Authors Notes:Welllll, never thought I'd be back here before I completed the story. In any event, as I stated in my note posted as my latest chapter, I've going back through my story from chapter one, doing revisions and editing where necessary. Since it was my first attempt at a serious story, the gap of writing quality from here to towards the end of the novel is as large as the gulf, so I'm attempting to give the novel as a whole a more balanced quality from start to finish.

As usual, thank you to all my fellow readers :)

Also there is the map I used to base and subsequently describe the different areas in Endiness, so feel free to take a look if it will better help you visualise the longer journeys, I know some readers (me included) like the idea of being able to actually look at a map and track the characters progress. Check out the link I posted under other info in my profile if interested.

Chapter 1: A Fateful Meeting

'Deep down I think I was always searching, searching for that something, searching for that someone. I didn't know it then myself, but once I found you, my whole world changed again. I just wish we didn't have to carry the weight of the world on our backs as we moved towards a new dawn.'

The dark warrior opened her eyes after closing them momentarily, as if to give her eyes some respite from the unrelenting sun that blazed above the rocky crags like a ball of fire threatening to consume the world. It wasn't just the dry heat, devoid of any breeze or moisture or the lack of shade the rocky cliffs provided that jagged out around the parameter like a huge dust bowl, it was the way the whole locale was desolate of anything but the most stubborn of life forms. No plants or animals, just scorched earth and sand.

The lone woman heaved her blade out from an unfortunate small corpse of a bronze skinned goblin, one such life forms that had managed to somehow create a life in this pit of hell. Hoping to take its taller opponent by surprise, likely for the supplies she carried or perhaps for her own flesh which could be its own source of food, the Halfling met a swift relief from such concerns in the form of her thick bladed rapier piercing its small neck with the precision of a trained assassin.

With a sigh that was of more annoyance than exhaustion the dark mysterious woman stood a moment, surveying the ever distant barren wasteland that fanned out before her. Her violet, almost black cascade of hair fluttered behind her with the dusty wind current (making her wish she had cut it shorter, it was an inconvenience to have it at middle back length), her porcelain skin almost seeming to shine off the sun's reflection in the desolate grounds surrounding her.

"I hate this place" the women muttered to herself as she continued through the wasteland full of arching cliffs and sand dunes. A sheen of fine sand and dust had set over her lavender attire, giving the tough leather that stemmed to the cuffs of her arms and the very nape of her neck an old, rugged appearance. The gold trimmings woven across her front and shoulder pads, once adorned splendidly dulled to a cheap, almost fake quality. She had been trekking through the barren wilderness for hours, or had it turned into days? She wasn't sure; time seemed to move differently in this place. One thing she was sure of, besides the constant itching and aggravated skin, was that it was not this large when she last visited. Never the less, she continued, not feeling nearly as fatigued as she did irritated.

At least the monsters aren't any tougher the strangely garbed (even for this time) warrior thought warily. As she continued her journey, she spotted small splashes of blood on the sandy earth. Quick to be alerted to potential danger as she always was, the vagabond swiftly drew her blade, readying for whatever lurks near. Her steps did not lose its zealousness, however caution was exercised. As she followed the trail of blood that led to an outcropping or possible cave entrance, she came to the conclusion it was human blood. She still did not relax however, as it could just be a victim to a monster lurking within.

The trail indeed led to a cave as she had first suspected, surrounded by large barons and other rocky features. Her initial thought to this was to simply leave it and continue on, she sensed no immediate danger and she could ill afford any more wasted time, but she felt compelled to enter the cave and find out what is in there. Intuition perhaps? She didn't know. All she could do was follow, moving quietly and quickly into the mouth of the cavern. Her azure eyes were atoned to darkness almost as much as the light, and as a result they adjusted almost instantly. The cave was reasonably small, not much bigger then a small house with only one large body and wasn't very deep, the opening allowing small rays of light to illuminate depths of the cavern. It was damp and cold, the tips of the rocky edges in the cave dripped slowly with condensation and moisture, but she welcomed the atmosphere. It was a nice change from the dry heat and humidity outside. She noticed soon after entry that the blood trail had stopped. She quickly became aware she was not alone, and readied her blade.

"Depending on how you act and how you answer the following questions, you may not have long to live" the dark haired wonderer threatened, her facial features turning stone. The figure behind her slowly became more visible. She could make out faint features, it was a male with long jet black hair that fell just below the top of his shoulders, was of average height, not much taller than her yet was well built. She also noticed several bandages and attempts at stitching on his arms and torso, suggesting recent injury.

"Don't underestimate me, I may seem injured, but I can hold my own" the stranger replied. He held a barbed spear in hand which he grasped strongly.

The dark haired women simply brushed a few strands of her silky black hair from her face back across the nape of her neck. This gesture almost seemed to have suggested that the women had dismissed the man as any viable threat. "

What do you want?" the man asked promptly. The cobalt hue of the woman's eyes analysed the stranger in front of her with an intensity that made him visibly uncomfortable. Then, after ascertaining the man would be of little threat even if he did turn out to be a well disguised bandit or otherwise hostile enemy, she relented. "Thought you might be a monster" she simply replied, although she did not relax entirely.

"Well, as you can see, I'm not a monster" the injured stranger spoke back roughly.

"Then I will take my leave." With that, the wondering women began to exit that cave, until a swarm of centaur horsemen armed with bow and arrows shot into the cave, arrows propelling towards them with deathly intent.

The female warrior was able to dodge most of the arrows that barraged her with nimble footwork and defensive fencing; however due to the surprise and suddenness of the attack she wasn't able to evade them all. One was able to scrape her inner exposed thigh, the one not protected by a thin layer legging armour that her other leg was. Bright red blood began to immediately dribble out of the wound however the immediate pain was not felt as adrenaline once again took control. She lunged forward at the first horsemen unprepared for any kind of counter-attack, thrusting her sword straight into its neck, the sound of rippling flesh reverberated throughout the shallow cave. She quickly ripped the blade out with one arm, a feat of impressive strength, as well as dodging the next wave of arrows that were intended to skewer her. They were as ineffective as the first.

"Can you fight!" The women barked back at the man in between dodges and attacks.

The male warrior appeared to hesitate a moment before charging into the fray, spear first. "I can be of help!"

"Don't get in the way. If you get into trouble don't expect me to save you" she explained quickly as she took another Centaur down with a diagonal cut its abdomen. An arrow shot at the women with quickening penetration. Fortunately the women's reflexes were much quicker and she deflected the arrow with the face of her sturdy Rapier that hardly even recoiled. With all enemies in the immediate area slain or dying, she quickly scanned for foes at a greater distance. Five more she noted mentally. It was odd; Centaurs were solitary creatures by nature and usually roamed around in pairs at most. It was as if this was some kind of co-ordinated...

The dark warrior's train of thoughts was ended instantly as she heard the rallying cry of the man next to her. He recklessly charged into a nearby centaur, his long pike fanned out in undisciplined or no-premeditated directions, and although his techniques, or lack of were more akin to barbarism than any real strategy, the act of spinning it around in a circle proved effective in deflecting or cutting down the incoming arrows.

The woman was rather impressed, for someone who's injured he seemed to take care of himself fairly well, despite his lack of refined combat expertise. She heard a whelp from a centaur, followed by a loud thud. A centaur crashed heavily on the ground, signifying the end of its life. Four more the women once again noted. A centaur came dashing up to the women, its hand moving about rhythmically as if to part take in some form or incantation.

Not quite the feminine warrior thought as she sprinted up to the centaur with remarkable velocity, jumped up a few feet into the air and horizontally slashed the centaur, her swords starting from the top of its unprotected chest and ending at its groin. The dexterous act was finalized by thick torrents of spraying blood.

The remaining three creatures hesitated for a few seconds, before turning tail and dashing off as far as their four-legged hooves could carry them. After watching the two fighters slay nearly a dozen of their kin, they apparently wanted no further part in the slaughter.

The women withdrew her blade from the fallen cadaver and quickly inspected the area once again, to be sure that nothing else lingered. The women waited to they were well out of sight before she sheathed her sword. As she did, she turned around and looked at her situational comrade, who surprisingly sustained no additional injuries. He was panting heavily though, exertion taking its toll, his rugged face a blanket of sweat.

"You're injured" the black haired warrior spoke between gruff pants. The women looked down at her leg, and saw the blood gushing freely now out of the flesh wound she had sustained by the arrow.

"I'll be fine" the women replied sternly. He was not going to drop it however.

"Where are you headed? I can give you an escort" the stranger offered.

"It's not necessary." Her response was quick and harsh, a kind of callousness that jagged against her apparent young beauty like whetstone on a blade. The man was becoming vexed, and it was showing on his face as his brow twitched in frustration.

"C'mon. To be in the barrens your either heading for Donau or Fletz" the man stated. The women however remained reticent. He continued on, no longer abashed: "And plus, you did save my life, whether you meant to or not. In my condition I doubt I would be able to handle all those centaurs. Plus you look tired; I have a place in Fletz where you can tend your wound and rest up. It's the least I can do"

The women's initial thought was to decline, she didn't need the help of others, especially this suspicious stranger, however she had been wondering for what felt like days straight and her body protested hotly for respite. She gauged the man a final time, and came to the conclusion he was trustworthy, at least for the moment. After what seemed like an eternity the dark warrior replied: "I guess I'll take you up on that offer." The man smiled warmly.

"Then let us leave." He took lead, using his weapon as a makeshift cane to help maintain stability. He had trouble moving, that much could be seen by how every step the man took contorted his face in a painful grimace. Yet the woman followed without a word, keeping a safe distance of closeness without being too close. Once they left the coolness of the save the outside heat hit them like a palpable force, the sun still burning hot despite its rapid decline into another warm evening. The women finally got a proper glimpse at her new companion, rather than just a faint silhouette. He wore a torn white tank top followed by blue long pants, yet no sign of any protective armor or accessories save a silver erring in his right ear (that may or may not hold any significance) and a peculiar wristband around his left wrist. That, she thought, did hold some sentimental significance, although she couldn't be sure. Other than that besides the fact he had the strong build of someone who must have engaged in years of hard labour, he had nothing remarkable about him. In some ways he was foolish, to be wondering around the barrens without as much as a shed of protective clothing was foolhardy to say the least.

After they travelled a small distance outside the cave, the man turned around and regarded the woman evenly, before a sheepish smile crossed his face. "How foolish of me, I've forgotten my manners. The names Zack, nice to meet you."

The woman casually waved away his sudden etiquette. "I'm Rose."

Authors Notes II: Seesh, it was worse than I realised O.o. Good to go back to the roots, but man has my prose changed. Hope the beginning is a little more... engaging now that the style is a little more fluid and not so uneven.