Everything In Its Right Place 1/?

Title: I'm Your Man
Pairings: Callie/Mark
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Sort of AU but not really. Mark has been away for a while, but he comes back to help a friend out and finds more than he came for.

If you want a lover
I'll do anything you ask me to
And if you want another kind of love, I'll wear a mask for you
If you want a partner, take my hand
Or if you want to strike me down in anger
Here I stand
I'm your man
If you want a boxer, I will step into the ring for you
And if you want a doctor, I'll examine every inch of you
If you want a driver climb inside
Or if you want to take me for a ride
You know you can
I'm your man
The moon's too bright
The chain's too tight
The beast won't go to sleep
I've been running through these promises to you
That I made and I could not keep
But a man never got a woman back
Not by begging on his knees
Or I'd crawl to you baby
And I'd fall at your feet
And I'd howl at your beauty
Like a dog in heat
And I'd claw at your heart
And I'd tear at your sheet
I'd say, please, please
I'm your Man

Callie sighed then yawned against her will then blew at a stubborn strand of hair that would not leave her face alone. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other and continued to read through the patient's chart in front of her. She gritted her teeth and stopped as she felt a presence close behind her.

"I heard that when a woman grits her teeth and/or twirls her hair, it's out of sexual frustration."

She could almost FEEL him smiling as he whispered in her ear. She turned her head slowly and grinned in slight surprise at seeing the owner of the husky, low voice. "Mark. WHAT are you doing here? I thought you were long gone."

He stepped around her and she followed him with her eyes as he came to stand in front of her and crossed his arms over his chest, then cocked his head to the side, "Oh, come on. Is that any way to greet an old friend? Because you're married you can't be civil?"

She bit her lip thoughtfully, then subconsciously scanned his tall frame from head to toe as she tucked the patient's file under one arm while placing her free hand on her hip, "Divorced." She stated dryly, "Shortly after you left."

"My condolences," He said, with a rather dishonest nod, then proceeded with an even more dishonest and vulgar grin as he took a step closer, "In that case however, give us a proper hello." He said in a growl and opened his arms wide.

She stared at him and laughed incredulously before rolling her eyes and finally gave into him.

She wrapped one arm loosely around his waist and patted his back affectionately, but before she could step away, he wrapped both arms tightly around her and in an overly-affectionate manner, rubbed her back--she bit her tongue and sighed heavily in frustration. He was such a high schooler. Her arms fell limply at her sides as he hummed into her hair, providing a show for the gossiping staff surrounding them. For just a second she allowed herself to reminisce on their one nighter--that is until he gave her shoulders a little sqeeze and forced her out of her own memories, "Okay!" She exclaimed and smacked his shoulder playfully as she backed away from him. She shook her head and glared at him, "Don't pull that crap on me. You should know better." She warned.

He chuckled and shrugged innocently as he indulged in the eye candy in front of him, "You look good. Did you change your hair?"

She scoffed and answered sarcastically, "It's a little longer."

"Now how is that possible?"

"What are you doing here?" She insisted and laughed again.

"You're treating Derek. You know." He stated matter-of-factly.

Callie raised a curious eyebrow. She didn't think Derek Shepherd's emergency number would be Mark Sloan.

"His sisters hassled me into coming here and making sure he never drives a vehicle again."

She nodded knowingly, "I think Meredith's got that covered. So, why are you really here?

He smiled that wickedly trashy smile of his, "What do you mean?"

"Shepherd's got a broken leg and a couple of bruised ribs. You are not here to nurse him back to health."

This was why Mark liked Callie. She saw through the bullshit and didn't waste time cutting through it, "Richard called me back. I guess without Burke, he couldn't afford to let me buy out my contract."

"He bought YOU out?"

"He bought ME out."

"Well, I'll see you around then, I guess--" She patted his shoulder and started to walk away, when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back. She scolded him, but he decided to ignore her, "Have a drink with me tonight." He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, holding her gaze.

She bit her cheek and briefly looked at her hand in his, signaling he should let her go.

He licked his lips and caught another whiff of her Lilac scented perfume, "Come on. One drink. I've got some stories to tell you--"

"Are they dirty?" She asked, unimpressed.

"If you want them to be."

She eyed him carefully and took a deep breath, "I get off at seven. ONE drink. Now let go of my hand."

Her hand slipped out of his grasp and he scratched his chin as he watched her walk away.


She threw her bag over her shoulder and closed her phone after checking her messages and missed calls as she made her way through the lobby, where she almost bumped into George, "Oh. Sorry." She giggled slightly and smiled, "Hi."

"Hi." He said with a warm, longing smile, "Where are you running off to? Got a date?"

"Not exactly."

He nodded and rearranged his backpack on his shoulder, "How you doing?"

"I'm good." She nodded, "But I really have to get going. I'll see you." She touched his arm slightly and smiled as she left. She could never say she was completely over him. He was her first--everything in a way. But she had definitely detached herself from him. The hard part was that, he didn't seem to have let her go completely yet.

The cool breeze hit her face as she stepped through the sliding doors and she shivered and slipped her hands into her pockets.


Mark sat at the bar. There were only a few people sitting around, but it usually started to crowd up after eight.

He checked his watch again. 7:15. That was it. He was going to wait ten more minutes and then he was going to leave. For sure this time. He gulped down the rest of the contents of his mug and out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a dark figure scoot into the stool next to his.

"Joe, can I get a beer, please?" Callie met Mark's inquiring look and smiled, "What?"

"You're late." He signaled for another beer, but grabbed Callie's newly served one instead before she could grab it.

"Hey. Unless you're buying me two more of those, give it back."

He slid the mug back in front of her and she smiled smugly, "I thought so."

"I don't have to get you drunk to--do anything with you. I'm charming enough.

"And you're planning on doing what with me exactly?" She asked curiously as she picked up her beer and sipped from it.

"Just--have a nice chat, that's all." He smiled as a second beer mug was set in front of him. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Callie." He chuckled at her glaring and winked, "So how have you been?"

"Good. You?"

"Good. You like being divorced?"

She peeled a peanut and popped it in her mouth, "You like being an ass? Why would you want to talk about that?" She asked as she bit into the peanut.

"I don't. Just being polite. That's what you so, isn't it? Ask about current events?"

"I don't. And it's not a current event anymore. It's over. It's old news. What about you? Where have you been hiding? Did you go chasing after Addison?"

He let out a low, throaty laugh and shook his head, "Don't pretend you don't know."

She shrugged innocently as she sipped her beer, "Just being polite."

He watched her intently. The way she licked her lips every time she took a drink--her eyes smiling even when she wasn't, "I tried calling. But some things are just not meant to be, I guess."

"Some things are just not meant to be? Do I sense a hint of sensitivity out of Mark Sloan?"

"You look good. Did I tell you that?" He smiled at her laughing at his astuteness.

"Let me buy you a drink, Mark." She offered quietly.

"Alright. But if you're thinking about taking advantage of me--"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"I'm just saying. I am a reformed man whore."

"Is that so?"

"No." He answered with a suggestive smile.

She called Joe over, trying very hard to ignore all the innuendo, "Joe, two Three Wise Men."

"Two what?" Mark asked as he watched Joe our three different types of liquor into two shot glasses.

"This--" She answered, handing him a glass, "--is a…welcome back-peace offering. Don't be a wuss and accept it."

"Does the peace offering come with room service?"

"Shut up and drink your peace offering."

They clinked their glasses together , then downed the acid-like contents.

"Jesus Christ! Is that rubbing alcohol?" He complained, clearing his throat as she made a sour face and downed the rest of her bee, causing a line of spilled beer to trickle down her chin, "You're an animal," he said, almost to himself as he became transfixed on her mouth as she placed the mug down on the bar top and licked the moisture from the corner of her lips, then with her finger, wiped the alcohol from her chin, "Can you see that?" He asked, raising his chin to expose his throat.


"The hole your peace offering is burning through my neck."

"You baby. You'll thank me in a few minutes later when you get that warm feeling in your tummy."

"I can do that to you, you know--no alcohol needed."

She rolled her eyes, pretending to not be affected by his audacity, "Shut up."

"Is the Three Wise Men your secret weapon? Your panty dropper?" He asked, leaning in close.

"I don't know. Are your panties dropped?" She purred back, teasingly inching closer.

"Almost." He teased back, dropping his gaze from her eyes to her ever inviting lips as she lapped the tip of her tongue over them.

She could smell the alcohol in his breath mingled with the lingering scent of his aftershave and cologne. The tip of his nose brushed against hers, and that's when she noticed he had moved even closer. Their elbows touched as he nuzzled her cheek and her lips parted in a hitched breath.

He started to feel that warm feeling in his stomach that she was talking about, but he was almost sure it had nothing to do with the Three Wise Men, and it was quickly traveling south of his anatomy. He saw her eyelids flutter almost shut and he felt himself draw nearer. He pressed his lips softly against hers, and he instantly remembered how much he enjoyed kissing those lips. He slipped his hand under her hair to caress her neck and thereby urge her tighter against him. Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue over the roof of her mouth and he could have sworn he felt her sigh.

So she hadn't had sex in a while. A long while. So what? She could hold out. But the way Mark was kissing her, she could have easily pulled him into the ladies room and had her way with him, Callie thought as their innocent, not so heated kiss, became the more--urgent and clothes ripping kind and she felt his wandering hand on her knee. She nibbled on his bottom lip, which brought a little squeeze of his hand on her knee. His tongue laved over hers and she felt a shiver down her nape as his hand moved higher up her thigh and she pulled away abruptly.

"What?" He asked, obviously jerked back to reality.

She felt heated. Her cheeks and her neck were burning up, "I have to go to bed."

"That's a good idea." He retorted, moving back in for another kiss.

"Alone." She said, somewhat regaining her composure and almost dreading the looks of disappointment on his face, "I'm not your booty call, Mark. And I don't do one night stands so--I'll see you later." She offered one final smirk before picking up her smirk and sliding off the stool. Her legs wobbled a bit as she made her way toward the door, but she was confident that she had left with enough dignity.

Mark rubbed his hands over his face and sighed heavily into his bear mug. "Seattle Grace women."