Done in Mrs. Cade's Point of View.
I hated you from the first time they told me I was pregnant.
I didn't even know you, and I hated you. Too poor to have a fucking abortion, too much of a coward to throw myself down the stairs. I hadn't been drinking much back then, but I would've if Tom hadn't been there. He did want you, you little shit, at first. He always wants things until they actually came.
I only brought you to term to prove myself wrong. Maybe Tom would shape up, behave. I'd leave anyway. But no. He hated you, I hated you. Couldn't even look at ya, comin' out of me, the nurse screaming, my insides burning, Tom up and making a damn fool out of himself.
I didn't even name you, you know that? Made the nurse name ya, should've given you to her right then. But I didn't, didn't want Momma's words coming true.
Don't know why the hell you stuck around anyway.
Better off dead, worthless piece of shit.
Should've never brought you in this world.
From Johnny's mother POV. Been bouncing around my head for awhile. She was a bitter little thing, eh? Better format is in the profile to an LJ link. Reviews are nice, y'all.