Pet Sounds
(An Albumfiction Event by MannequIncorporated)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned below, nor do I own Brian Wilson or his majestic talent (they belong to Capitol Records).

Note: This is not only a slash fic (which, if you don't like slash, you can leave now), but also an extension of the songfic theme: that is, an albumfic. This story will follow a relationship between Marco and Craig, as set to (and encapsulated by) the album Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. As such, each chapter will follow the lyrics of its corresponding track on the album. If you don't have a copy of the album, GET ONE. It and Sergeant Pepper are the two albums every living soul should own. Every. Living. Soul. That being said, enjoy.


Track One

Wouldn't It Be Nice
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong

"Everything's great between us," Marco said, although with a little less conviction than Spinner had come to expect. "I mean, it's hard being so far apart, but--" he paused a moment. "We make the best of it, you know?"

Spinner shrugged, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Whatever you say, dude. But don't forget you blamed your troubles on not having Dylan here. I mean, the sex couldn't have been that great, right?"

"You have no idea," Marco said, his eyes coming alight. "We used to--"

"Okay, hold it!" Spinner put up his hands, shaking his head. "I really don't need to hear exactly what you guys do in bed. Just like how you don't feel like hearing about the girls I sleep with."

Marco sighed. "I guess you're right." He grinned, leaning back on his dad's couch. "But it's always great. Fair enough?" Spinner nodded as Marco continued. "The best feeling in the world is falling asleep in the arms of the one you know will love you forever."

You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and sleep together

"You don't really think they'll stick it out long, do you?"

Ellie shrugged. "Not to sound like I'm not on your side, Craig, but they seem really happy together."

Craig stood up from the picnic table at the park. "You weren't there when he kissed me, El. You've got no idea--"

"I know exactly what it's like to be kissed by Marco, Craig. Unless you'd forgotten?" Ellie folded her arms across her chest. "I was kind of his girlfriend for a million years. And now," she looked pointedly at him, "I'm kind of yours, or was."

"You've got some kind of talent, you know that?" Craig let a smirk cross his lips, for just a moment. She coughed and rolled her eyes. "Just give what I said some thought," he continued, "and see if you can spot anything for me. Please?"

Ellie shook her head. "You owe me one." She crossed her legs, leaning back on the wooden bench. "How long are you in town for?"

Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through

"I mean, he's still in hockey heaven, all alone, and he never calls you." Spinner scrunched his eyebrows. "If a chick did that to me I'd consider myself dumped. No offence," he tacked on to the end; it sounded a bit tactless, if he thought about it. Which he didn't, he was Spinner.

Marco just frowned. "I know he cares about me, that he's in love with me. I know it because I trust him. And if you can't trust the one you love, who can you trust?"

"You can trust your friends." Spinner looked him in the eye. "And I know enough to tell you when you're going in circles trying to make sense out of something. So stand still for a second and see what's up, okay?" Where did all this insight come from, of a sudden? It was a mystery to him.

Happy times together we'd be spending
I wish that every kiss was neverending
Oh, wouldn't it be nice

"It just kills me to think of him fawning over Paige's brother, you know?" He coughed; it was a little cool outside. He tugged his jacket tighter around him. "He should be fawning over me; I know him a lot better than Dylan does."

Incredulity shone in Ellie's eyes. "Who the hell do you think you are?" It was an honest question. "Just because you're his friend, and you want more than that, doesn't make him an open book to you." She laughed softly. "However, in Marco's case, sleeping with him does. And Dylan's still one up in that department." More than one up, really, but who was she to drag that in?

Craig laughed back at her. "So you're saying if I want to figure Marco out, I have to sleep with him?" He blinked. "Are you saying Marco's that easy?"

"Craig!" Her eyes flashed. "Of course not! Leave it to you," she rolled her eyes again, "to bring this to a level like that."

Craig threw up his hands, playing the injured party. "I'm just trying to get what you're saying, El."

She shrugged. "I give up on you, okay?" She headed toward her car, turning her head back to him. "Maybe try actually talking to him? Take him out to lunch or something."

Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
Maybe then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
We could be married
Then we'd be happy
Oh, wouldn't it be nice

"Look, let's just check your email and see if he sent you anything. Ten bucks says he didn't." Spinner stood up, going into the kitchen to open Marco's laptop.

Marco followed quickly. "That's not fair, Spinner. He's busy." He tried to beat Spinner to the screen, and lost.

Spinner rubbed the trackpad, and the computer sprang to life. "Let's see--Inbox!" He opened the web browser. The top email's subject read 'Marco', and it was indeed from Dylan.

Marco pushed Spinner out of the way, clicking the subject quickly. The message read Marco, I love you very much, and that's why I want you to be happy-- Marco stopped reading, unable to finish it; he felt the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. I want you to be happy, he had said. Bullshit.

He heard Spinner as though from several miles away, saying "Whoa, man. I'm sorry, I--"

Marco waved him away. "Go home, Spin." The tears started falling fresh.

"You sure you're okay?" Spinner tried to look in Marco's eyes, but the smaller boy just looked away, holding back sobs.

"I'll--I'll be all right," he choked. "I just need some time alone."

Spinner nodded. "Call if you need, um, anything." Marco appreciated the gesture, but at this point was beyond Spinner's help. He just nodded as Spinner grabbed his things and headed out.

For a blissful, horrible moment, he was completely alone in his parents' house. Then he felt his leg tingling; his cell phone was ringing. He took it out of his pocket and saw that Craig was calling; against all his better judgement, he answered.

You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it
Oh wouldn't it be nice

"Marco? Are you okay?" Had Marco just been crying?

"Yeah, I'm fine," came the lie through the phone. "No, I'm not. Craig," Marco began, his voice breaking, "I'm--I'm all alone."

Craig felt his heart leap and his stomach plummet, simultaneously. "What? What happened?"

"He broke it off with me." He was crying softly, but Craig could still hear his tearful, hiccoughing gasps. "He doesn't want me, Craig," he whispered.

Craig, for his part, abandoned (most of) his selfish thoughts, and went into a state of panic for Marco's sake. "Hang tight, bud, I'm coming over. We'll go get coffee or something, okay?" Silence. "You up for that, Marco?"

"Yeah," came the reply, followed by forcedly slower, more regular deep breaths. "Yeah, that'd be great."

Craig jumped into his car. "Cool. You at your parents' house?"

"Uh-huh," Marco's voice quivered.

"All right, I'll be there in a second," Craig tried to sound soothing. "Don't do anything stupid okay? I'll be there."

Goodnight, my baby
Sleep tight, my baby
Goodnight, my baby
Sleep tight, my baby