A/N- So…here it is, the sequel to Possessions. Obviously, read that first, otherwise you'll be very confused. This is still going to be angsty, but hopefully a little romantic and (dare I say it?) funny. After all, there is a little EO baby running around now. Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer- The people in the white coats think they're not mine. I want a second opinion!

Pretty Please?- Reviews? I don't know how this will be received. Drop me a line!

Story Summary- It was as if his life had become a game, and he was playing for keeps. Sequel to Possessions. EO.


Don't want me as your anything, and I'll be yours.

That was it. The magic words. They were right in front of him, and they were going to try for a second chance. All he had to do was take that chance, and he could take back the past five years, the horrible things he had said, and the hurt he had caused her.

He could take them back, and, at that moment, nothing in the world mattered more.


Don't want me as your anything, and I'll be yours.

What in the hell was she thinking? She couldn't do this, not again. She was binding herself to him, tying herself to this place. What about Addie, huh? Should she be consulted? Maybe she could convince her little daughter to want to stay in Winapoint. Even he wouldn't go against the wishes of his child.

But was that what she really wanted? Or could it be as she had said? Did she want to be his?


Olivia's words left a slightly uneasy silence between them. Nervously, she glanced at her watch.

"I'll go and take Addie now, get her settled down at my apartment. I'm sure you all are still very busy."

She dashed up the familiar stairs, leaving Elliot with a stack of files on his desk.

Upstairs, Olivia caught her daughter up into her arms as the child came running towards her.

"Mama!" the little girl yelled.

"Sweetheart, are you having fun with Casey and Captain?" she asked, laughing and swirling in a quick circle.

"They're tellin' me about the adventures!" she stage-whispered, her voice carrying over to where the captain and lawyer sat, making them laugh and walk over to mother and child.

"But of course! I couldn't possibly meet this lovely little girl and not tell her all about the times her mama misbehaved or goofed," Cragen said, a huge smile on his face.

"What have you been telling my daughter?" Olivia asked, but a matching grin was on her face, too, fighting the frown. "I never misbehaved!"

The indignation in her voice made all three adults laugh for a few minutes, but a more somber mood quickly took over.

"Do you have a place to stay, Liv?" asked Cragen, watching his former detective rock slowly. Addie's eyes were closing as the excitement of the day finally took it's toll.

"I kept my apartment, so we'll stay there until I can find us a permanent place. My old apartment was fine when it was just me, but the two of us will need a bigger place."

Silently, she added that if Elliot was to be a part of their family, then a much bigger space was most certainly needed.

"Of course. Let me know if you need any help," he offered, and Casey nodded too.

"Me, too," she added.

All three were silent before Casey spoke once more.

"Would you like to have a little reunion dinner tonight? We need to celebrate your return. We can surprise Munch and Fin, and the whole squad will have to come. Melinda, too, and Huang."

Olivia caught the underlying message. You were sorely missed.

"That sounds like a great idea. Think you can spare everyone for one night, Captain?" she asked.

"For this, of course. I'll call Maloney's and see if we can get the back room for the night…"

"And I'll get everyone there," Casey finished.

"Sounds good," Olivia agreed and glanced down at her now-sleeping child.

"Hey, can I ask you both a question?"

The pair nodded and she continued.

"I know that all of this must be crazy for everyone, what with me coming back and with a child, but I was wondering…could Addie could call you Grandpa and Aunt Casey? Everyone here has always been the only family I could count on, and…" she paused, realizing she was rambling.

"I would be honored to be Addie's Grandpa," Cragen said.

"I will, but under one condition. Nobody gets to teach that kid how to swing except me," she announced.

"I wouldn't dream of delegating that task to anyone else," she laughed. "We'd better get going now, I don't want to be distracting you all from your work. See you all at Maloney's at 7?"

Cragen and Casey agreed immediately and disappeared down the stairs, back to their jobs. Olivia shifted Addie to a more comfortable situation on her hip before going back down into the bullpen.


Elliot must've stared at the same piece of paper for the past ten minutes, and for the life of him couldn't tell you what it said.

He had another daughter.

Adelaide Claire Benson, that was her full name. It was a beautiful name that belonged to a beautiful little girl.

His beautiful little girl.

His head was spinning with all the things that he could do with her. A dozen picturesque scenes filled his mind.

They could go to the park for a picnic lunch. He wanted to show her the Ferris wheel at the Toys R Us and he wanted to take her ice skating at Rockefeller Center in the winter.

He wanted to hear her call him Daddy. He wanted stand beside Olivia as they tucked her in at night.

God help him, he wanted it all.

He was in the middle of one of these daydreams when Casey, Cragen, and finally Olivia came back down the stairs.

Their daughter, he noticed, was fast asleep, and suddenly he wanted to hold both of them as they fell asleep at night.

"Elliot," Olivia said softly, bringing him back to the present.

"She nodded off fast." He nodded at the little girl and almost didn't see her mother hug her just a little closer.

"It's been a long day," she said defensively. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that we're meeting everyone at Maloney's tonight. 7 o'clock."

"I'll be there," he promised. She started to make her way out the door, grabbing their luggage and moving even slower with the added weight.

"Let me help you," he called, standing up.

"I can do this by myself," she told him, and then she was gone.

Sighing, Elliot returned to his desk.

Nobody said that the game of love was easy.