Into the Labyrinth

Harry looked around his potions class. "….He's not here…" he whispered to Ron. Slowly they crept into the empty classroom with the invisibility cloak held tightly. "I know it has to be here…" he whispered again.

"Just forget it, Harry. It's late, I'm tired." Ron said quietly.


"Lets go!"

"You go then!"

"Fine I'll--" Ron started, then turned pale. Snape walked into his class room with his wand ready.

"Who's there?!" Snape yelled to his supposedly empty classroom.

Harry and Ron started to back into a corner. Snape ran his cold, black eyes around the room. He walked up to his desk and made sure everything was in order. Surveying the class a few more times he left and closed the door behind him.

"…That was close…"Harry breathed. "Snape almost caught us!" he said almost yelling at Ron.

" Well, he's gone! Hurry up!" He breathed back.

Harry came from underneath the cloak and walked to his seat in the potions class. "..Ugh…its not here!" he whispered to Ron.

" Maybe Snape found it." Ron said with a bit of worry in his voice.

"…no…maybe I didn't drop it here…lets check the Grand--" Harry started

"NO! Harry its gone just get a new one! You can have mine. Here." Ron said, taking of the cloak and pulling from his pocket a gold Galleon.

" Mine is different from yours!" Harry hissed, amazed by his friends unawareness.

"Oh…well have Miony make you a new one." Ron said, a little embarrassed, stuffing the coin back into his pocket.

"….Then we will have to change them all, Ron." Harry said, sounding tired. " Let's just go back. Oh, and don't tell Hermione…she will kill me if she finds out I lost it."

Ron nodded as they both went under the cloak again. They reached the door when Harry stopped.

" What?"

" Snape might be waiting for us if go out." said Harry.

" He's such a git…but I think he would have heard us talking by now." Ron said, looking nervous.

" Ya…" Harry said, slowly opening the door. Ron stuck his head a little out of the door to see if the coast was clear. " All good." he said confidently.

" Lets go…" Harry sighed"


" Why do you look so tired?" Hermione questioned the both of them, sounding a little worried.

" What? Were not tired." Ron lied, clearly trying to stop a yawn.

" Ya, were good." Harry said, trying to cover Ron's yawn as he stretched.

" Sure,…" Hermione said unmoved.

Ron looked at his plate of bacon and eggs and started to eat. Harry did the same to his.

" Harry," Hermione whispered, " when is the next DA meeting going to be? Luna has been asking me. Its been almost 2 weeks since the last one."

Harry almost chocked on his breakfast. Has it been that long? It didn't matter anyway. He didn't have a way to tell the members so, the next meeting would have to be a little late.

" Harry?" said Hermione.

" Huh?..Uhh…oh, the next, meeting will have to wait a little while longer." He said, eying Ron, " I think Umbridge might be on to us. Lets wait a couple of days."

"…oh,ok." Hermione said, satisfied with the answer she got up to leave for her first class.

Ron looked at Harry, " Nice mate! That gives us a little more time to look for it…" he said smiling, " Just hope she doesn't find out."

" Heh,…ya" Harry said finishing off the rest of his breakfast.


The next chapters will explain the title. Review please!