Hey guys! i know its been ages but iv got exams and one more assignment to do so im stressing out hard!!! thanks heaps for all your reveiws and keep them coming coz i love hearing what you think! I know y'all are wanting a brucas chapter but im still building to that point so iv got a chap for the Naley lovers (i hope i do them a little bit of justice). Please review!!

"What's your problem?" Nathan asked Hayley as the lay together in bed.

"I'm sleeping," Hayley grunted.

Nathan chuckled and nudged her in the side, "Yeah right. Your mind is going five thousand miles a minute. You're watching Brooke take Jakes hand. You're watching Peyton and Lucas leave hand in hand a few moments later and you're remembering the puzzled glances we all shared once they left."

Hayley turned over and looked at Nathan, "It's not good that you know me so well."

"Yeah I do, so that counts out the affair you were imagining as well," he grinned.

"Skills will be so disappointed," Hayley retorted.

"Ha ha," Nathan rolled his eyes. "Morale of the story; stop thinking so loud Hales," he ended on a whinge.

"I can't help it. Everything just seems so upside down," she mimicked his whiney voice.

"Explain," he invited pulling her into him.

"Brooke with Jake?" She blurted out immediately sitting up and turning to face Nate.

Nate rose his eyebrows and shook his head in wonderment, placing his hands behind his head lifting it up a little to look directly at his confusing wife, "You've had a very long time to become used to it," he began slowly. "I thought you were used to it."

"I was," she faltered, "I mean I am," she shook her head and looked at her husband imploringly, "I don't know anymore, it just seems all confusing, like I've gone back to not getting it."

Nate sat up and rested back against their bed head, "Hayley, we're adults now, let's not bring back the Brucas/Leyton drama," he sighed.

"I know," she said with a little bit of a whinge, she gave a bit of a whimper and gently bashed her head against her husbands rock hard stomach, "So I've just come to the realisation that I want Brooke and Lucas back together."


"What do you mean 'No'?"

"I mean 'no', as in not a chance in hell," he said firmly, eyes narrowed.

Hayley screwed up her nose in annoyance, "You can't be serious."

"Oh I can," he assured her taking a casual sip of his glass of water placed on his bedside table, "And I am."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "That whole 'staunch' thing you think you have working is not," she answered irritably.

"She can't go there again, he's done to much," Nathan started to get a little aggravated, "AND he didn't get her last time. He doesn't deserve her."

"If I have to stop my affair with Skills you have to quit yours with Brooke you know that right?"

"It's not funny," he cut in a little less peeved.

"I know it's not," she sighed, "But come on Nate, he did love her."

Nathan started shaking his head as soon as she said the world 'love', "No he didn't, he even said that to Peyton, and he even said he wanted Peyton next to him not Brooke."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "He did not say not Brooke."

"Well he said he realised he was wrong that he wanted Peyton next to him, that definitely means instead of Brooke."

"Oh you're completely blowing that up!"

"He never trusted her, never confided in her, never went to her, and yet she was always there," Nathan argued. "Yes she was high maintenance, she was bitchy, but she had a heart of gold and was there for everyone. He never deserved her, Skills agrees completely."

"You've discussed this?" Hayley cried outraged.

"Of course I have," Nathan put up his hands to calm her down, "He can't take back what he did to her."

"But he can make up for it," Hayley argued, "and he can be better than he was."

"Oh yeah 'cause that relationship thing he's got going with Peyton really supports that…" Nathan remarked sarcastically.

"And that relationship thing she's got going with Jake really speaks highly of her too…" Hayley rejoined.

"Well it's beside the point Hales," he said quite firmly, "I don't want her going there again. And Jake's a much better guy and boyfriend than Lucas was full stop. Actually to be perfectly honest with you me and Skills were going to go see him tomorrow about it."

Hayley's eyes widened, "And that kid he had at sixteen was a real goal reacher, oh and what the hell?"

"Jenny turned out fantastic and you know it…." He sighed, "I know this sounds completely weird and six years ago I definitely would never have thought this let alone said it out loud where people could laugh at me," he gave her a 'don't you dare' look, "We – me, Skills, Mouth, and even Jake even though we haven't really talked about this at length, we love her. She's like a little sister that can look after herself and is mean to us a lot, but never the less we feel like we need to protect her."

Hayley shook her head at him, "Yeah I get it…"

"I just don't want her to go there again," he emphasized.

"She's a big girl," Hayley reassured him, "She can make her own decisions."

"Exactly, so that interfering and attempting to get Jake and Brooke to break up and Luke and her together. That's not allowed ok?"

Hayler raised her eyebrows, "And that talk with Luke you were going to have tomorrow is not allowed either ok?"


Hayley uncrossed her fingers as she slipped back under the covers and turned over to sleep, smiling to herself she planned her talk with Jake the next day. Nate watching his wife uncrossing her fingers as he more stealthily uncrossed his own and set his alarm clock for his morning basketball game/talk with the boys tomorrow. Let the games begin, he grinned to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

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