Neon Genesis Evangelion
Redemptions Classic
Genesis 2:3

Pain is unavoidable, you may want just the joys of life,
but you can't have one without the other


*Riley parked his car in the park lot, he got out of it, and started walking toward his apartment. In his hand was the folder, and the business card, that Katsuragi gave him.*

*He took out his key and place it in the door lock, and unlocked, as he enter the apartment, he took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa, then clicking on the Television.*

Reporter in the TV: Thanks Dave, I'm here at Twins Pine Hollow Office Building, where an attempted robbery was being made, but from resources, I gathered, the robbery was stopped, by a policeman, who wounded five out of the six inside the bank, then chasing the leader, who is now in critical condition as his car toppled over causing serious to people, property and self. Here beside me is one of the victim, who saw the whole thing, sir, can you tell what happen in your word what happened?

Victim *nodded*: well, I was coming to collect the company data, when this six arm men stormed the office building, and took us hostage, it was about 34 minutes later that the cops appeared in the scene. There was a stalemate on each side, but this one crazy policeman, dashed forward taking cover behind the car, and with excellent shooting, wound five of them and I don't know what happen to the sixth one, until a couple of hours later.

Riley *smiled bitterly at the man in the television*: Crazy policeman... well this crazy policeman saved your life.

*He clicked off the television, and went to the kitchen and took out a beer bottle from the refrigerator. He opened and sipped some the alcoholic beverage, he felted the cold bitter and be sour liquid touching his tongue and going down his throat as he ponder over what he found out, NERV is back... He enter his room, placing the half emptied bottle on his drawer, he proceeded removing his cloths, as he enter his bed, all he was wearing were loose black shirt and a white t-shirt. He fell asleep right away.*


Riley: w-where am I?

*He looks around to see nothing and everything*

Voice: You are here

Riley: Where is Here?

Voice: Here is Everywhere and neither.

Riley: what the hell is that suppose to mean?

Voice: You are here

Riley: but what is here?

Voice: here is where it started.


Voice: here is where reality are but aren't

Riley: where Reality are but aren't?

Voice: Here is end and beginning.

Riley: End... Beginning?

Voice: soon you'll understand...

Riley: Understand what?!?

*A flashed blinded him temporary, as the light flashed brightly, he felted his feet sink in some type of liquid, he struggled blindly to stay in the surface, but the liquid continue to pull him downward underneath, he yelled and screamed as he went under*



*Riley jumped straight up from his bed, sweating and breathing deeply in the dark, the blanket were wet from the sweat and the room was hot. He brushed his hair backward with his hand, and notice that his hand was wet also.*

Riley: It was unreal, or did it happened?

*There was silent in the dark room, the light from the window of passing car, moved around the room. He moved his legs up to his chest.*

Riley *quietly to himself*: It still smelled like blood...


*Riley pondered as he drove to the Airport, Earlier he called Katsuragi, and following her instruction, he resigned from the force, then packed his all his clothes in a backpack and a brown leather duffel bag. The rest of his stuff were being shipped to Tokyo-3 as traveled to Tokyo.*

Riley: Hmmm? could that dream be related?

*He stopped at a toll booth with military soldier posted there, with the Nerv written in their badges.*

Soldier: Sir, identification please.

*Riley took out his identification card and handed it to the soldier, then waited as the soldier checked it, before coming back to him.*

Soldier *handing back the identification card back to Riley*: You're cleared to proceed to gateway C-65, your car will be transported in aircraft D-453, so park it at Lot EWE-23 *pointing him to direction Riley would need to go.* Sir.

Riley: Thank you.

*He place the identification card back were it was suppose to go, and drove to EWE-23 and parked the car, where another Soldier was waiting from him. He took out his backpack and duffel bag with him.*

Soldier 2: Sir, I will need you keys

*Riley looked at him from a moment, before giving him the car key*

Soldier 2: thank you, sir

*The Soldier opened the door and enter the car, then closing the car, and drove it off to an aircraft.*

Riley: Boy, I wish I joined sooner.


Tokyo-3, Japan Nerv Headquarters


*Woman shouts orders to the others*

Woman: Shut down, Unit 05, Maya check what happened, Makoto run system check, Shigeru, check circuit power cells outputs.

Maya: Ritsuko, there damage at Nerve circuit, in column 3..6..7..8, there no link up.

Makoto: There Circuit 34 is under tolerance levels and 23 is dead.

Shigeru: All clear in the power cells, the outputs are go.

Ritsuko: What?! Damage on the Nerve Column, the Circuit 34 and 23. At least the Power cells are working.

Makoto: I believe there is a contamination on protein wall 16, could have cause this.

Maya: It could have been, since we haven't been using Geofront for a while, and we can fix the problem.

Ritsuko: Of course! how could I overlooked it, I guess that the price you paid for getting old. Remove Unit 05 out of the cage and start decontamination procedure and check the other cage for erosion and likely contamination.

*All three of them*: Yes madam!


An elderly voice: And here I thought you were dead Ikari, but at least you look old.

Ikari: Of course, time gain up on everyone, me included, Fuyutsuki.

Fuyutsuki: I see that... how long have I been retired now? Last thing I remember ...

Ikari: 15 years.

Fuyutsuki: I see, so I been in my retirement for a decade and half.

Ikari: that right Fuyutsuki, and we have Angel to battle again.

Fuyutsuki: So it's ANGELS again, just like the dead sea scroll.

Ikari: Exactly, and you know the next sign, 'Second of old, sleep the slumber 15 past of days, then reawaken to fight'

Fuyutsuki: So I'm here to fight the angel and be second-in-command to be on with your dirty plan again, I thought it was best to let the angel get Lilith.

Ikari: They are already have, and now they are looking for something and we can't allow them to succeed, then they will begin the destructive Third Impact.

Fuyutsuki: Haven't they already done that?

Ikari: No, it was avoided, Third Impact was about to be caused but stopped, and everyone forgot it, except for the people who witness it.

Fuyutsuki: and you witness it.

Ikari: Of course it not in physical sense with eyes and ears, but in spiritual.

Fuyutsuki: Then who stopped it?

Ikari: Someone refused.


Ikari: Back to the point of the New Angels. If they succeed, then the whole planet, not man, but the whole planet is doom and everything will be gone in a blink of an eye, then it will truly Third Impact. The person just slowed the process down for a decade and a half. The sign have been showing in these years.


REM: This is where the author's note would be--

READER: well duh, we all know that, what do you think? we're stupid!?

REM: uh..n-n-no...

READER: You all author think that we're stupid don't you?!

REM: sorry

READER: You in particular, discredit writers *background you heard a crowd agreeing*


READER: What I can't believe is that you kill the beautiful, most gorgeous, the most intelligent, not to mention the best character
in the series. I don't even know why people would even read this "series" without the number One best Soryu Asuka Langley!?

REM: sorry

READER: Stupid baka, you're pulling a shinji on us now!?

REM *narrows his eyes, he didn't notice at first but he couldn't see the owner of the voice, he turn on his mini flashlight
keychain and pointed it at the reader, his eyes widen*: A-As-Asuka? ASUKA?! what the hell are you doing here?

ASUKA: well placing my complain of offing the best character in the series, ME!! I here to order you to place me back in the fic.



*The author and the red-head begin duking it out*

SHINJI: um..excuse me


SHINJI: you're pissing everyone off

REM: Oh, I see.. *an idea click in his head* Asuka be gone!

ASUKA: what the He-- *poof*

REM *snickered* I should have done that sooner.

SHINJI: Right.. sorry for the trouble I'll excuse myself.

REM: no problem, see ya

Author notes: Not that I have one, this is the third, I hope you enjoy it or whatever, review is appreciated, positive review are really welcome, flame is not as welcome but still appreciate to see my errors. Also to warn you, the first couple of chapter is to introduce the character that will be in the story and that means that the action level are going to be low at first, then afterward when most of the character are settled, then the action are going to skyrocket to the extreme level.