Pet Sounds
(An Albumfiction Event by MannequIncorporated)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned below, nor do I own Brian Wilson or his majestic talent (they belong to Capitol Records).

Note: This is not only a slash fic (which, if you don't like slash, you can leave now), but also an extension of the songfic theme: that is, an albumfic. This story will follow a relationship between Marco and Craig, as set to (and encapsulated by) the album Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. As such, each chapter will follow the lyrics of its corresponding track on the album. If you don't have a copy of the album, GET ONE. It and Sergeant Pepper are the two albums every living soul should own. Every. Living. Soul. That being said, enjoy.


Track Six

Let's Go Away For Awhile

They loaded their bags into the back of the car.

It was only for a few nights, and it was only just downtown, but the little motel seemed like a million miles from their troubles.

Marco had a long weekend off school, and as Craig was in town more or less on his account, they were happy to get away and learn more about each other, making up for lost time.

The particular motel they found was run by an elderly couple who had hand-decorated each room in a different way; the room they'd chosen was called The Spirit of St. Louis, and the walls had been painted to look like a landscape. Dozens of model airplanes ranging from early bi-wings to Concorde jets hung from the ceiling, all probably hand-assembled by the old man himself.

It was perfect.

They ordered in dinner every one of those glorious three nights, not leaving the room but once every day (to get ice); they talked through the day, slept in each other's arms through the night, and kissed and touched at various intervals, whenever the moment hit them. Their happiness radiated through the walls, bringing the room around them to life in a way it probably hadn't seen in years.

And when it came time to go home, Marco pulled out a Polaroid and snapped a picture of the room as they headed out. He tucked it into Craig's duffel with a grin.

Reality beckoned them from their excursion, and as they returned to Marco's bedroom that night they relaxed in the feeling of accomplishment, in having successfully run away, in the fact that the world could still stop for two such lovers.


(a/n) - Sorry for the wait! I've been moving and doing general things and such, and it's not allowed me time to write! I should be back in the swing of things now though.