A/N: Hello! I just watched the end of season 2, and...I HATED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that that's how the story goes, but I don't care!

So, being my contrary self, I decided to change it. This will be TenDoc/Rose.

Okay, so let's all pretend that season 3 never happened. Let's all pretend it ended with Doomsday. Only if you do that, will this fic make sense!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Doctor, Doctor Who, Rose, Jackie, Mickey, Pete, or anything else, really. -cries- I don't own anything!

This Chapter is dedicated to...um...erm...uhhhhhhhhh...socks? Yeah! Let's go with that!

This chapter is dedicated to socks.

Without you, trainers would be itchy.

Without you, Dobby (who I do not own) would not be free!


No offence to people with feet.

My name is Rose Tyler.

A long time ago, I went traveling with a man named The Doctor. I got to see amazing things. Suns, Novas, evil races bent on domination, Cat doctors, even an alternate world!

It was perfect.

I thought it would go on forever.

I was wrong.

After The Doctor left, I was heartbroken. My mum tried to make me feel better with tea, but she was the one who needed help. What; with her new baby coming.

Her and Pete got married…I guess they really were already married, but not really. We all moved back to Pete's house, except for Mickey.

I thought Mickey would be there for me.

I was wrong.

While he was in the alternate world (for three years, he said), he'd met a girl. A Sally Temple. They hit it off and moved up to Scotland with her parents. So Mickey was gone.

When The Doctor left, I told him Torchwood was hiring.

I lied.

The government decided that it was too dangerous to keep it running, so they blew it up.

I thought I could still work with aliens.

I was wrong.

When the baby was born, I realized that Pete and mum didn't need me. For them, the new baby was their only daughter. They named her Thorn. Roses and thorns don't go well together, so I left.

I thought, that even though I didn't have Mickey, that I'd have mum all to myself.

I was wrong.

When I left, mum didn't even try to stop me.

I moved into our old flat in London.

I thought it would feel like home.

I was wrong.

I tried to met new people. I tried to date again. I tried.

I told myself that Sarah-Jane had been sort of okay with it. I told myself that people break up all of the time.

I thought I could get over The Doctor.

I was wrong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! I was wrong about all of it! I was never going to see him again, and it was destroying me.

I thought I would never see The Doctor again….

I was wrong.

A/N: So...Review! But DO NOT give anything about season 3 away!!! I haven't seen it yet!

Everyone who reviews gets a free Sonic Screwdriver!!!