A/N: Hey how did everyone like HSM 2? I LOVED IT. I dunno abt you but I saw a lot of Zashley connections there. Loved it! Though I almost cried w/ Sharpay at the end and really wanted Troy to be with her and sing w/ her haha. Well anyway, here's part 2 of the chapter.

Chapter 4 – The Party Part 2

8:00 PM

Everything was set and running in order to receive the New Year which was just four hours away.

"PAAAAAAAAAAAARTAY!" Chad screamed as he jumped down a set of stairs that separated the dinning room from the living room. All the furniture was cornered and there was a big dancing space in the middle of the living room.

This was actually a very comfortable house. Since the Evan's family only used it for the summer it was actually quite small, but a positive vibe ran throughout every corner of this beach house. There were four bedrooms, the Master bedroom, Sharpay had her own furnished bedroom and so did Ryan, and there was a guest bedroom.

The boys, that is Chad, Troy, Jason and Zeke were all sharing the Guest bedroom which consisted of two twin beds, a couch and a sleeping bag on the floor.

The girls were sharing the Master bedroom. Gabriella, Kelsi and Taylor were sharing the King sized bed while Sarah preferred to sleep on the arm chair/futon that was next to the bed.

The party was getting started. Ryan had invited some of his neighbours which he and Sharpay knew since they were little kids. Everyone seemed to be enjoying every second of the party. Jason and Kelsi were dancing in the middle of the living room. Jason with a beer in his hand and Kelsi looked quite disgusted.

"No seriously, you should try it! I mean it relieves every one of your muscles!" He insisted.

"No! I told you already I don't drink, besides the only muscle it will relax is my stomach after I puke from the smell!" She replied.

"What?!" Jason screamed, he couldn't really hear her because of the loud music. Now, Benny Benassi's California Dreams was bring the party alive.

"I said – you – STINK!" She yelled back.

"What?!" Jason laughed. "Never mind!" Kelsi finally gave up and continued dancing to the hip music.

Ryan was also dancing, he shared this dance with one of his neighbourhood friends. She seemed to really bust his moves.


10:30 PM

Troy had a very special evening planned for Gabriella. He wanted to make this night magical for the both of them. He was walking in the garden of the Evan's vacation home. It had a clear view of the deep blue ocean, for this house was indeed a beach house. Yet he felt no desire to go near that water. The cold breeze completely blocked any thought of swimming.

He was waiting for Gabriella. He already texted her five times telling her to meet him there but she didn't seem to answer his texts.

Truth was, Troy hadn't really seen Gabriella since the last mysterious call. He thought maybe she was just getting ready but he was beginning to believe his special evening was not going to go as planned. Troy took out his cellphone again and instead of sending a message he dialed her number. Where could she be?


Just then his thoughs were interrupted by the figure of a petite blonde sitting on one of the benches that were in the garden. Sharpay. She had her feet up on the bench and her arms were carefully wrapped around her knees, making a small nest for her to bury her head in.

Sharpay heard some footsteps and she slowly lifted her head from her arms, just to see him standing right in front of her. Troy.

"Hi" She smile towards him.

"Hey! What are you doing here, I mean its cold. Aren't you cold?" He could see a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Oh well, ever since I was little, this has been my favorite spot in the house. I mean it has a clear view of the sea, and been surrounded by my mother's flowers, it brings a feeling of peace." She sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"I – I – I was just waiting for Gabby, she's supposed to meet me here." He spoke dazzled by how beautiful Sharpay looked. "Y-You look g-good Shar-"

Sharpay was wearing a pink tank top and a pair of light blue jeans, with a tiara on her head. Very Sharpay. Troy had seen this outfit on her before, since it was one of her favorites but he had never really noticed how beautiful it made her look. The pink just brought out the blush in her cheeks and the red in her lips. Those lips. And the outfit just highlighted her slender figure.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." She chuckled.

"Why thank you Madame" God how much did she love when he smiled at her.

They kept looking at each other, smiling for what seemed like ages. Then, finally Troy decided to speak up.

"Shar – What happened to us?" He questioned. "I don't understand, I mean we were so close and now – we barely have time to talk."

What happened? I'll tell you what happened Troy Bolton. Gabriella Montez, that's what happened!

"What do you mean?" She decided to say instead.

"Well, I feel like I barely know you any more" he continued. Now he was carrying a sad tone in his voice. Sharpay just stood there gazing at his ocean blue eyes. She felt hypnotized by him, but the amazing spell was broking when they both heard the patio door being shut.


Troy turned to see Gabriella enter the garden. He smiled as she came up to him. He greeted her with a tender yet passionate kiss.

Sharpay felt as though a dagger had gone through her chest and into her heart. She could even feel her breathing slow down. Why! Why does it hurt so much? She was used to seen them kiss all the time. But some how this was different. She had felt something different with Troy tonight. Something called hope. Yet this hope was shattered the minute Gabriella entered the garden and all of Troy's focus went to her.

Sharpay fought the urge to cry and held back those tears that were slowly making their way down her face. Without been noticed, she wiped her tears away and walked into the house.


Sharpay ran past the living room and into the hall that led to the bedrooms. She went into her room and slammed the door making her room shake.

She leaned agains her bedroom door and slowly slid down to the floor when she remained in a fetal position while her tears were freely streaming down her face.


Gabriella immeadiately ended that passionate kiss with which she had been received. Troy looked at her confused only to find a couple of tears hanging from her eyes. He softly wiped away those tears and closed in again only to be rejected once again by Gabriella who turned her head.

"Whats wrong Gabby?" Troy asked her, placing his right hand on her chin and turning her head to look at him.

Right then, Gabriella broke down. She was crying harder than Troy had ever seen her cry. He eyes were full of shame and disappointment and Troy just couldn't understand what was going on with her.

"Baby please tell me! I'm starting to worry about you!" He pleaded, while wrapping his arms around her. Gabriella quickly pushed him away.

"No! Troy!" She cried, her sobs were becoming even louder. Troy suspected the people in the party could even hear her cry. "I can't do this anymore. I – I –"

"Hey, what ever it is, you know you can tell me. We're in this together. If something hurts you, it hurts me. I love you." He smiled towards his visibly hurting girlfriend.

"See that's the point!" Gabriella shouted. "I don't!"


Sharpay had gotten up from the floor and moved over to her bed where she layed face down, with her face buried into a pillow so her loud and painful cries couldn't be heard.

Please God. Help me! Her sobs became even louder now, making it more difficult for Sharpay to breathe. I don't want to love him anymore. I don't want to hurt anymore. Please. God Please.

She turned sideways on her bed, with the pillow that had been soaking up her tears held tight in an embrace. Sharpay was quietly whimpering and sniffling while more tears rolled down her face.


Troy stared at Gabriella in shock. "What?" He didn't understand exactly what she meant. Or maybe he did, he just didn't want to.

"Troy I can't lie to you anymore. It just hurts so much! You don't deserve me." She sobbed once again. Troy was slowly backing away from her shaking his head 'no'.

"Those phone calls" Troy added. "Those phone calls have something to do with this don't they!" He screamed at Gabriella which made her sob even more. He was doing his best to hold his tears in but was doing a lousy job seeing as he immediately felt an ache in his heart and a wet tear rolling down his left cheek.

"Troy. I – I found someone." She triend to get closer to him but he just kept backing up. "At first I tried to ignore him but he kept insisting for me to go out with him!"

"Did you tell him you had a boyfriend?!"

"No! see, I thought if I went out with him that time, he'd leave me alone but…" She lowered her head.

"We continued going out and things kept progressing." She looked at Troy. "I love him Troy. And I know you don't deserve this, but neither do I. I deserve to be with someone I love, don't you think?"

"Get out" The tears in his eyes were more evident now.

"What?!" Gabriella didn't see to have heard that last bit.


"Troy please" She pleaded. "listen to me!"

" I DID! Okay? And it was a waste of time! Just like all this time I've spent with you!" He sighed trying to calm down but his anger had gotten the best of him. He couldn't remember a time where he had been more angry at someone.

"Troy, please" Gabriella had her hand covering her mouth while more shameful tears invaded her tanned face.

Troy broke down and fell to the floor on to his knees. He cried even more and harder. Gabriella felt how her heart broke too. Her intention was never to hurt him. That was the main reason why she had told him all of this today. She really cared for him, but just not in that way. At least not anymore.