Below Contains Spoilers to Breaking Dawn:

Below Contains Spoilers to Breaking Dawn:


Rawr. Rawr. Rawr. Rawr. RawrRawrRawrRawr! Rawr.

Okay, so now that I have read Breaking Dawn… And Edward & Bella did have a daughter Which I put in my story specifically so it couldn't actually happen and Jacob imprinted on her again completely didn't see it coming… then one of Tanya's clan whom felt no returned love granted it was a bit of a different circumstance told the Volturi who wanted to take the daughter different reason but same concept yet again

You could say I'm a little distraught… I thought I was so original… sigh oh well…

I still love you Stephenie Meyer… You're still amazing and wonderful and all around a great writer…

I am going to continue with this story, even if it kills me. So please keep reading because I know what's going to happen but I'm battling with one of the worst cases of writer's block in the history of my life…

I know exactly what's going to happen and when… I just can't put it into words somehow. But I promise I'm trying as hard as I can… I'm so sorry I can't pump out chapters like some people. It's just hard with me because when I try to write fast my stories get rushed and crush together in a "unattractive" way so… It's for your own good people! haha.