Title: Basketball, Backstage and Bathrooms
Chapter One of Three: Slam-Dunk!
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Troy – Ryan – Troy/Ryan
Word Count: 1,508
Author: xxBoppingAllTheWayxx
Disclaimer: I do not own, despite several prayers, Ryan Evans, Troy Bolton, or High School Musical. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental, and I certainly have not been spying on you.
Warnings: Slash, Masturbation, Voyeurism and Fetishes.
Note: Don't Like? Don't Read! Don't Whine!
Key: Story, "Speech", Emphasis, Emphasis
Troy loved Basketball. It wasn't a secret, or anything like that, but it was true.
What was a secret, however, was just how much he loved it. He adored the rush of adrenaline that coursed through his vein when he was seconds away from winning a game. He lived for the co-ordination that came to him naturally as he played. But, most of all, Troy loved the feel of the jockstrap and cup that protected his "family jewels", as his Coach called them, from injury.
He didn't know why he had the perverse attraction to the sporting support, but the comforting knowledge that his bits were secure gave Troy a happy sensation each and every time. A very happy feeling, if you catch my drift…
It wasn't obvious, the bulge that always obstinately stretched the front of his Basketball shorts, however it wasn't exactly subtle either. Troy just swallowed his pride, and continued playing. He didn't think that any of the spectators would be able to detect the hard-on that tried to distract the Wildcat from the unfolding match. But he was wrong…
If anyone focused on Troy, stared intently at the white-and-red shorts he was wearing, they may be able to notice a slight lump at the front of the flimsy material. Not many people knew this, it wasn't a fact that was widely published, but it was known to a select few.
Ryan never missed a game, Troy had noticed. Shit, thinking about Ryan was certainly not helping him with his bothersome burden. But, thinking about it, it was strange that Ryan had started planning the Drama Club meetings around Troy's games. What was stranger, undeniably, was that Ryan would sit there with a pair of opera binoculars focusing on him.
Troy swallowed again, his now-turgid erection quivering at the illicit thoughts running straight from his first brain to his second. He was so lost in a daze, that the Basketball caught him squarely on the back of the head, sending him falling forward.
His father, Coach Jack Bolton, called a timeout; so that he could check that his son was okay. When Troy nodded groggily, Jack had made up his mind. He sent Troy to the changing rooms, and let the others resume play, knowing that in a dazed state, Troy would be of no use to the team.
Troy sat, his head in his hands. What had he done out there, he thought, other than jeopardize the entire match for his teammates? Why had he allowed himself, he chided himself, to think of Ryan?
At the thought of the Drama King's name, Troy's already painfully hard erection began to throb with need. Shit, he mentally swore again, it seemed days since he had last jerked off, and he couldn't shake the curiously ambivalent feeling that Ryan had noticed, and was indeed focusing on, his aroused member.
Looking around anxiously, checking if he had company, Troy removed his t-shirt and undid the tie on his shorts, allowing them to drop to his. He undid his sneakers, removed his socks, and shucked of the shorts. Satisfied, he stood, and packed those clothes into his gym bag. This left him standing in the vacant changing rooms, wearing only a smile and a jock-strap.
He allowed his hand to travel downwards, and began to grope his package through the clothing…
Meanwhile, Ryan had watched Troy fall to the floor, and waited anxiously for the coach to make a decision. When he saw Troy walk dejectedly into the changing rooms, Ryan felt unsure of what to do. He stashed the opera binoculars into his pocket, and slowly, so as not to draw suspicion, made his way towards the changing room.
As he played with his crotch through the jock-strap, Troy's other hand stroked his firm, taut stomach, and eventually reached his right nipple. He had, until now, never attempted to include nipple-play in his jerk-off sessions, but then again, he had never attempted to masturbate in the Gym's Changing Rooms. He bit his lip expectantly, before sharply twisting his sensitive nipple. The pleasure that raced through him caused a low groan to emanate from the back of his throat.
Ryan, on the other hand, had managed to get to the entrance of the locker room without arousing suspicion, and was currently thinking up excuses to check on Troy… preferably while he was in the shower, covered in soap suds, gently soothing his sore muscles, while lost in an erotic fantasy…
"Uuuuuunnnnnngggghhhh…" The unfamiliar noise caught Ryan off-guard. He recognized the voice that the groan came from as being Troy's, and his immediate instinct was to check to see if he was okay… well, it was a good enough excuse…
Slowly, so as not to emit the sound of footsteps, Ryan slunk into the Changing Rooms, eager to determine the cause of Troy's apparent displeasure. And, of course, he wanted to catch a glimpse of the Golden Boy Wildcat in the raw…
Troy began panting as he became more and more horny, his mind replaying the images of Ryan's binoculars trailing him. As his hand continued to play with his now-tender nipples, each tweak raising the pleasure building in him, sweat began to form on Troy's forehead.
"Uuunnnggghhh… Ry…" Troy's eyes napped open, and he was suddenly aware of what he was doing. He was having a wink, in the Locker Room of his school, when his best friends were in the middle of a nail-biting basketball game; which would decide whether or not the Wildcats would be going through to the Championships. Having a wink, while groaning and muttering Ryan's name… boy, that's not something that he wanted a reputation for!
Ryan blinked; he could've sworn he'd hear someone mumble his own name. Cautious, he continued to approach the door of the Locker Room, while his mind conjured several elaborate scenarios involving Troy and himself.
Troy looked downwards at the perversely-bulging jock strap, and tentatively ran his finger over the very tip of the bulge, where his pre-cum had soaked the white material into a translucent pallor, and the sensations that it induced caused him to throw his head back and moan.
This time, Ryan was absolutely sure. That was a moan, and he had no doubt about it. Someone had to be in there, hurting Troy… unless… nah; Troy wouldn't do something like that? Would he?
It was driving him crazy, the illicit pleasure of the coarse material brushing against his hypersensitive glans. He needed to remove his jock strap before he released his load into them; that was one stain he did not want to have to explain to his parents! He turned his back on the entrance, and promptly removed the offending garment…
Ryan had, by a chance of fate, walked through the door at that very minute. The surprising, yet appealing, sight of Troy's marble-coloured ass, a stark contrast to the light-tan pallor of the rest of Troy's body, greeted him upon entry. Realising that this may be the only chance he would ever have to see Troy completely naked, Ryan darted behind a row of lockers, and positioned himself so that he could continue his watch on Troy without being discovered.
Troy flexed his biceps, with his rear still to Ryan's hiding place, unconsciously clenching and unclenching the muscles in his pert, dimpled buns. Ryan bit his lips to stop himself from groaning at the sight. Troy finally turned around, and Ryan nearly yelped in shock.
His penis, now erect and demanding attention, was standing tall at 6.5 inches, and it's foreskin was pulled back completely, exposing the irritated head of his phallus. Troy closed his eyes, as his hand closed around his turgid organ and began to stroke. Ryan stared, open-mouthed and dumbstruck, as the head of his dream cock grew a dark purple. Troy began to groan as he struggled to control the orgasmic ecstasy surging through him.
"Uuunnnggghhh!! Ryan…" This time, Troy didn't care that he was inadvertently moaning aloud the name of his fantasy figure, and Ryan was anything but complaining.
"Go for it, Troy…" whispered Ryan, without realising.
Troy's eyes shot open, and for what seemed like an eternity, their eyes were locked in a silent, yet informative, gaze. All the while, Troy's hand continued pumping his cock…
He threw his head backwards, let out a barely-stifled roar as his orgasm finally hit him, spraying white, teenaged cum everywhere. Globs of his load hit his defined abs, his raw nipples, his collarbone, and Ryan…
Both looked at the drops of cum staining Ryan's ivy-green silken shirt, then at each others faces, and this was all it took for Ryan to finally spurt, sending load after load into his deep-red thong, his eyes never leaving Troy's.
After both had come down from their post-orgasmic bliss, they couldn't look at each other anymore, embarrassed by their own actions. Ryan borrowed Troy's jacket to cover his shirt, and left, stopping only to look over his shoulder at an ambiguously smiling Wildcat Golden boy.
To Be Continued...
I thought that I'd write a new story, as I contemplate how to continue my main one. This started off as a oneshot fetish-fic, but I decided to expand it.
As always, please read and review.
And a personal shout-out: FallingWithGrace! Thank you for helping me learn to become a better writer! x
A little teaser of what's to come in Chapter Two: Ryan's turn to play! Emotions are aroused while rehearsing!
Blessed Be,
Joey -x-