last chapter, kind of short, but like i said, I'm not to good with sequels so apologes to my terrible writing. I don't own Danny Phantom.

line break

The next day Danny just laid in bed.

He stared at the clock, he had slept in till noon.

He tried to stay in bed knowing what would happen if he got out.

Then he heard screams coming from outside his window.

He looked outside and saw Walker floating above the middle of the street and below people were being chased by his goons.

Danny scowled and watched as the other halfa's fought.

They were slowly losing.

Suddenly Danny saw Star hit a building and pass out.

Danny scowled again and ran outside his room.

He took off down the hall and jump down the stairs without even touching a step.

He turned intangible and didn't stop at the living room floor but continued down to the lab.

Danny grabbed every ecto weapon he could hold and transformed.

He took off and turned invisible once he was outside.

Quietly he snuck up to Walker and pointed the Fenton thermos at him "hey walker, you realize what you've done" he asked, remaining invisible.

Walker looked around "I'll tell you what you did, you destroyed fourteen lives and now your going to pay" he said.

Danny turned visible as he activated the Fenton thermos.

Walker tried to flee but got caught in the beam and was sucked in.

a small medallion fell off his neck and shattered as it hit the ground.

Instantly his goons froze and stared as fourteen balls of energy shot out and hit each of the Halfa's.

instantly they were no longer sneezing or coughing and felt better.

Danny grinned as the team went on and attacked all of Walker's goons who had decided to sound the retreat.

They quickly beat them all and caught more than half in numerous thermos's.

then Danny landed and reporters expectantly took pictures.

Their faces fell however when the rings did not appear "so Phantom, out of the team how does it feel to be the only full ghost" one reporter asked.

Danny looked at the crowd and caught Star's smiling face.

Danny smiled "it feels great, but only because I'm not a full ghost" he said as he let the rings wash over him.

For a moment the crowd was silent until Star started chanting "Phantom Phantom Phantom" slowly the other members of the team joined in and soon the whole crowd was chanting and cheering.

Danny smiled as Star walked up to him and their fingers intertwined.

Then Danny looked down and saw the madallion that had broken in half at his feet.

He picked it up and put the two halves together to see two letters that made him smile, CW.

the end