Hey! Well my plans for this story have changed. I think it's pretty much over, so I am going to end it, this is the last chapter. Thank you all for reading!!
Chapter 34
What has happened since…
Viola and Duke had been married now for six years. The wedding was all that Viola could ever imagine. It was perfect. They graduated from college and they both had steady jobs, Viola being an orthodontist and Duke being a lawyer. They were also coaching a soccer team together during the soccer season.
Sebastian and Olivia had started their restaurants, being local and around family more. They also got married a year after Duke and Viola.
Six years later…
"Mommy!!!" Viola heard from the baby monitor that was next to her sleeping body.
"Ugh…" she moaned not wanting to move. It was a Saturday morning and she wanted to sleep in but her little toddler daughter had other plans for her.
"I'll get her sweetie." Viola heard her husband say next to her.
"I'll be there in five minutes, I swear." She said closing her eyes.
Duke got up and turned the monitor off so Viola would be able to sleep in longer. He walked out of the master bedroom and went over to his daughter's room. Since they got married Viola and him had bought a house in their hometown to be close to Viola's parents and her brother. It was a little house, big enough for them and two kids. It had a back yard filled with toys so their daughter could play outside and it was also located in a neighborhood so she could ride a bike too. It was a dream house for them.
"Good morning Lexie!" Duke said to the brunette inside the crib. She looked just like her mother. She had the same brown/hazel eyes, her hair was as dark as her mothers and the facial expressions she gave off were just like her mothers as well.
"Daddy!" the little girl said with a smile. Although the looks were alike, his daughter was a morning person, just like him, which was something Viola defiantly wasn't.
"Are you ready to get ready for the day?" he asked as he let her out of the crib and placed her little feet on the carpet.
"I guess." The little girl said with a nod.
Sometimes the things she did, the things she said made him laugh.
"What color shirt do you want to wear today?" he asked.
"Green." She said as she pointed to a blue shirt. She was just learning her colors, and sometimes got green and blue mixed up.
"This is blue, can you say blue?" he asked holding the shirt out for her to see.
"Blue." She said with a proud smile.
"Good job Lexie! Ok now. Let's get dressed." He said removing her pajamas.
"I do it." she said taking the shirt away from her dad.
"Ok, go ahead." He said knowing she was as strong headed as her mother so she wouldn't be willing to back down even if he tried. He went to her dresser and picked out a pair of kaki capris to go with her springy outfit.
"All done." She stated as he turned around and saw that his adorable, one and a half year old daughter had put her shirt on backwards.
"Can I fix it?" he asked bending down to meet her level.
"What wrong?" she asked looking down at her shirt.
"Well the pretty flowers on your shirt are on your back, we need to have them on the front so everyone can see them."
"Oh, ok." She said taking the shirt off and replacing it on the correct way.
He slipped the pants on her and took a look at her, she was adorable and ever since she had been born she had taken over both his and Viola's world, they were a happy family, and he couldn't love either one of them any more than he did now.
"Can I have a morning hug and kiss?" he asked. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and squeezed as tight as she could, he did the same placing his arms around her mid section squeezing lightly, so not to crush her. She stepped back a little and gave him a quick peck on his lips.
"I love you daddy." She said with a grin.
"I love you too Lex. Let's go brush your teeth and comb your hair." He said running his hands through the mess of hair on her head.
"Race you there!" she said as she ran to the door and left the room running to the bathroom. He ran slowly behind her, which was only a little jog and made it seem like he was going to win when he backed off a little and let her enter the bathroom first.
"I win!" she said with a giggle.
"You do!" Duke said tickling her tummy making another rupture of giggles come from her.
"Stop it daddy!" she said with a giggle.
"Ok, I'll stop. But only if you brush your teeth and let me do your hair." He said getting the tooth brush ready for her and letting her brush her teeth. He then pulled out a comb and attempted to do her hair in pig tails, but it turned out looking like two bunches of hair on top of her head. He finished her hair and then helped her with her teeth, making sure to get all the important areas.
"Ready for breakfast?" he asked as they made their way out of the bathroom.
"Yep." She said with a nod.
"What do you want?" he asked as he opened the cupboard to let her see what her choices were.
She pointed to a box of cereal and he couldn't have been happier with her choice, he didn't really feel like making a big breakfast this morning.
He got took the cereal out and got out a bowl.
"Where's mommy?" she asked loudly.
"Shh, mommy's sleeping." He said as he poured the cereal in then poured milk over it.
He picked the little girl up and carried her over to her high chair and placed her in it, tying her bib around her neck and setting her breakfast down.
"Mommy!" she screamed happily as she saw the older version of her enter the room.
Duke turned around to see his beautiful wife standing over by the fridge. After six years of being married he still loved her as much as humanly possible and as much as he did if not more than when they met.
"Good morning my beautiful daughter! What did daddy do to your gorgeous hair? I guess I'll fix it after breakfast." she said walking over to the high chair and placing a kiss on the top of her daughters head.
"Good morning!" she said with a smile, lifting up her milky lips toward her mother for her to give her a kiss.
"Oh thank you so much for the milky kiss!" her mother said with a smile as she took a look at her daughter. "You look very cute today Lexie. Did your daddy dress you?"
"Nope. I did." She said with a happy smile.
"Really?" Viola said looking at Duke as he shook his head no, but Viola caught on. "Good job sweetie!." She said to her daughter knowing the feeling of thinking you accomplished something big, which is how Lexie felt.
"Thank you." Her daughter said as she dug her spoon in the bowl of cereal again.
"Good Morning babe." Viola said to her husband as she moved over to him, where he was making himself a bowl of cereal.
"Good Morning my beautiful wife. Did you sleep well?" he asked gazing at her.
"Very well. Thank you for taking care of her, I swear tomorrow you get to sleep in." she said grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard above her head.
"I'm going to hold you to that. It was fine really, I know you've been busy at work lately." He said moving closer to her.
"Yeah I have, but you have more work than I do." She said moving closer to him.
"Well, still. You take care of our little girl everyday after work." He said.
"True." She stated looking up at him. "I didn't get a morning kiss." She said.
"No you didn't." he said as he placed a kiss on his wife's lips, it would have gone further too if their daughter hadn't interrupted them.
"Ew!!!!!!" she screamed at them with a giggle.
Her parents looked at her and laughed, setting their own bowls of cereal on the table near their creation of a daughter and joining her in breakfast, thinking to themselves that they had everything they had ever wanted right here at this one table.
There you guys go!! I hope you liked it!! Tell me what you think about it!! I'll take anything I can get. Thank you for reading my story and reviewing this whole time. This was my first time writing a story and you all were incredible!! Please review let me know not only what you thought about this chapter but the whole story!! Thank you for reading again!!
If you are a GILMORE GIRLS fan then I have two stories out, one is called "Were they really meant to be?" the way I want things to go after the series finale. Then another one called "The Nicest thing" which is a different take on the whole Logan Rory thing, they haven't met yet at the beginning of the story! Please check them out!! Thank you again everyone!!