Hey, this is really getting fun to write and I really have fun writing these chapters.Plz give me some constructive critiscism on what you think should happen. If you see your idea on my story you know that I thought it was the best and most imaginative. So feel free to post your thoughts.
Forks high was now one building and not several. It was two stories high and it had a lot of things it never had when I was there the first time. Edward didn't look as surprised as I was. Alice was estatic as always and she was in an odd looking outfit that I had no idea came from. I was dressed almost in the same type of outfit.
My eyes scanned the campus and that was when I saw Newton. He looked young though. Edward followed my gaze and his mouth dropped. He had at least twelve girls standing around him. Edward made a low growling sound and I elbowed him in the ribs. When we walked in to the building a large sign said office. An arrow pointed to the right. We all waked to the room to get our schedules.
As we reached the office I expected to see a receptionist but all there was, was a touch computer screen. Edward clutched the pen and clicked the icon that read new student. He signed our fake names in his victorian era script. When he finished entering the needed information our schedules were printed out for us.
Mine said that my schedule read:
computer programming
computer mechanics
computer typing
computer home styled tutorial
The only class I remembered taking was PE. I had no idea how much computers had taken over and I was shocked. Edward looked at my schedule and tore his up and opened the computer he had just used.
"What are you doing?" I whispered so only a vampire in the room could hear.
"Revising my schedule."He said plainly.
He got into all of the classes he had on his schedule and deleted his name off the list. Then he added his name to all of my classes.
"Anyone else want to revise their schedule while I'm in here?" Edward asked plainly.
"Yeah, I want to change mine." Emmett bumped Edward out of the way and matched his schedule to Rosalie's.
Jasper did the same with Alice and Edward also changed all of our schedules so we had a free period. No PE was absolutely awesome. Apparently physical activities aren't good if we pop a basket-ball with our bare hands. And when running line drills the coach can't see you because you have super-natural speed.
Edward and I exited the office and went to our first class. Computer programming. I knew that Edward didn't need this class, because he had just shown how elaborately he knew his computers just by changing our schedules. Computers had taken over the world and I had no idea how to work one now. Maybe I should have gone to school a little bit over the years and maybe I should have been more social and learned a bit more.
Edward took my hand and walked me to our first class. I was shocked to see the teacher was a computer. My mind went nuts a computer teacher. Well that did it for me. It was now a horror. I was going to be a computer geek. Maybe not but it was going to be a bore. I couldn't even imagine the malfunctions it would have in the middle of class.
Edward seemed a little struck but he just took us to two seats in the back of the class. When I sat down a small computer screen flipped up. It looked like a laptop but it didn't have a keyboard. There was a small red light. I flipped it on and a typing pad was visible. It was right there on the desk. If all of my classes were going to be this high tech compared to what I was used to. This was going to be more confusing than Calculus.
I looked at Edward and he had done the same. Only he was on the internet doing the class assignment. I looked confused and he noticed it. Edward quickly clicked an icon and I was on what he was doing. I put my fingers on the table where the keyboard was. And began tapping my fingers on the table and where the keys were.
Words appeared on the screen and my work was done in twenty minutes. Then a pop-up came up in front of me that said good job you have finished you may go to your next class now, which is computer mechanics. In room A398. Edward was already done and he was waiting on me to finish.
I got up and we walked to the door. Everyone in the class looked up and looked awed as we stepped out first.
"Okay why is everyone staring at us?" I whispered to Edward when we were alone in the hall.
"We type fast." Edward said and then I realized that we were typing with inhumanly possible speed.
"Okay, I get it now."
We were getting to our second class when we noticed that Alice was at the door.
"Hey, we have this class together. Jasper is on his way." Japer appeared at the corner of the hallway and we stepped into the class.
We took our seats in the back row and I began the lesson. It was a tutorial that required reading 5 pages. Then you had to record step by step how to assemble a computer. This took all of ten minutes and then we went to typing. I was done for the day by 9:00 am. Then Edward and I had enough time to finish the entire weeks worth of lessons.
If we weren't in school we would be being home schooled. I was amazed by how fast I could receive information. Remember it then apply it. I figured out that if we kept up at this rate we could be done with this year's work and the next with in 5 months. We got home by noon. Then we took an extra hunting trip to make sure that we didn't snap in case of an emergency.
That was when I decided to look at my old house. Edward seemed to agree that it would be a great place to see. We drove to the road which was now in the middle of a suburb. And saw my old house. Edward parked a block away so we wouldn't draw attention as we sat and stared at the house that was my home when my heart was still beating.
Edward took my hand. He kissed my knuckles like they did in old movies in the 1800's.
"I love you." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you too." I whispered back.
I really hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to be creative with what I thought would happen in the future. For instance all the computers. Well Plz review. And I'll try to post the next chapter soon.