Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying summer!! I know I sure am!

Anyways, just as a note, it would be greatly appreciated if some of you who are reading the story would REVIEW. Even if it is just a few words I want to know what everyone's thoughts are. Maybe, some of you are dutifully opposed to reviewing and don't want to break your review-less streak? That is fine, PM me what you think! I won't tell anyone!!

Thanks so much for reading!!

So without further adieu... this is...

An Angel In Hell

Chapter 19

Always remember, even when the sun is setting for you

its rising for someone else.

Edward and I ran through the trees, our feet making no noise at all, as they barely brushed the earth's surface. I could hear his easy breathing beside me and tried to keep mine in sync. We are safe. We are safe. He is right here. We are safe. We are together. My mind repeated over and over as we ran, it was like a chant inside my head keeping me sane. Keeping my body from crumpling into a ball and shaking from the fear I had just experienced about the possibility of losing him.

His pace slowed dramatically suddenly as we approached the very outer limits of the town's forest. I slowed and looked back at him, questioning with my eyes as he came to a complete stop. His eyes were confused and unfocused as they looked from side to side. "Edward?" I asked stepping towards him. "Edward, is there something wrong?" I was almost close enough to touch him when his eyes shifted to me, panic and pain evident there. "Edward, tell me what's wrong," my voice shook as he threw his head back and screamed in pain. "Edward!" I yelled placing my hands on either side of his face and stroking his tensed cheeks with my thumbs. For a second his eyes met mine and I could plainly see the begging in his gaze.

His strong form crumpled to the forest floor, bringing me wrapped around him, with it. He clawed at his chest and shoulders and I tried my best to hold him amazingly strong arms down. "Edward! Tell me what's wrong! Tell me what's happening!" I pleaded, screaming and breaking into the sobbing mess I had held off for the hours this situation had been brought upon us. His eyes met mine again this time holding only distress.

"It h-urts!" he screamed, his words broken, and his body went rigid in my arms. The image of memory sprang to my mind of his torturous three days of being changed. This very situation seemed all too eerily similar. "Bella!" My name came out as a shaky plead as he twisted in obvious pain. I searched every inch of his body but there were no cuts, no wounds, no bites, nothing. Sobs wracked through my chest watching this. There was nothing I could do if I had no idea what it was torturing him so.

"Edward, please tell me what's wrong!" I begged my voice pathetic and shaking. A menacing yet tinkling laugh came from the trees beside us. I sprang to my feet and stood in a crouch above Edward scanning the brush thoroughly. "Who's there?!" I yelled into the thick foliage. Another laugh echoed against the giant trees.

"Amazing isn't it, Isabella? The strength of some of our powers?" A figure emerged from the line of trees. I realized much to my relief that Edward's screaming had stopped for now, and he rested behind me. The creature was relatively small, maybe only gracing five feet, and was covered in a faded black cloak with a hood that covered dark brown hair and a face of a child much too innocent looking for the torment she provided. Small pale hands grasped the sides of her cloak hood and pulled it to her shoulders; bringing to light every detail of a face I knew I had seen before. Staring directly at me with vividly red eyes was Aro's favorite guard, one who had sat next to his feet the day I was granted permission to leave. "You were able to stop Felix from retrieving you and keeping you for his own, as was his intention. When did you learn to control it so well?" she paused momentarily, "It took me years to control mine perfectly." Her eyes flitted to Edward behind me and I crouched lower in front of him. When she spoke again her tone was amused, "But as you can see, I too eventually developed perfect command." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward shift and curl into a ball a slight groan coming from his lips.

"Please stop. Please he has nothing to do with this." I begged her as Edward curled up in pain.

"Well if I can't use it on you, I had to show you some way." She smiled and raised her dangerous gaze from him, silencing the pained mumbles making my stomach clench, her delicate yet full lips spread showing the rows of perfectly white and dangerously sharp teeth, coated with the fluid that coursed through my body as well. The red irises danced as she looked at me and recognized the anguish his pain made me endure.

"I do not think we were ever properly introduced," her voice was strikingly high and sweet for the devilish glint that sparkled in her disturbing eyes. "Although, I know almost everything about you Isabella." She looked at me through a rim of thick and dark eyelashes. "You are a very popular subject in Volterra if you didn't know. Everyone is anxiously awaiting your arrival." Her tone was mocking now, no longer sweet, but holding an edge of disgust and anger. "But now…" she trailed off momentarily, stepping forward just slightly but enough to make my whole form tense again in front of him. "What would happen if an accident were to happen on the way there? A simple misunderstanding of sorts? Aro would be disappointed, surely. But I am positive he would eventually get over it, with my help and support of course. Just a little slip and oh no! You were gone…" Her gaze had slipped to the ground in the middle of her ominous speech and quickly snapped back up when she finished, locking on me as she smiled again, this time a barely audible growl rolling from her lips. It took less than a millisecond for my body to be atop hers. Snapping, ripping, thrashing on the forest floor. She was surprised for a moment but recovered too soon for me to do much damage.

My teeth sunk into her marble skin quickly and ripped a line down her shoulder, earning a loud shriek from her throat. Venom pulsed into my mouth as we fought, quickly and precisely, every second something happened, every second I had to be fully aware and concentrating to keep some advantage. Our forms danced around each other, lunging, snarling. I felt her teeth slice through my palm and I yelped in pain but took the fraction of a second she was distracted to let my teeth easily bite down and rip a section from her small arm. A blood curdling scream developed from her throat as I did so. I shook with the high the fight provided and continued dissembling her into smaller pieces until she was no longer fighting back and the screams had stopped echoing between the trees and into the darkness, although I was sure they would never be expelled from my memory.

My hands shook as I looked around me. Her body was in pieces scattered in the trees, her cloak and red dress in unfixable pieces littered about. The fear mixed with the venom in my veins was less strong now and I fell to my knees. Relief swam through me as sobs escaped my chest. My body tearlessly collapsed onto the forest floor until his arms were around me, pulling me into his comforting chest, laying my head on his shoulders as I cried. His gentle voice vibrated through his chest and against my body as he spoke soothing words.

"Edward! Isabella!" I would recognize that small voice anywhere. I lifted my head on Edward's shoulder and smiled at the little girl running towards me. I opened my arms and absorbed her weight when she crashed into my hold. I tucked her into my lap and smoothed her hair as she sniffled. "I was so scared for you!" she whispered. "That.. that… Jane, she… she said all of these horrible things Isabella!" her words were rushed but she didn't seem to be able to get them out of her mouth. I nodded my head and she wrapped her small arms around my neck. Edward leaned forward and wrapped both of us in his hold; his hands meeting behind Cailien's back.

"Cailien?" Carlisle's voice came through the trees. He emerged a few seconds later, and he sighed in relief. "Thank God." He said closing his eyes and taking a slow deep breath. When he opened his eyes he looked around and noticed the damage I had done, his gaze traveled back to me and it looked incredulous. "You?.. You did this?" he choked out. Embarrassedly I nodded and looked away, I was a monster, and now he knew. "Bella, Jane is one of the most powerful Volturi guards and most definitely a favorite. I can't believe you were able to…" he trailed off. As his voice registered in my mind I realized he was astonished and thankful not disgusted as I had previously thought. "Of course, this does mean we need to leave soon. And lay low for awhile. This won't go unnoticed but we have at least a day." His thoughts were getting ahead of his mouth as he looked around. "Isabella, hurry, we need to burn these, so we can leave as soon as possible. I did as he instructed and soon we were all running back to the house away from the cloud of thick smoke that rose from the ashes of the reminisce of a threat, or perhaps a warning for the next.

Edwards's hand holding mine was the only thing keeping the sadness that seemed to be encroaching on me away. We had just moved here, just started a new life here, and it's my fault we must leave. It's my entire fault.

Thanks so much for reading!! OH AND AS A BARGAIN FOR REVIEWS: everyone that reviews gets a quote from the next chapter!!

Its a win/win situation.. :)


the author