Red Tears

By: Rogue2193

Disclaimer: Same as before! I only own my own characters and nothing from The Covenant!

A/N: I hope you likey! Enjoy!

Scars And Kisses

(normal pov still)

Caleb had pulled up to his house and he and Brandy walked up to the front door and went in.

"Mom?" Caleb called, but got now answer. "Guess she's still at work."

Caleb lead Brandy over to the living room and sat down on the couch, next to her.

"So, what is it, B-Bear?" Caleb asked, the little nickname he had thought of, slipping out.

"B-Bear?" Brandy asked, looking at him, with a small smile.

Caleb shrugged with a grin. "Just a little nickname I thought of."

"I like it."

"Good," Caleb murmured, kissing the top of her head. "Now, what did you want to talk about?"

Brandy took a deep breath and pulled off her blazer. She then started to roll up her seleve on her left arm. (Remember that Caleb is sitting on her left)

Caleb looked on, confused. Brandy handed him her arm. Caleb took it gently and looked at it and noticed a faint scar on her under forearm. It took him a second but then he realized where he had seen something like that before. From when Pogue had used to cut himself, back when they had been 14.

"B, is this what I think it is?"

"Well, if you think it's from me cutting myself once before, then yeah..." Brandy mumbled, looking down.

"But why?" Caleb asked, looking up from her arm. He then gently took her chin and lifted it so she was looking him in the eyes.

"It's a long story..."

"I have time and it's worth it."

Brandy smiled faintly and started to tell Caleb everything. From hurting herself before, like before her and her mother had came to Ipswich and then some afterward and also about how after that night she had been raped it had been the worse and she actually had cut herself a few times. She also told how Pogue had found out and made the deal with her, that she had a week to let the other guys know or he was gonna tell.

While she talked, Caleb just listened, holding her hand gently, his thumb rubbing back and forth softly and his other arm was wrapped around her protectively.

By the end of her tale, Brandy felt emotionally drained and she leaned against Caleb, feeling safe and protected. Caleb tightened his grip on her and held her close to him. He leaned down and buried his face in her neck. They stayed like that for a few moments, just holding each other.

"You know, no matter what, I'm not gonna let you ever cut or hurt yourself again, right?" Caleb murmured, his face still pressed against her neck.

Brandy nodded. "I know."

"Good." Caleb kissed her neck lightly, sending shivers throughout Brandy.

Caleb kissed up to her jaw, then kissed her cheek, then kissed her eyelids, he kissed her nose next and then her pressed his lips against hers.

(A/N: Just a warning, there's a small little make out coming next! If you don't like it, then skip, kay? I'll rate it a PG.13 lol)

Brandy returned the kiss, not really noticing that she was unconsciously, leaning backwards, so she was laying down on the couch. Caleb was now leaning over her, making sure to not, crush her. He started to kiss her neck again, as Brandy wrapped her arms around his neck. Caleb's hand went down to her hip, gently caressing her as it moved. When it got to it's mark, it stayed there and his thumb started to gently rub small little circles there on her. His other hand moved to the back of her neck, holding her and pulled her close as he kissed her.

Caleb returned his lips to hers and lightly licked the bottom of her lip. Brandy opened her mouth as Caleb's tongue pushed inside and gently tasted her. Their tongues battled, with Caleb's winning and the kiss got deeper and hotter. One of Brandy's hands went and ran through Caleb's hair and the other went down his strong arm and grasped it, as if she needed something to hold, so she wouldn't fall.

It was no telling how long that could have went on, or how far it would have went, if right then Evelyn Danvers hadn't came home then.

Caleb heard the car, but it didn't register right then. It was only when he heard the front door open and close did it make sense. His mom was home. He jerked back from Brandy quickly, as Brandy fumbled to sit up.

Evelyn walked in and the first sight that greeted her was something she only had ten little words for, to describe how her son and the young girl she had never met, looked.

'They look like two teenagers that were almost caught making out.'

Okay, so it was eleven, not ten but anyway...

"Hello Caleb," Evelyn greeted with a amused smile.

"Hello Mother," Caleb nodded, trying not to show that his heart was racing and he could barely keep his breathing steady. He also was trying not to blush, cause he could tell, his mom knew what they had been doing.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" Evelyn asked.

"Uh yeah... Mom, this is Brandy, Brandy this is my mother."

"Nice to meet you, dear."

"It's nice to meet you too, Ma'am."

Evelyn smiled kindly at the young girl. She could tell she was nervous. But Evelyn wondered one thing... What about Sarah? Oh, well, she'd have to ask later. "I'll leave you two alone now."

Once his mother was out of the room, Caleb gave a small sigh of relief. "That was close."

Brandy nodded. "Yeah," she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Caleb asked. He found himself smiling at her laugh and he just wanted to keep her laughing.

"You looked as if you were fixing to die or something," Brandy laughed.

Caleb laughed. He had no doubt he probably looked like that, but he didn't care. "Oh, really? Hmm, well you looked scared half to death."

"Yeah, well I really wanted to meet my boyfriends, mother after she caught us on the couch, making out," Brandy pointed out.

Caleb shrugged, "Well, she didn't. Now if I may..." He joked lightly, leaning over and kissing her neck.

Brandy closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him.


Caleb had taken Brandy home, but he couldn't help but wish she could have stayed with him. He now was finishing up some math work, as there was a knock on his door.


In came his mom. "Hello, sweetheart."

"Hey, mom."

"So... what's going on with you and Brandy, hmm?" Evelyn asked, raising a eyebrow at her son.

Caleb ran a hand through his hair. "Well, mom... we're dating."

"What about Sarah?"

"You know the whole story, that every convent sons, meets his true love or someone close enough to it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Sarah was my 'someone close enough' and Brandy is my true love."

"Ah. Have you talked to Sarah, about her keeping the convent a secret?"

Caleb looked away from his mother's eyes. "Uhhh... no?"

"Caleb," Evelyn sighed. "You need to."

"I will! I promise, okay? It just kinda slipped my mind, alright?"


Caleb glanced at his clock and saw it was almost 6:20. He had to change from his school clothes to some other clothes, to go to Nicky's. "Hey, mom, I gotta change now, 'kay? Going to Nicky's with everyone tonight."

"Alright. Be careful, Caleb."

"I will." Caleb promised.

If only Caleb had a idea of just how dangerous things were gonna be getting very soon.

At The Garwin Mansion

Mrs.Garwin was reading a book. A very special book on how to trap, witches and warlocks. She would every few minutes, stop and draw on the floor, making a circle, that was supposed to hold the witch or warlock.

There was a knock at the door and she covered the circle, back up with a rug and hid the book under a the mattress.

"Yes? Come in," she said, with a smile as if she hadn't been doing something wicked.

Reid's blond head poked in. "Just letting you know, we're heading to Nicky's now, kay, Tamyra?"

Tamyra nodded her head. "Okay, Reid. You and Brandy be careful, alright?"

"We will. Bye."

"Bye," Tamyra smiled and wiggled her fingers in a wave. The smile was gone as soon as Reid closed the door, to go with Brandy out to his car.

Tamyra sighed and grabbed the book out again and started once more. She might as well let her daughter have some fun now. They wouldn't be here much longer.

With Reid And Brandy

Reid was leading the way out to his car. Yes, he had a car. But it had been taken away from him, when he got not one, not two, but four speeding tickets and had a very small crash, knocking out a light.

Reid turned on the light in the garage, making the Garwin family cars, come into view. Reid headed over to his, with Brandy following.

It was a sleek, shiny black corvette. Reid got in the drivers side and Brandy slid into the passenger side.

Reid cranked the car and pulled out and off they were. Reid of course, poured on the speed and turned the music it loud. He might as well, celebrate, since he got his car back and also that his birthday was one week away.

A/N: HEHE! How'd you like it?! LOL I told you who the 'new girl' is! LOL I bet a lot of you thought, it'd be a new student, huh? xD Hehe! And know the only people, Brandy has to tell about her hurting herself, are Reid and Tyler! That's gonna be fun lol and ooh what's gonna happen at Nicky's? Stay tuned to find out! Review peeps!