Falling Crismon Snow
Summary: Hitsugaya has always loved Momo Hinamori, but he never could realize the feelings he felt. Momo always wondered what she thought of him if she let herself go forward in thinking anything romantical about him. Well, aizen's dead and everything seems back to normal. Till the sky runs blood red, and somethings defiantly up. Hitsugaya knows whats up and goes in alone to stop what ever is happening, and decides to put the momo thing aside for the while, to be given more time to think, but momo follows him... neither realize the danger ahead. Especially when a new power in zanpoku-to's is discovered. Taikai!
spoilers: alot
pairing: HitsugayaXhinamori
by: Hitsugaya's bigggggggg Fangirl and all out HitsuXHina fan!
Chapter one
"Matsumoto...do you know why Toshiro-kun has been out all night and day lately?" Momo Hinamori asked Rangiku Matsumoto while sitting on the roof of the 10th division headquaters. Matsumoto shrugged. "He's confusing. A simple serious boy. Don't worry."
"But Matsumoto! He's training a bit diffrintly now. He always wants to be laone. Normally he's with you...and now we rarely see him around." Replied Momo, worry in her eyes.
"Maybe since aizen fianlly has been killed, he's feeling either sad or mad about it and wants to be alone."
Momo shook her head. "No, Toshiro-kun isn't thek ind to just...sulk! I think he's been training. For something or some reason or some purpose." Momo put her hands to her chest in worry.
Matsumoto laid down and stretched across the roof tiles. "Well, I jsut hope he'll return to normal soon, I hate having to watch Gin in prison all the time. Why am I the one that has to."
"what? Gin wasn't killed as well? What about Kaname?" Momo screeched, surprised.
Matsumoto leaned back up. "(go..I hate answering questions) yea... That Ichigo, that Ryoka kid killed Aizen, but Gin had gotten away, but was soon caught later by yours truly. Hated to do it but... and then Kaname...he was killed by Komamaura, man, was beast boy ANGRY!"
Momo blinked. Is she in some type of lively mood?
Momo was about to respond when none other that Toshiro Hitsugaya came up, and walked to his two friends. "What are you two doing up here?"
"Just talking, nothing to worry about!" answered Matsumoto, all flushed up from almost being caught talking about Hitsugaya.
Hitsugaya only blinked and peered over at Momo. "I though you would have hidden yourself since Aizen died. Are you alright with it?"
Momo nodded so hard her neck hurt. "yes...don't worry Toshiro-kun. Aizen was a traitor, I no longer respect him."
Hitsugaya attempted a soft, small smile. "Well, thats good. I came up here becuase I heard muffled vioces. It's time to go back inside. Night has almost fallen." Then he turned and his back faced the girl, and he exicted back into the actual building.
Momo looked up into the sky. "It's sunset. He's right...well, come on Matsumoto."
The next day Momo woke to find that Hitsugaya had once again disappeared.
"Ok, I had it, I got to figure out what he's doing!" she yelled to herself, and quickly put on her yakata and headed down the hall in search of Hitsugaya.
She walked outside and could hear the smash of ice and trees. It came from under her. "Ice?..Toshiro."
She placed her hand to the ground and preformed a sort of exploding kido, and the groud disappeared from below and she fell into a hollow area down. Sort of like a hand made cave. There she saw Hitsugaya on the wall panting. Tired. Then he peered up with his ice blue eyes and gasped. "Momo!"
Momo blushed, gave a coy smile and waved. "HI!"
Hitsugaya immediantly straightened up. "What are you doing here!"
Momo glance around and saw Hitsugaya's sword laying on the ground, and melting pieces, morel ike clumps, of ice scattered around him. "What have you been doing in here Toshiro-kun."
"BLAH! Call me caption Hitsugaya...and..I asked you what are you doing here!"
Momo looked down. "Sorry, but ever since Aizen died, and war has ended...you sort have disappeared and became more distint. I was just wandering what you were doing." Momo looked further down and stared at her feet.
Hitsugaya sighed, took a couple steps, grasped his sword and placed it back over his back, took another couple steps and came beside Momo.
He slowly placed his hand on her shoulder, surprising Momo. "It's alright. you can be curious sometimes. I'm not mad...now go crying."
A sad expression flashed across Hitsugaya's face before preforming shunpo and disppearing from his hand made cave.
Momo looked up and sighed. "He still didn't tell me what he was dooing...and why did he look so sad just now?" She asked herslef, before leaving herself, and closing the giant hole she made.somehow i got to probe deeper and get him to say.
Momo watched Hitsugaya as he "shunpoed" (hehe..shunpoed. i'm funny...) away. She looked up at the sky and for a secret, swore, that she felt a rain drop. She looked down on her hand to see a drop of sparkling crismon blood. "wha..?"
A/n: well, how was it so far. my first bleach fic. I love this couple so much, and also Hitsugaya as well. hehe.
Sorry the summary was so long.