Title Swimming at the Snider Farm

Summary It was the end of the game of tug-of-war. And it was the end of his restraint. Slash! Luke/Noah.

Rating M

Comments This is my first slash fic as well as my first ATWT fic, so reviews would be great! The rating is just because I am paranoid.

Last Warning This is slash (a gay pairing) rated M. If this makes you uncomfortable of offended, kindly remove yourself from my fic. If not, enjoy. Thank You.

Going swimming with Noah. Luke knew from the start that this was a bad idea. He had a hard enough time restraining himself around his friend fully clothed and in public, let alone being alone with him topless and soaking wet, revealing even more of his gorgeous body. Of cores, it wasn't as if there was anything for Luke to have to imagine after the hotel room incident in Branson. And Luke had imagined it. Time and time again alone in his room Noah's naked body had served as his favorite masturbation fantasy. But that's all Luke thought of it; a wonderful fantasy, and maybe a bit of beautiful torture.

Tonight Luke had for once let himself relax round his crush a little. They talked about work and even had a heart-to –heart about family. Luke had never felt so close to anyone as he did to Noah, and he had never felt so close to Noah as he did tonight, emotionally, and now physically. A playful game of tug-of-war with a towel had accidentally resulted in Luke being pinned by Noah against the counter. For a moment Luke's heart stopped. Here he was, his and Noah's faces inches apart and his arm around the man of his dreams. He had been wishing for this moment sense he had met Noah, and he was frozen.

The feel of Noah's hot breath on his face gave Luke goose bumps as well as a hard-on. He was sure with their bodies practically touching that Luke cold feel it. In a matter of seconds, Luke was forced to process a million thoughts at once before this moment ended. Oh my god, can he feel that? Is it going to be awkward between us after this? Damn, he is so beautiful and I've wanted him for so long! This could be my chance. My one and only last chance.

It was his last chance. In the dead silence, one word shattered the air.


His name spoken in Noah's voice was the final straw. It was the end of the game of tug-of-war, not only with the towel, but with his own emotions. And it was the end of Luke's restraint. Luke grabbed the back of Noah's head by his hair and pulled his face to his own, and their mouths crashed together in furious passion. Luke pulled their bodies together as he mimicked what he wanted their bodies to do inside of Noah's mouth.

After only a few seconds, Noah pushed himself away and looked at Luke like he was looking as an ax murderer. For what seemed like forever, they just stood there starring at each other, Luke looking startled and Noah looking terrified.

Luke's voice cracked when he finally spoke. "Noah, I'm…"

"Don't say it," Noah interrupted.

"No, Noah, I didn't mean to…"

In the middle of Luke's sentence, Noah stepped forward and kissed Luke, hard, strong, and desperate, just as Luke had done. Luke eagerly welcomed the kiss and embraced the long-time object of his fantasy. But now, as he stood there against the counter making out with Noah, he realized that it didn't have to be just a favorite masturbation fantasy anymore, that it could be real, a romance. He had never had a real relationship before, but now he had the possibility of finally having the man of his dreams.

Maybe going swimming with Noah wasn't a bad idea.