up a particular driveway toward an almost disgustingly plain white house and stopped when he saw a small tabby cat sitting patiently nearby. He smiled and said in a low, but cheerful voice,
" Hello professor McGonagall," The cat began to shake and morph until a dark haired woman stood in its place.
" Hello Albus," The woman said with a deep frown. The man named Albus reached into his robes and pulled out a small, yellow piece of candy.
" Lemon Drop?" He asked offering the candy to the rather somber woman.
" What?" She asked staring at the man as if he were insane.
" Lemon Drops," He replied popping the candy into his mouth. " A muggle candy," Professor McGonagall shook her head and sighed in irritation. " Very well," Albus relented.
" Where is Hagrid?" McGonagall asked. " He should have been here by now," She glanced around nervously holding her trembling hands together. Albus placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze.
" Don't worry Minerva," He said. " Hagrid will be here,"
" But Albus, can he be trusted?" She asked not reassured in the slightest.
" Minerva," Albus said with a serious tone. " I would trust Hagrid with my life,"
Suddenly the silence was broken by the rumbling of a motorcycle engine. Albus and Minerva glanced around frantically trying to discern where the sound was coming from. The road remained empty and the looks of confusion on both their faces increased with each passing moment. They looked up to see a giant of a man riding a flying motorcycle, which came down near them on the front lawn.
" Hello, professor Dumbledore!," The man shouted. He quickly realized his mistake as he glanced around to see if anybody had awoken inside their homes. When no lights came on and no shouting echoed through the steets he stood up with a small bundle of blankets in his arms.
" Hagrid?" Albus asked staring at the motorcycle. The man called Hagrid looked back and smiled.
" Oh that, I borrowed it from young Sirius Black,"
" Then that is..." Minerva said quietly. Hagrid lifted one of the blankets to reveal a small infant with a lighting bolt shaped scar on its forehead.
" Ah, bring him Hagrid," Albus said heading toward the front door of the house.
" Are you sure about this Albus?" McGonagall asked looking at the house in disgust. " I've been watching them all day, these people are the worst sort of muggles imaginable,"
" I am afraid that he must stay here," Dumbledore said taking the child out of Hagrid's arms.
" Why Albus, wouldn't he be better off if he were to be raised by our people?"
" No, here is the only place he can be protected," Dumbledore replied. He set the child down in a basket and left a letter sitting on top of the sleeping boy. " Good luck Harry Potter," With that he and Minerva disappeared. Hagrid quickly climbed aboard the motorcycle and took off. Suddenly the lights returned casting the young child in an orange glow.
As Harry Potter slept, a hooded figure appeared from behind a tree nearby. It gazed at the child and waited until the front door opened to reveal a small woman with thin features. The figure recognized her as the boy's aunt. She bent down and took the boy in her arms as well as the letter sitting atop him. When the door closed another figure, smaller and more feminine, materialized beside the first figure.
"Why didn't we attack?" The woman asked in a dark tone.
" If we had then the blood wards would have repelled us, we need to show that we mean no harm to the boy,"
" What of his family?"
" The muggles?"
" Yes,"
" We must not harm them, but a stunner should be sufficient," The woman growled and folded her arms across her chest.
" The only mission I've been on in months and I can't even kill anybody?" Her male companion laughed and patted her on the back.
" Have no fear Morgana," He said. " I am certain that we will have plenty of opportunities to kill before this is all over,"
" I can only be so lucky," Morgana stated. " Well, Seth, are we going or not,"
" Yes, let's get the boy and leave," Seth said marching toward the house. Morgana rolled her eyes and followed. They reached the front door, pulled two sticks from their robes, and Seth knocked. The door opened and a rather large man stepped forward.
" Ye..."
" Stupify!" A red beam shot out and hit the man in the head. He stared at the two with glazed eyes and fell shaking the house as his body connected with the floor.
" Vernon?" A female voice called. Morgana and Seth glanced at each other smirking simultaneously. The woman burst through the kitchen door to find that her husband was out cold and that two figures clad in midnight black robes were standing over him.
" What have you..."
" Stupify!" Morgana shouted.
" Morgana, I'll keep watch, you get the child,"
" Fine," Morgana opened the door and entered a spotless kitchen. The floors were practically gleaming. " I doubt that a house elf would have cleaned it this excessively," She glanced around and saw the baby laying on the kitchen counter, a container of baby food sitting next to him. " So you are the one who destroyed Voldemort," The baby cooed and looked up at her with shining emerald eyes. Morgana's gaze softened as she took the small boy in her arms.
" Morgana!" Seth called from the living room. " Hurry up!" Morgana took Harry and met with Seth. " Are you ready?" The woman nodded and Seth motioned for her to follow. They left the house and made their way outside the blood wards where they were met by three wizards in death eater garb. The leader stepped forward.
" Hand over the boy, he must pay for our master's destruction!"
" Morgana, take Harry and run, I'll deal with them," Seth whispered.
" Meet you in Diagon Alley," Seth nodded and turned to face his opponents. Morgana ran as fast as she could without dropping her precious cargo. Once she was out of sight, Seth shifted into his battle stance.
" You are outnumbered you have no chance,"
" True, I may be outnumbered, but odds are none of you are in the former dark lord's inner circle, so I'm feeling pretty good about this arrangement,"
" Avada Kedavra!" Seth dodged the green beam of magic and shouted,
" Crucio!" The crimson light struck the death eater in the head and he fell to the ground howling in agony.
" Attero plene!"
" Protego!" A silver bubble appeared around Seth keeping him out of harms way for the time being, but he knew that the two remaining death eaters would eventually break his shield.
" Surrender now and perhaps we can discuss a deal," One of the death eaters said while circling the shield. Seth smiled. Death eaters never made deals, though this lie could prove to be the opportunity he'd been looking for.
" Okay," He said lowering the shield. " I give up,"
" Drop your wand," The death eater to his left commanded.
" Here, I'm lowering my wand," Seth said placing his wand on the street making sure to keep hold of it. In one fluid motion his other hand threw something out of his robes toward the death eater, who only had a moment to register the act before falling to his knees with a dagger sticking out of his neck. He gurgled up blood before finally hitting the ground dead.
" What the..." Seth turned and quickly lifted his wand.
" Avada Kedavra!" The final death eater crumpled to the ground leaving Seth and the other living death eater alone. He marched toward the prone figure and frowned. " You shouldn't have gotten in the way...Avada kedavra,"
Diagon Alley
Morgana held Harry close to her bosom as she waited for Seth to arrive. She noticed that the blanket had shifted to reveal his scar, so she quickly covered his face. This movement made the baby start to cry. " It's okay Harry," Morgana said rocking him gently. " Don't cry, you're safe," She heard the door to the Leaky Cauldron open and watched as a young man with long, dirty blonde hair made his way toward the bartender.
" Tom,"
" Ah, Seth, it's been awhile, when did you arrive in England?"
" About two weeks ago,"
" Here for business or pleasure?"
" I think you know the answer to that Tom," The aging man smiled and nodded.
" Business then,"
" Which I've just concluded today, so I'll be heading back to America pretty soon,"
" Is Morgana with you?"
" My sister is here yes, but she can't speak right now, you see, she gave birth shortly after we got here,"
" Morgana's a mother now!? Wow, it seems like only yesterday that I was helping her find her way around Diagon Alley, to shop for school supplies,"
" Yeah I remember," Seth said thinking back on the happy memory. " She's over there," He said pointing toward her. Morgana looked up and waved at Tom.
" My how she's grown," Tom said waving back.
" Listen Tom, we have to go now, but it was nice talking to you again,"
" If you're ever back in England Seth, drop by,"
" I will," Seth turned and walked up to the table where Morgana sat still rocking the young child. " We have to go now Morgana,"
" Okay, tell me did you kill them?" Seth smiled and nodded. His sister gave him an approving look before saying, " Good those death eaters are nothing but animals," She stood and they left the Leaky Cauldron. After concealing their faces with their hoods, Seth lifted his wand and called the Knight Bus. With a loud bang the bus appeared out of thin air.
" Where you headed?" The driver asked.
" To the nearest muggle airport," Seth replied.
" That'll be five galleons," Seth reached into his robes and pulled out a small bag of coins. He reached in and took out seven gold pieces.
" Here's five and two extra if the airport is your first stop," The driver nodded and took the money.
" I'll have you there in a few minutes," With that he and Morgana found a seat in a shadowy corner of the bus. Seth watched as Harry clung to his sister tighter once the bus took off.
" Seems like he's really taken a liking to you Morgana," She smiled and clutched the boy closer to her.
" Do you think our lord will let me raise him?"
" I don't know, it is possible, you are one of the most powerful witches he has, that may have been his intention all along, aside from teaching the boy himself," Seth stated.
" I hope so," Morgana replied.
" I never thought I'd see the day when my murderous little sister would want to be a mother,"
" I may like killing Seth, but I do have a heart,"
" Could have fooled me," Suddenly the bus stopped and the driver called back,
" Your stop!"
" Come on," Seth said helping Morgana up. " Our master is waiting for us," They stepped off the bus and watched it disappear. They entered the airport and Seth paid for the tickets in muggle pounds. They boarded the plane and took off toward the United States.
Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
" Albus! Albus!" Minerva McGonagall burst into Dumbledore's office. Albus stood and asked,
" Minerva, what is it?"
" It's Harry Potter, Albus, you said he'd be safe!"
" He is safe Minerva," Dumbledore said in a confused tone. McGonagall glared at him with tear filled eyes.
" He's gone Albus! He's gone!" She shouted. " I wanted to contact the Dursleys to make sure he was okay,"
" Minerva, I told you not to contact them," Albus said shell-shocked.
" Shut up Albus!" Dumbledore stepped back at the murderous glare in Minerva's eyes. " When I couldn't get an answer I flooed over there do you know what I found? Do you?" Dumbledore shook his head his eyes wide as saucers. " Those muggles were knocked out by the stunning curse and their child was crying for them! Someone kidnaped Harry Potter!"
" B-but they shouldn't have been able to, the blood wards..."
" THE BLOODY WARDS DIDN'T WORK ALBUS!" McGonagall was breathing rather heavily with tears streaming down her face. Her face was red from having screamed so much and her voice had become higher in pitch.
" They didn't mean them harm," Dumbledore said in realization.
" What?"
" If they had meant any of them harm, the wards would have repelled them,"
" What of the death eaters I found laying dead in the middle of the street? They were obviously harmed!"
" I believe these people, whoever they are, think they are working in Harry's best interest,"
" It was in his best interest to be raised by a good, decent magical family, now only god knows what's going to become of him!"
" What would you have me do Minerva? I can only influence the Ministry of Magic so much and the Order of the Phoenix is just starting to recover from the damage that Voldemort brought upon it,"
" So are we supposed to do nothing?"
" What can we do? I'm a powerful wizard, but as you said only god knows what's happening to him or where he is," Minerva collapsed into a chair in front of Dumbledore's desk.
" So we're going to leave him to whatever the people who took him have in store for him?"
" I'm afraid that is all we can do until the Order is stronger," Albus said sitting down and placing his face in his hands.
" I pray that he survives Albus, he saved us, whether he will ever know it or not,"
" True, he saved us, some more than others,"
" How did Severus take the news that they were dead?"
" He didn't much care that James died, but Lily's death affected him greatly, I don't know if he will ever recover," Dumbledore sadly stated. As Minerva and Albus continued their conversation, deep in the dungeons of Hogwarts castle sat a man with long black hair tears steadily falling down his face.
" Lily..." He muttered taking a swig from a large bottle labeled 'Firewhiskey'. " How could you...?" He drank again slamming the bottle down. " How could you leave me?" He grabbed the bottle and flung it across the room. It smashed against the stone walls and shattered into tiny pieces. " If you had chosen me, you wouldn't have died!" He yelled to no one but himself. " James Potter! I hate you!" He sobbed. " I hate you, you hear me?" He sunk back into his seat and continued to cry into the darkness.
New York City
" My lord," A man wearing a deep gray uniform announced as he entered his master's underground sanctuary.
" Yes, Marcus?" A grim voice asked from under a crimson mask that materialized in the darkness. Suddenly light filled the room revealing a dark figure sitting in a large obsidian throne. Its tattered robes reached the ground hiding the mans feet spreading out covering the floor in front of him. His red mask was shaped like a skull with horns growing from its forehead. Luminous, pale eyes glared down upon the man named Marcus.
" My lord, Seth and Morgana have returned with the boy,"
" Excellent, send them in then attend to your duties,"
" At once my lord," Marcus exited the room and returned with the two servants.
" My lord," They both stated in unison.
" Marcus tells me that you have brought me Harry Potter, the one who destroyed Voldemort,"
" Yes my lord," Morgana said holding Harry out for her master to see.
" This is good, I sense much darkness in him already," He said. " He will become a powerful, dark lord in time,"
" My lord," Seth said. " May I ask what your plans for the boy are?"
" He destroyed Voldemort, one of the greatest dark lords in history besides me of course, it would be a waste not to manipulate this power toward our own ends,"
" If I may ask my lord, who will be watching over the boy until he can be trained?" The dark wizard looked at Morgana with a thoughtful expression.
" I sense that you wish to raise the boy,"
" Only if it is your will my lord," Morgana said bowing her head.
" You shall have your wish,"
" Thank you my lord," She sighed happily. " I will do my best to raise him as a proper dark wizard,"
" I know you will Morgana," He turned toward Seth. " You will also help with the boy's training until he is worthy to be taught by me,"
" As you command," Seth said giving a deep bow.
" Now leave me," Seth and Morgana took Harry leaving their master's presence. The dark lord sat back and clasped his hands together.
" He will become most powerful indeed," With that the lights vanished and the air grew cold.
A/n: Please read and review. Chapter one will be up soon.